Monday, January 12, 2009

Photo Gallery + updates

ok, this post has been lagging since early oct.
too lazy to upload the pix.
maybe this is karma. dats y my memory card spoil in taiwan (although its nt THIS card).
my old cam muz b angry w me, so cursed my new cam.
ignore me. i am crazy.

anyway, here's the pix from oct.

French Food Gala

baby n i went to a french rest for dinner to celebrate our anni.
well, i muz say its over rated n over charged.
sickening shit.
i rather spend my money on yakitori. *wink wink at baby*

this is the duno wat salad w goat's cheese (pardon me, it has been mths. i forgot the name liao)
super big plate n super salty. eeek.

apparently, baby was not v receptive to the cheese. look at her face.

super big serving of foie gras. yes, the serving is big, but its nt dat tasty though. overcooked, slightly burnt. nt nice.

giant bowl of onion soup. ok la, so so.

baby tot her main course looked nice. end up, tooooooo dry n salty (i think its pork)

at least my duck breast is decent. acceptable.
dessert - raseberry shebert in champagne
the bill burnt a big hole in my pocket.
abt 300 bucks.
for this kind of lousy food.
nt mentioning dat we need to walk a fair bit b4 we find the plc.
since we were so traumatised by this incident, we've decided to go for our long time fav french food instead.
at least, quality can b trusted.
we went the french stall in dec to "reward" ourselves (or is it nov??? haha, old liao)
foie gras cooked w spinach drenched in the goodness of the foie gras n balsamic vinegar. yum yum. i love the foie gras here. nt overcooked, soft n moist inside, melts in ur i need to go on?
this humble looking french onion soup is 1000 times better than that we had at the previous rest.
baby's main dish. erm, duno wat chicken.
my all time fav lamb chop w grilled brinjal and potatoes. yum yum.
at least, we all satisfied here.


the reason y baby looked so happy is......
ta dah....her choc souffle. one of the best i've ever tasted.

well, i still love my good old tiramisu. all time comfort food.

i hav to tell u dat i really feed my baby well.
u can ask her.
we hav been eating n eating n eating since we r together.
Burger Making Session
i've decided to make my porky burger as lunch on weekend.

toasted bun w super sized patty (pork, marinated n pan fried w onions), tomatoes n cheese. well, i am quite proud of it though. taste great. juicy patty. yum.

one satisfied customer

this is a grouchy customer reject my request for a photo

baby: oh, y so big ah? hw to eat?

c, i told u its tasty liao.

High Tea
besides gluttony at hm, baby n i put in alot of effort to hunt for the best food around (hahaha).
we went high tea at goodwood park one weekend (yeah my fav).
baby's plate. cautious eater.
my plate. super kiasu n hungry. these r all the best food there. sausage w bacon n cheese, foie gras terrine, honeydew w parma ham.....wat else can u ask for??? v v v yummy. i had like 6 servings of these.

another round w my fav scones w blotted cream n jam. yum!!!

baby eating her ice-cream. i tell u, she was v v v v full at this pt. this explains her rigid smile.

v full liao still kena forced to take pix. haha.

My cosy bday
if u ask wat i did for my bday, here's the ans to ur quest.

yeah, we ATE again!!! haha. i requested for a mala hotpot lunch. i love the hotpot from chong qing. n well, lunch is def cheaper. muz save money.

baby went to my hse after dat. i was half asleep, while she JUST WOKE UP. hahaha.

my bday cake. plus special performance by baby. hahaha. sorry folks, for me oni.
My Best Friend's Wedding
we hav been waiting for this moment for a long long time.
finally, the event was held at the yatch club on 4th Jan.
it was by the bay n swimming pool, v cosy n classy arrangements. one of my dream wedding scenerio. it was nt too warm, w wind blowing onto our face.
baby n i camwhoring. who wouldn't? its so beautiful out here.
joilin look-alike. score is zero. cos dun hav G nai.....OOPPPSSSS......
"Forever Cheese" w ann
the big-small-eyes combi. my eyes one big one small, kerrin oso. aiyo, she is a splitting image of her daddy.
i was dancing w kerrin, while she sang along w the tune. but i think i sway around too much. she was dying to "kick" away from me when she saw her mum. ahahahaha. giddy.
i tried to grab the melachony declan into this pix. he refused to give me any attention. bleh.
baby: come, jie jie carry
Kerrin: who is this big head auntie??? (apparently, kerrin was oni interested in baby's cap)
big eyed baby w big head auntie (da tou guai)
i was trying to blow bubbles to cheer the babies up. but i think i oni mamnge to impress one baby who apparently took this pix.
a grouchy reynard after changing his soaking wet clothes. he was scolded by his dad for playing at the pool.

me n the bride.

baby, me n the bride.

i had many pix which i can't upload.
weird man.
i will try again.
meanwhile, this will b all.
pls pray n cross ur fingers dat my taiwan pix can be saved.

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