Friday, September 21, 2012

The Beginning or The End?

the end of an era marks the beginning of another?
seem to b that way....
it happens everywhere, in many many forms.

baby n i went for 《寶島一村》last weekend. best 舞台劇 i've watched. ever.
屈中恆was great. total epic performance. the other performers were great too. they've made us part of their village, infusing the 眷村spirit into our hearts. 賴聲川(director/producer) is great! i mean, hw can u make audiences stay put for a 3 hr show wout feeling bored n tired?
witty lines, great acting. nt too weepy, yet it touches your heart fully.
awesome show. *standing ovation*


 they even gave out buns after the show!!!! 3 hrs show, all of us were hungry after that. buns were gone within seconds.

buns nt enuff for me n baby. went to max brenner for waffles. yummy.

 went to check out the new store at orchard central.

 wanted to hav dinner at the store but the food there looks mediocre, so we went to our all time fav ootoya.

 dessert! new cafe at wisma.

ok. i am nt a fan of bread, but the bread here taste great! do give it a try!

duno whether its my mind power or wat.
my jap VP was recalled bk to japan.
for good.
we were quite happy abt it though.
end of an era. but will there b a new beginning? i doubt. but well, we c hw it goes ba......

 this plc was a church previuosly. deco v nice.

 appetiser. crab w apple and tarragon, balsamic reduction and yuzu sauce. too big portion. we were half full after this.

this quail is awesome. tender n flavorful. yum yum. the char had no taste though. maybe shd pair w diff veg.
 tsk. this is aquired taste. monkfish w bourride sauce. u ask me what?
the sauce is made from fish stock, add garlic, onion, blah blah blah. think lobster bisque + butter. v weird taste w the monkfish. fish taste bland, suce too rich. dun match well at all. its like tasting two separate dishes. i noe it is classic to prepare la bourride like this....but.....hmmm.....
 on the other hand, the wagyu beef tasted awesome. tender, juicy, w the mushroom sauce. v nice.
 summer berries w sherbert. i hate berries.
 cappuccino. ok lor.

 kaypo-ing during dinner.
i wun spend my $$$ on this. heng its company dinner.
service is good though. but i think nt worth my 98 ++ bucks for this 4 course dinner.
i rather go for my yakitori. cheap n nice.

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