Monday, November 25, 2013

We can't really stop eating

met up w C&M (separately. y????) after they came bk from the outback.

 this plc is really awesome. chg their menu every 4 mths.

 lim peh wan abalone. these pair of cuckoos bought me ABALONE (not) macademia NUTS.
you nut or i nut?
 still eat. dun care.
 1st platter. frog legs, soft shell crab n baked rice. v nice!
 the meat platter (which i enjoyed tremendously) with rib eye n roast chix. tender n juicy meat, w buah keluak (yes) butter, red wine jelly, foie gras terrine m lotus root chips. heavenly makan.
 ordered the cured meat platter too. erm, preferred iberico leh......opps.
 dessert platter. raspberry madeleine, rose espuma, lychee jelly, raspberry sorbet, rose meringue. we were quite full at this point. this was really good as well. missed out one the other dessert variant. will go n try. 
 met C separately (she fly kite n aeroplane until i lost count) after our gym that day.

 it was quite dark there, so the pix r really bad. we had beef sliders, haloumi salad, barramundi, sweet potato fries, chirozo chips, n v v v nice chix wings (on the house!). i muz say the food here is really good. except that we were the oni table that evening (indoor). dats bad. i hope they dun close down yo. food is good.

 even gave us some art on our coffee!

 tried to do this porchetta at home. look good in the oven.
 too much meat = baby will KB. so i cooked some soup as well. veg minestrone.
 ta-dah! the chunky pc of meat.
interior w stuffing. skin crakling was crispy, stuffing was tasty. prob is, skin nt salty enuff, stuffing too soggy. meat was perfectly tender n juicy. good attempt!

went to this new yakitori shop at bugis after movies.

 this is actually their signature udon. the "foam" is actually beaten eggs.
 "i cant c the UDON".....
 verdict? cheap n good!!! i will definitely come back for more!
how can miss out ah qiu desserts when u r around that area?

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