Friday, August 24, 2012

Updates B4 i go japan + Failed Souffle Mission

met M&C for dinner dat day.
went for cheap n good food.
happy. save alot $$$.
getting cheapskate recently. no choice. nd to save $$$.

 my v cheap n big steak. steak was ok. but the sauce.....hmmm....cant complain much though. v cheap steak already. i am happy with this. 

 baby's v flavorful pork chop. this is good.

we hav been playing w the camera effects recently. look at this pix n the next one.
 perhaps i shd play w the effects nxt time.
table too small too much food.
 i hav been thinking abt making souffle for a long long time. but dun hav the courage to. last week, its a do or die for me. cos i will b going to japan to visit my senseh for cooking lessons (he came to singapore few mths ago to teach me cook. i asked him abt souffle). i nd to show him the souffle (i made) pix, if nt, he wun teach me nxt time.....crap.

 1st attempt failed. oven nt hot enuff.
 2nd attempt failed. nt risen enuff.
 this was the 5th attempt. risen enuff, but inside nt v cooked yet. failed. we tried for at least 7 times b4 we got it rite. n yes, we ate 4 souffles. others were given to the sis who cant stop eating. eh, v v difficult to make souffle leh....if nt, y they sell so ex......

 i hav to tell u guys abt this. this is our new hunt. nth new to many really. its a korean restaurant which recently opened in NEX.they hav another one in raffles too. i love their spicy tofu soup. i must hav it almost every 2 weeks. my comfort food. other dishes were pretty good too. do give them a try!

 this is my bed at the beginning of the EPL season. go Man U go!

 went to hav our fav chong qing grilled fish for lunch over the weekend. this mapo tofu is zingy!
 nice fish. close to those i had in beijing.
 baby n i after a company event last nite.
this bloody "poster" is right behind my cubicle nw. my colleagues made them n went to support us last nite. v fun. i enjoyed the performance. thank u for the support.

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