Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Mum and Dad's Birthday - Start of FEASTING Season

it was dad n mum's bday b4 i went japan.
sis decided to call the shots n bring them to a korean bbq restaurant.
big mistake yo.
the plc was small n cramp. food was ok. dad n mum had a culture shock of their lives.hahaha

 dad n mum looked lost.
 pork is tasty yo. the yellow stuff at the rim of the grill is actually egg. yummy yum.
 mum happily (not) cooking. (she kao beh n ask, y muz she cook when she is outside, yet she snatched the thongs from us n cook the meat. wtf)
 yummy juicy meat.
 ordered this awesome cake from kki.
booze of cos. this ice wine is superb.

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