Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Its all about the ethics (厨德) - The Bad

yes, this post to rant abt the disgrace n shame to culinary world.
if the food look good to u, its bcos of my S3.
looks r always deceiving.

The Bad 1

 this place pride themselves for fresh handmade pasta. heard good reviews abt them n decided to try them out (b4 my italy trip) after my lesson. they were fairly "new", just opened for few months. however, i think they need to re-plan their cleaning schedule properly. baby n i had to chg our seats bcos the aircon above us kept blow down dust. fine. they chg our seats. n our orderes are served. i forgot wat soup this is. nothing memorable.
 needless to say, mediocre salad
 the picture look SO good rite? colorful, vibrant, alot of ingredients..... this was the "combo"of 2 pastas. one squid ink, one normal. the pasta was SO dry (ok, no sauce, and the pasta was really dry). it dun taste like freshly made. tasted like handmade pasta being "hang to dry" for a long it was cracking.....u hav my word, cos i've made LOTS of handmade me. n the seafood....tsk tsk taste one. i am like eating a plate of colorful flour.
 baby ordered this fettucine w mushroom. no amt of good porcini can save this. the pasta was chewy n under cooked. wtf.
the problem i hav with this place is, u boast n haolian abt the quality of ur handmade pasta, telling ppl they r freshly made.....but they r nt( well, depend on hw u define "fresh"). to me, u this is cheating. no ethics at all. pui.
The Bad 2
 went to this "accredited" italian (A-CHOOO!) restaurant. missed italy too much, wanted to hav some half decent italian fare. went to this place cos they claimed to b accredited by the italian govt for their raw ingredients (shipped from italy). apparently, the accreditation is for the RAW INGREDIENTS only. n it doesnt end here.
 to b fair, the prociutto is good. sweet pcs of cured meat w tasteless rock melon. blame it on local produce. our fruits r never sweet.
 this is the crux of the problem. to me, good food = good visual/presentation + smell + taste. no meh?
i always believe in my senses. to b fair, this look perfectly fine for a plate of spaghetti alla vongole. when they served me this, i closed my i cant smell ANYTHING.
ok, i took a bite. i wanted to throw the dish back to the kitchen. it was tasteless. NO TASTE. no taste of clam, no taste of parsley, no taste of wine, no taste of garlic, no taste of anything. nothing. pasta was over cooked, soft n gooey. this was the worst ever plate of pasta i've ever had. anyone can cook better than this. it was really nice of me to finish 20% of the dish. seriously, i cant bring myself to eat more than that. it was that horrible. when the server saw, she asked me POLITELY ( to b fair, the service was top notch) y i didnt finish the dish. i replied WITH A SMILE, that it was under seasoned.
this was when things became interesting.
she apologised, n took the dish back to the kitchen. it was a semi-open kitchen, so we can hear wat is going on in there. the cooking staff (i wun even call him chef or cook. he is NOT worthyy of it) SHOUTED on top of his voice "VONGOLE GOT SALT WHAT!!!! WHO SAY NO SALT????? GOT SALT WHAT!!!!!" (if u realise, he is NOT italian), n he STARED at us w a nin-na-beh-CB-who-r-u-to-criticise-me-u-mutherfuckerccb-u-noe-i-will-kill-u look.we stared back. i mean, come on. if u r nt convinced, COME OUT. no leh, he kao beh in the kitchen.
to think that i didnt complain or send back the dish. i juz answered the server's question. what is wrong w u.
 their handmade pasta w braised beef cheek. the cheek was ok. but the combination was wrong. the sauce was simply too runny for the pasta. it didnt cling. u will b like eating plain pasta w the beef as side dish.
 c, i still give chance de. ordered cannolis. nth  special. n the pastry shell was rancid. cant even finish the 2nd one.
tiramisu. cant taste anything. what is wrong man.
juz as when we were leaving, the lady (a couple) beside us asked for the server to bring back her ravioli to the kitchen. i heard her telling her boyfriend that she cant taste anything. she duno what she was eating. no taste. this was when things get VERY interesting. the chef (i think is an italian auntie) came out w the SAME dish, telling the lady "its like this, the riccotta cheese hav no taste one, so u muz eat w the parmasan cheese on top, then got taste. its nt the dish fault. u shd eat it this way".
WTF?????? so, its MY fault to eat like dat la......what ridiculous theory is that man.the lady took the dish back, smile. then when the chef n the staff left their table, she told her boyfriend "i am not going to eat this shit again. i dun even noe wat the hell i am eating".
u will noe the real problem w the restaurant when u sit quietly n look around u. the table infront of me asked for tabasco sauce for his pizza.
u get my point?
n they claimed to b accredited by the italian govt. n they n rave reviews online. its either the local tastebuds got into really serious problems, or the msgs were manipulated. go figure.

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