Thursday, June 28, 2007

My old bones

i'm playing the waiting game w my suppliers and e diff govt bodies from overseas n spore nw.
so abit free nw.
thats y can blog.
i bet i will b busy like hell nxt week, cos big boss coming bk, alot of decisions will b made then.
n my warehouse audit nxt week!!!!

anyway, went to the UK funfair (nt i wan one hor) w M, C n HZ last nite.
nearly puked on the ferris wheel.
stupid thing kept swaying in mid-air. lousy shit.
n tried out the bumble car (spelling?). i tell u, u shd c the fierce look on C's face. xiao char bor.
she's out to kill me.
kept bumping to my car, until i suffered from a backache now.
old bones aching.
but well, had a good time laughing though.
it was fun.
muz come out more often la.
i need to adjust my lifestyle bk to normal.
oh ya, some good news to share.

thks to my dear colleague, S.
i'm saved.
but ah, nobody will b in office on monday la.
cos they claim time off mah.
which is good too.
can slack abit.

aiyo, my back is really aching man.
damn it.
no more vigourous activity for the old one this week.
so, go UK funfair urself.
its in bishan.

meanwhile, i hav to call HSA now.
their website kept hanging.
damn it.

Edited 1600 hrs: darn it. happy too soon. i need to come bk on sat. ta ma de

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Damn tired

long time no blog!!!
well, one of my colleague is on leave, so i hav to take over her stuff for a few days.
damn freaking busy.
anyway, HZ n i went for a buffet dinner at marriots on sat.
i can oni say that its over charged.
too ex for that kind of fare.
nice desserts though.
n of cos, i had my oysters!!!!
but nv break record la.
i ate oni 19.
my record?
looking forward to break dat record.

i crave for my wanton mee though.
but i dun think i hav any chance to eat it this week.
hav to freaking work on sat as well.
n i heard dat i need to stay until 12 plus (midnite) on fri.
my god.
we shall c hw.

anyway, i need to go chill out man.
hey babes (u noe who u r), when ah?
muz wait for yx to come bk i supposed.
call me call me.

ok, back to work now. although boss is nt here.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Very tired

well well.
i hav been feeling v v tired after work lately.
maybe its an indication that i've been using my brain during work.

anyway, i LOVE my new job.
the job scope is interesting, the colleagues r so fun to b with.
these ppl r so funny.

ppl whom noe me well will noe that it is v difficult to impress me/gain my respect for them.
besides my parents n grandparents, the oni ppl i really really respect was one of my ex-colleague n one of my mdis classmate whom went thru the degree course during her pregnancy.
well, there is one addition to the list today.
i'm damn impressed by my new colleague ,S.
damn power man.
i've nv seen a person so patient, loved his job so much, so energetic, so motivated.
i'll b crazy if i were him.
he is one of our so-called "consultant" whom deals w all the pdt feedback, customer complaints n enquiries.
he toked for non-stop today.
n i mean non-stop.
phone call keep coming in from around 9am.
followed by streams n streams of customers whom came to our place.
one of the customer even stayed for like 2 hrs juz for consultation.
n if u think S is juz doing his job, u r wrong.
he really cared for the ppl.
i heard from some of my colleagues that S turned teary when he told them abt one of the customer whom cant really stop eating, but desperately wanted to loose weight.
he really cared for them.
n at the end of the day, he still can tok to ppl w high energy level.

my god.
i cant tell u hw i felt.
damn power.
i really respect this man.
damn pro.

anyway, i will need to work until midnite nxt weekend (fri + sat).
so, pray for me.
i need energy.
i think i need to learn from S.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My new job

Many of u will b asking
hw's my new job.
pretty cool i can say. despite the fact that i hav to take the stupid NEL.
the ppl r juz so "violent".
anyway, will load some pics of my picnic last week if i'm free ltr.
n the story of my free coffee bean bfast on sunday morning/noon.
rite nw, its work again.
i reached the office at 9am, n there was no one here.
i will b ltr tmr, c hw.
anyway, will update ltr.
stay tunned.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

U wun wan to noe anyway

today is my "official" 3rd day at hm.
the reason for me nt to blog these few days is.......
i hav a boring life.
i'm sure u wun wan to read abt hw i do hse work, hw i clean my rm, hw i hang the clothes, etc.
boring rite?

i was cleaning my "store" rm (yes, hse work) yesterday, n i found a bagful of letters my pals wrote to me long long time ago.
i took out one n read it.
it was from C, in 18th oct, 1997.
almost 10 yrs ago.
we were in poly then.
reading smth 10 yrs ago really gave me a weird feeling.
the feeling that.....i'm old.
n i've realised that no matter hw much aperson can change, the basic personality wun.
she's still v much the same person nw.

juz an update of my boring life.
will hav my piano lesson today.
tiramisu day tmr (yes, i'm going to make it tmr)
picnic on fri.
cant wait for fri.

but i feel nervous already. for my new job that is.
nevertheless, i'm still looking forward to it.

Friday, June 08, 2007

My last day

today will b my last day w sfi.
i can oni say.........................
i cant wait to leave!!!!
however, i hav to admit that i'm in a comfort zone rite nw, w v nice n competent staff, routine work.
that makes me abit scared the start a new job.
but hey!! we hav to move on, rite?
things have to change too, since i've invested so much on my studies, i cant wait to put it into good use.
i'm pretty excited abt the new job too.
new environment, new industry, new (n all beautiful) ppl.
btw, many of u r asking me abt my new job.
well, i will b working in science park 1, in a health supplement/weight loss company, as a regulatory officer.
i love the job scope. includes liasing w health authorities in different countries.
did i tell u that i went thru 3 rounds of interview for it?
n the total time they took to interview me was like 5hrs?
yes, its THIS long.
i tot i was going for a CEO job.

anyway, that will b my focus nw.
i will work like a bull form now onwards.
pray for me ppl.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Service standards

my recent trip to HK makes me wonder.
when can our service stds b like them?
nt even 20% of it i think.
the service stds i've experienced in HK was exceptional.
even those normal small retail shops hav stds that r way better than any of the shops in spore.
in HK, they greet u once u stepped into their shop. they will ask u to browse thru watever u like, saying things like " 慢慢看,慢慢选", n they will update u of the new promotion they have, the new stocks they have, hw many diff colors for the designs u like, etc.
they dun follow u all the way, but will b prompt to answer ur request n enquiry if u hav any.
in singapore?

n the best service i've experienced for this trip will b that from (i hate to say it) giordano.
no kidding.
the staff were all polite (consistent for all branches), can communicate in at least 2 languages (i tried to speak eng n mandarin), n they r really v knowledgable abt their pdts.
they even hav a ear piece n walkie talkie each so that they can communicate w their colleagues to check the new stock the customer wants wout leaving the customer.
power rite.
they even tell u their name when u try out the clothes, so that they can serve u better n attend to u fast shall u hav any problems w the clothes.
good rite?

i was in this outlet(lan kwai fong, i think. dun quite rem) where there was this stupid cantonese auntie (ok, the whole hong kong speaks cantonese), wanting to try some pants.
ok, the staff helped her to choose the size n helped her to the dressing room.
after a while, the stupid auntie began to shout in the dressing room, saying that the stupid size doesnt fit her, wanted to change the size.
ok, fine. the staff (her name is suki. apparently the auntie shouted so loudly that the whole shop knew her name by then) "walkie talkie" her colleague, asking for another bigger size. it took quite a while, n the auntie is getting impatient. so, suki went to look for it herself.
the auntie waited for a few minutes, nv c suki, started to create a scene in the dressing rm.
i was waiting for HZ to try her pants, so i was near the dressing rm.
i can hear the exact words the auntie said.
she started cursing n swearing. she shouted on top of her voice, smth like "where r my pants? wat kind of svs is this? u wan me to walk naked on the streets is it?"
by nw, everyone in the shop turned there heads towards the dressing rm.
other staff near the dressing rm began to attend to the auntie, apologising to her.
the auntie was nt even pacified.
she continued to shout vulgarities, made her way out of the dressing rm (nt naked la. she wore back her old pants), stormed towards the son (apparently, her son was waiting outside).
nw, the son joined the shouting extravaganza.
he told the mum "nt happy we go!!! nxt time dun come!!!"
u muz b thinking, where the hell is suki all this while.
the poor gal was in the store rm, searching for the "right size" pants for the auntie, n was unaware of the commotion until nw.
she was still holding on to the pants when she went to the auntie n apologised profusely for her oversight (she say she forgot to ask another colleague to attend to her 1st).
u can really feel that the poor gal was sincere in her apology (u noe, some ppl apologise like machiam suaning u. but she's really sincere).
the auntie even make fun of her name b4 she left the shop w her son, still shouting on the streets.
if u think that the staff will b stunt by this customer, or complain behind her back, then u r wrong.
they went straight back to their work, serving their customers w a smile.
as for our poor suki, she was approached by another customer almost immediately (after the incident) for some enquiry.
no, she didnt sulk.
she smile at the customer n answer her question.
then she quickly put back the pants (which she was holding all the while), n go straight to serving the customer.
i was there to witness all this, n i was damn impressed.
hw did they do that????
v impressive, isnt it?

after browsing thru their clothes in many diff outlets, it makes u feel bad if u did nt buy anything from them.
n yes, HZ n i did buy smth from giordano HK.
w this kind of service, i really dun mind spending.
thats the reason y i seldom buy clothes in spore.
if we start to hav the kind of svs like giordano HK, i think i will b bankrupt pretty soon.

Monday, June 04, 2007

My Hong Kong trip

alrite. i flew bk from HK on the 1st of june.
as this isnt our first time there, we skipped alot of "tourist attractions".
so, here r the pix.

Day 1 (29th May 2007)
reached HK international airport at 12.15pm. took a bus provided by the agency n reached the hotel.
btw, we nearly followed the wrong bus.
heng i was smart, ran n asked the guide. or else.....
anyway, we reached our out of place hotel like a hungry ghost.
we ate on the plane.
but duno y, still hungry.
so i began my ritual once we went into a cha can ting.
i will always, wout fail, order the curry pork chop rice.
the pork chop in HK is damn yummy.
i finished the whole bloody plate of rice (v big plate) w the chop.
damn yummy. HZ had the pork chop gong zai mien (aka instant noodle).
yes, pork chop again.
its nice la, trust me.
but abit salty though.

after that, we went to search for the nearest mtr stn around our hotel.

HZ outside a shop called "chocolate".
n no, it doesnt sell chocolates.
it sells clothes.
v nice designs, but a tad too ex for us.

this pix is specially dedicated to WK.
curry fishballs!!!!!
the best food in HK.
but hor......

from the look of HZ's face, u noe that it dun taste so nice.......
the taste is diff from what we tasted 2yrs ago.
nvm, we'll find better ones.
btw, this "shop" is in 尖沙咀.
we wanted to go for dinner at the famous 糖潮 in that area.
but guess what.
it was nt there anymore.

doh dio liao????
we were so so so pissed la.
end up, we didnt hav any dinner, cos we were too tired from all the walking (n the fact that the big plate of rice is still in my stomach since afternoon. no kidding)
we went to get some flowers for KK n went back to hotel.

Day 2 (30th May 2007)

this is a dream come true day for me.
i've been thinking abt it for a few yrs.
n now that i can really visit him, it really makes me so so so nervous.
we went to the same old cha can ting for bfast, n we set off to the cemetry.
i didnt utter a word on the way to kwang tang.
i felt v confused n nervous.
i'm sure HZ knew it too.
she juz kept quiet w me throughout the long journey.
we met a kind taxi uncle whom was willing to send us to the cemetry, wait for us, n send us back to the mtr stn.
thank you uncle.
it muz b kar kui's blessing.
my heart pounded real fast when we were approaching the foot of the hill (the cemetry is on a hill).
i told myself to calm down.
i did.
for a few sec.
but when i saw his grave, i broke down.
i started to cry like a stupid kid being bullied by the classmate.
i duno y.
it seemed so so so unreal.
i stood there, crying n crying.
it was like a dream.
kar kui was juz infront of me.
still crying, i started to rattle nonsense to him. telling him hw i liked his songs, hw much i love Beyond, hw his songs inspired me.......blah blah blah.
the environment was clean, n kar kui's grave faced the sea.
good view.
under the hot hot sun, i felt cold suddenly.
i was shaking so so badly when we left the cemetry.
HZ had to hold me as we climb down the stairs to the cab.
no, i didnt take any photo.
we were nt supposed to.
after the cab sent us to the mtr stn, we headed to our nxt destination.
Beyond's studio (er lou hou zuo).

we had a really hard time to find the place.
apparently, it was located in a v ulu n rundown building.
we tried nt to disturb the residents there, so i juz took a photo of the mailbox.
knowing that we were standing in the same place at diff times comforted me abit (from the visit to KK's grave)
u may think that i'm crazy.
so b it.
to hell i care.

we went to 2 big 2nd hand cd shops at nathan rd to search for their cds.
i managed to find some.
but i still lack some of their cds.
HMV sucked to core.
cant find any there.

went bk, took a bath, n we went shopping again.
apparently, the ladies street had became so so commercialised that we cant find anything to buy there.
they had alot of "oversized" t-shirts, w words like "i'm in HK" or "welcome to HK", u noe, things like dat.
tired, we went to xu liu shan (dessert shop) for some food.
HZ's steamed egg w bird's nest.
look at her.

she was quite happy w the pdt, until she tasted some ginger in it.
n the steamed egg ended up in my stomach instead.

i had a "red bean in japanese coconut w 雪蛤" (ok, i'm hopeless w the spelling).
wat can i say.
it was full of 雪蛤 w every spoonful.
def worth ur money.
we ordered a "fried carrot cake w xo sauce" too.
i wanted to try it.
it was nice. w the aroma of the carrot cake, n the flavours from the xo sauce.
v good combi.
but still, too salty for me.
or was it juz me?
we made it alive to lan kwai fong later that day.
we went early for some shopping n walking around, then found a big scale cha can ting to have our dinner.

this is my order of "fried crispy egg noodle w pork slices n beansprouts"
too big portion for me to finish.

this is HZ's "fried spaghetti w pork chop" (yes, pork chop AGAIN)
she cant finish it either.
the pork was too hard.
so, it was clubbing time after the dinner.

dun ask me y i pose infront of a pub called "lost".
i oso duno.
i'm nt lost hor.

btw, this pix is for the ladies.
the LV branch in HK.
power, isnt it?

Day 3 (31st May 2007)

we woke up early to hav some dim sum for bfast.
although its a weekday, the restaurant was quite full when we reached at 10 plus.
when i sat down n looked at the menu, i wanted to leave the restaurant immediately.

no 腐皮卷(prawns n chives wrapped in beancurd skin n deep fried)!!!!!
HZ was excited though.

here r some of the stuff we ordered.

there r some more, but we tucked in b4 i took any photos.
too hungry.

i was like "huh, so much hw to finish?"
but we did anyway.
n i tell u, i nearly died of sodium overdose after this meal.
it was SO salty!!!!
esp the xiao long bao (the last close up pix).
we've named it as 咸到爆炸
i finally realised that i cant really gt used to the food in HK.
too salty for my liking.
anyway, we went stanley after our horrible bfast.

nt much to say though, its freaking commercialised too.
they juz wan biz from the ang mos.
blah. HZ was dying to take a photo here, cos her 郑家颖 was here b4 for a show.

stop commenting on my facial expression.
it was really damn hot there.
my fav "past time" at stanley will b browsing thru the air guns in a basement shop.
as much as i love to bring all of them back.......
well, we noe i cant.
so can oni c.
n touch a while.

arent they beautiful?????
i tried to pose like the korean guy (u noe who), but HZ refused to take it.
we went to check out the famous 虾子捞面(i insisted) at mongkok

it may look plain to u. but trust me, this is the best food i've ever eaten in HK.
the prawn roe was flovourful n fragrant. n w abit of chilli oil, i gulped the whole plate of noodles down in 2 minutes.
it was this good.

went to walk around ladies street again after dinner.
n as if the dinner was nt enuff, we help ourselves w another round of curry fishball.

these fishballs r damn deadly!!!!
i felt a tinge of giddiness after i ate them.
it was so so so spicy!!!!
shiok man!!!!
it really had the punch, nt like the one we've eaten earlier.
ps WK: this stall is near ladies street, fyi
we cant tahan the heat from the fishball, so we went xu liu shan again for some icy dessert.

my "mango ice w mango ice crem, mango fruits and glutinous rice dumplings"
super mango-ey.
HZ's "watermelon juice w honey jelly n bird's nest"
yes, bird's nest again.
look at the bird's nest on top of the drink.
wonder hw much the bird spit into the drink.
ya, as u can c, she loved her drink.
n as if the dessert was nt enuff to cool our taste buds, we went for ice-cream
u noe, those ice cream van that will give off music when they r moving?
ya, thats it.
HZ q-ing anxiously for the ice-cream.
she juz cant wait to hav it.
ta dah!!!! the long awaited ice cream.
she's a happy gal.
we went walking around temple street b4 we went bk to our hotel.
we bought smth v interesting from the supermarket earlier dat day, n we decide to try it out.
it was the "tea jelly" from wang wang.
HZ holding the pdt.
this is hw it looked like.

so we open the pkt of seasoning, pour into the container.

then open the tea jelly n "squeeze" it in.
then let the jelly roll in the seasoning.

here u r.
the "tea jelly" stunt is done.
me, being the adventurous one, wanted to try 1st.

i was v doubtful at 1st.
u wan to noe hw it taste?
u sure?










this is the 1st hand expression i had.
HZ was fast enuff to take it down.
v ugly, i noe.
but that sums up the taste.
nespray + jelly.
i felt cheated.

Day 4 (1st June 2007)

wanted to pose like this.

end wrong.

anyway, we went for our bfast again in the cha can ting.
our "cleansing ritual"

my yuan yang n 菠萝油.

look at hw the butter melted in the bun.yummy.

the bfast set comes w a bowl of noodles w ham n 2 eggs w bread.v full indeed.

went 尖沙咀 again to shop around.

then we went to the "妹仔" dessert shop to get some bird's nest egg tart (yes, its the bird's spit again).

we loved the tarts there.

while we were there, we had our lunch n some dessert.

my god.

i ordered a jelly beancurd w green bean n seaweed.

i was wrong.

i looked like my puke.

n its tasteless.


we collected our tarts n went back to the hotel. the transport came n pick us up at 4.30pm n we set off for the airport.

an unpleasant incident happened on the way, but i'm nt going to elaborate.

spoil my mood.

anyway, it was home sweet home for us.

this pretty much summed up my HK trip.
i didnt buy much. cos the stuff r way too ex for me.

but well, it was like a dream come true trip for me.

i wanted to say this to HZ on the plane, but i didnt.

i guess i hav to say it now.

this trip is important to me. it meant so so so much to me. thank you for doing this w me.