Tuesday, December 04, 2012

White Gold

ever since we've tried it 3 yrs ago, we cant help but spend our fortune to induldge in the fungi goodness every oct - dec.
this yr's white truffles season is abit later than previous ones.
bad harvest due to bad weather conditions.
this made the truffles even MORE expensive than previous yrs.
demand vs supply.
go figure.
no matter. we still made reservations at our fav restaurant to really "infuse" ourselves silly w the perfumy white truffles.

 baby look pretty w her new hairdo.
 sniff sniff....u smell xmas already?

 deco at our table looked real.
 i was sick that day. down w terrible flu after my biz trip. look at my swollen face. sigh.

 baby is always happy to b here.

 look at the gadgets. v serious stuff. weighing scale, shaver.....
 look at the beauties. these will easily cost u about few thousand dollars. just these few pieces. did i mention that they have a certficate for the truffles here? flew all the way from italy.
 our truffles. covered n protected. baby n i were v excited (cos we were the oni ones whom were having truffles. we nd to reserve in advance de hor....), kept posing n smelling n whispering, but dun dare to open the glass to touch them.....until valentino's sister, perla, came n tease us "dun worry, these r yours, nobody is going to steal them."  n opened the glass for us to touch the truffles. hehe. so sua ku. but the truffles really created a layer of "perfume" on our fingers. we can really smell it even after we put them back onto the plate.

 mama mia!
 we really dun hav mood for the foccacia served to us. its crispy n warm n fluffy, but our hearts r set on the truffles.

 this pc on my hand cost abt 150 bucks. no kidding.
 our v handsome italian server shaving the truffle onto the eggs. duno whether baby was staring at him or the truffles.
 a simple sunny side up w fresh porcini mushrooms n of cos, white truffles. truffles r good frens w eggs, so, this is a good combi to taste the real goodness of truffles. my oh my. the truffles literally "break" as u bite, n BOOM! ur mouth, ur tongue, ur palate is immediately infused w the white truffle fragrance. the mouth became the mixing chamber for the different layers of flavours brought out by the egg white, the egg yolk n the white truffles. at 1st, u taste it individually, then, it became like an orchestra of flavours, all in harmony, working together to bring out the best of flavours.....then, "solo" performance by the truffles.n it goes on, n on, n on, n on...... 

 dun understand the taste? think mushroom x 20 times. intense intense.
 look at baby. she was so so excited when roberto shaved (n really non-stop shaving) the truffles onto our risotto.
 when i saw this, i tot i was having oatmeal porridge w cornflakes. i mean, look at it.
 look at the amt of truffles on top!!!! wah lau eh, literally cover the whole plate!!!! n i tell u, this dish is like.....brought us to heaven. the warm risotto brought out the fragrance of the truffles. so much so that when we put one spoonful into our mouths, me n baby opened our eyes so big, the eye balls threatened to drop out of the socket. it was followed by orgasmatic moaning. yes, this is food orgasm at its best. the experience is the best ever. the truffles, the cheese, the porcini, the rice.....words cant describe the feeling. its like assault to the senses. it keeps coming back, throwing punches to ur face. the flavours exploded continuously in ur mouth.

 by the time this dish came, baby n i were giddy w truffle love. this is the braised pork ribs w cabbage. v nice n tender pork w the sweetness of the cabbage. v nice, but pales in comparison w the wonderful pork chop we had here few weeks ago. i noe, its unfair. this dish is good. but well, when u had the best......give me the pork chop anytime!
we've decided to end the meal w a light dessert. the lemon sorbert is awesome. no ice crystals. smooth n tangy lemon sorbert. clean ur palate after the heavy meal.

damage to the pockets?
this meal cost about 500 plus bucks.
singapore dollars.
we gulped down abt 350 dollars worth of truffles.
talk abt white gold.
btw, my flu recovered after the meal.
the truffle got healing power.

we can still taste the truffles after the meal.
burp truffle breath. *burp*

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