Monday, November 14, 2011

Hong Kong 2011 - Not a honeymoon

hi folks! another round of pictures!
these r the pix we took in HK.

Day 1 (Before going Canada)

i insisted of having my fav prawn roe noodles in kowloon. baby n i spent alot of time looking for the lost w the many mtr exits.....

noodles still super duper nice, porridge v silky n beef soft n tender. my super fav still.....

went xu liu shan for dessert, n i was greatly disappointed by the dessert i've ordered. look at the size of mine vs baby's dessert. na beh, y so punny?????

we went shopping at times square n came to this restaurant for dinner. its called SML becos u can decide hw big u wan ur portion of food. small, medium or large. we ordered all small. the server warned us abt the little portions. we went ahead....damn. one mouth full, n wala. finish. damn. but tasty la.

we bought these watches before we set off to canada. german brand. nt bad hor....

Hong Kong (17.10.11)

our 1st meal in HK after 15 hrs flight. finally chinese food after 1 week of ang mo lor di

of cos we nd to hav the super spicy hot fishballs from ladies mkt.....

baby's fav egg cookies

there is a story for this.

this auntie has been singing at this spot every nite. i saw her singing there b4 i went canada.

u noe the song "monica"? i was trying on some pants in G2000 across the street. then i heard her singing. i nearly jumped out of the room. duno wat the fu** she singing. my god. hence, she hav a name called "monica". she's there every nite. until we left. her 地盤was invaded a few days after. police were called in n it was super chaotic.....hahahha....drama.

Hong Kong (18.10.11)

we had bfast at a nearby pirated milk cafe. good baby muz drink milk everyday. *burp*

x japan concert poster. super sore la. cant go......take pix ma song.

we went the peak for makan n the wax museum. look at the ppl there. mad.


baby: 車來了!車。來。了!!!!

i realised we were being stared by the maid carrying a baby behind us.....scary.

we went bubba gump for lunch. its near halloween, n we started to play w the spider toy on my straw.

the drama mama is at it again! winner of best actress award. period.恐怖片的最佳女主角。

the ribs r still the best i've eaten. soft, tender, fragrant, juicy, fell off the bone literally....super super nice.

the shrimp is a mixed flavor one. cajun spice n garlic w duno wat herb. v v v sweet n nice. love it.

super fresh beetroot salad w berries n pears. v nice!

finally, dream come true.

dun really think he look like jay.

baby: my muscle is bigger than urs!!

me: excuse me, its butterfly sleeve.

heard from my sis lang lang is supposed to sit down. when i shw her this pix, she was astonished, n told me "eh? lang lang stood up!!! he was supposed to b sitting down!!!"

tony leung vs andy lau = 無間道

wayne vs andy lau = 不知道

lalala....we r good frens......


baby: hello, this is the president office.

me: hello, kopitiam ah? i wan to da bao bee hoon

baby: F*** la, this is the PRESIDENT office!!!

me: ya la, president no nd to eat meh?

baby: u dun understand rite? this one oni eats burgers la.....

i cant stop laughing when i saw this pix. nothing wrong to b patriotic, but.....what's w the steam look?

and this one....wats w the look. machiam singing in the choir....

hate him for the physics theory.....

sparring w ip man

baby: i am the new bond girl

me: since when?

baby: huh?

me: since when ur neh neh is more than c cup? (bond girls r all busty)

i am so screaming my lungs out cos the statue for DB is transported to japan. he is the purpose i wan to go the museum lor....angry max.

me: i think u shd hit the ball over to that side

fake woods: i think i shd hit the other ball

me: tsk. hit ur own balls la.

happy family

me is more sexy....

me: hey hey mike, i got smth to tell u....

fake mike: f*** off.

NBA commentary: smth legendary happened today at the yao ming vs short girl match today. team captain, super 8 shorty, managed to block a shot from yao pulling down his arms. well done girl, well done.

ok, the following need abit of intro.
i've plan this meal for a long long time.
this guy is a celebrity chef. his restaurant got 1 michelin star. he called himself the "demon chef" n produces x-treme chinese cuisine. he turned food into art by using molecular cooking. u can read more abt him here:

i was v excited abt this meal.
not cheap.
n we r really super under dressed for this....

look at the salt flakes. these r fleur de sel. best salt ever. nt too salty, crunchy n abit sweet. really. go google if u duno wat the hell i am toking abt.

these arent the norm egg cookies. the chef used the spainish iberico ham n salted egg in it. super fragrant n crispy.

super sweet tomato soaked in vinegar. trust me, its really good. the seafood mousse at the left hand corner is superb.

vermicelli infused w morel essence, wrapped in iberico ham w gazpacho "bubble". the vermicelli was really really filled w mushroomy goodness!!! went v v well w the ham.....v v v v nice, yet light dish.

ladies n gentlemen, foie gras w 梅菜cream n crispy 梅菜. yes. dun squirm. the 梅菜cut the richness of the v v creamy foie gras, making us wanting more!!! sweet n abit sour, w the creamy foie gra in ur mouth....this is really science of food. interaction causes strange reactions. it is v v good.

this is a cod, cooked in sous vide, with miso n saffron, w crispy seaweed. dun underestimate the flower petals on the plate. they were super super "flowery"!!! eat w the fish, n the fish become super sweet!!!! amazing reaction. this chef really plays w ur senses.

ok, this is cranky. molecular version of xiao long bao. yes, this is xiao long bao. put the whole ball into ur mouth, bite. n it BURST out xiao long bao flavor. the red strip u saw, was the ginger. it taste like....xiao long bao!!!! but.....u r nt eating the real thing....super messed up ur mind....hahahaha.

chef's rendition of 甜酸苦辣. look at the scallop. sweet, succulent, fresh.....mama mi ah....together w the sauces made from kaffir lime (bitter), kyoho grape (sweet jelly), passion fruit(sour), n shichimi potato (spicy foam), my god....this is really a piece of food art. i love the kaffir sauce. v v fragrant, goes damn well w the scallop. brilliant.

ok. this is super creepy for me. too much for me to take. this is century egg w pickled ginger. yes folks. this liquidy foamy thing is century egg n ginger. we r supposed to eat the foam oni. halfway thru it i freaked out totally. yes, it tasted exactly like century egg w ginger.gassy, foamy....aiyo. i really cant accept this. i dun even noe whether i am eating it or nt...... next dish please!!!

i've nv tasted anything that is SOOOOOOO good in my past 32 yrs of god. this is absolutely to die for. this is langoustine (mini lobsters) with english mustard, salty egg , cauliflower sauce, black truffles and duck jus. the sweet and tender langoustine goes so well w the salty egg, w truffle fragrance lingering in ur mouth.....i cursed under my breath w every mouthful i ate. y so good???? hw can i afford to eat it nxt time???? damn it.

this is the suckling pig w green peas n apple w sichuan vanila sauce. crispy skin n sweet meat. porky goodness.

this is the famous por lor yao (pineapple bun) w pinapple done 3 ways (red pepper corn, sichuan pepper n white pepper). v interesting.

the pineapple dish came w this "drink". yuan yang (tea mixed w coffee). this is supposed to b a famous drink in HK. guess what? this is xtreme yuan yang. its expresso w thick tea. n it is served one side cold, one side hot. look carefully at the pix. the lighter color one is the tea, n the darker color one is the coffee. the surprise thing is, the coffee is ice cold n the tea is hot. so when u sip from the middle, half of ur mouth is cold, half of ur mouth is hot!!! they really play w ur senses to the max man.

the dessert trio to end the meal. the "malai cake" n the choco desserts r all made from banana liquor. baby nearly fainted after eating small tiny bite. i felt giddy after i finished all. we can ask for a refill, but we passed it. too strong.

bloody food critic is a spainard. he delibrately asked alot of questions to test the servers on the knowledge of the food served to them. v v nasty leh....

baby want to faint liao

there r ppl singing on the streets of ladies mkt every nite. the special thing abt this day is, one uncle (nt these uncles, i nv took pix cos too excited) caught my attention when he sang a Beyond song. thing is, the ppl surrounding him (abt 50 ppl?) were singing with him! n i heard the young couple behind me saying smth like "Beyond is our HK trademark. of cos we muz noe hw to sing thier songs! they r still the best!!!" OMFG. tears were in my eyes when i heard that. imagine singing LOUDLY on the streets, music behind u, juz shout out "原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由,那會怕有一天會跌到,oh no....背棄了理想,誰人都可以,那會怕有一天只你共我......"

i can feel my hair stand.....will u guys understand???

Hong Kong (19/10/11)

baby was angry w the poor attitude of the waitress. mixed up or orders still dare to shout at us

baby n i decided to b touristy n visit the disneyland for the 1st time (oh my, i've visited HK like 8 times, nv went to DL b4....hahaha)

this hippo needs a good brush.....

this kid got shocked by the "bombing" effects of the ride.before we noe it, the whole boat were filled w crying babies.

can't afford to watch it in MBS, watch the mini version of Lion King in Disney.

wassup w the big fat hairy thing hanging on the bag??? dun understand the purpose of it.

nemo is cuter. nemo :1, baby:0

i think the food here nt bad wor....the fried rice super big plate until bery full.....

gimme 5!

i think tiger is trying to rape opps, sorry, no porn in disney.

baby super excited abt the pooh ride...but all the pix i took in the tunnel r blurry. bleh.

baby n i super high cos we r on top flight w dumbo flying in the air. heng camera nv fly down.

this freaking "small world" drove us crazy. the tunnel is f***ing long, n the song "its a small world repated like 2650 times when we were in there.....the song kept creeping up in my head for at least 1

baby n i went for challenge in the shoot out at the buzz lightyear game (forgot the actual name). we did this 4 times. this is my score. i got to level 4.

baby got oni level 2!!!!hahahahahaha....okok, she did win for ONE game. me:3, baby:1. too bad.

baby: eh eh, got pretty girl

me: where where?

baby: in front of u now

me: knn

to infinity n beyond!!!!

we went to try out the "best ride" in HK disneyland. the staff highly recommended this to us. so we went. these r the pix of us BEFORE the ride. baby was slightly scared, me non-chalant.

these 2 pix r taken AFTER the ride. baby wipped her sweat+tears+mucus+duno-what-shit-flow-out-during-screaming, while i cant even walk w my wobbly legs. NA BEH! super scary la!!!! old liao lor, dun ask me to do such things can? we cant stop screaming thru out the ride, n i think i spewed all the vulgarities i noe, while baby screamed her lungs out. the ang mo behind us screamed her head off, n we were all giggly n giddy n voiceless after the ride. the ang mo cant even get out of her seat. so funny.

ya ya, this is the ride. go try.

takuya in the making. after Q-ing for 30 mins, squeezing w stupid tiongs, i finished the ride in like 5 mins? drive too fast.

i've found my long lost brother yet n again (after the giraffe in universal studio). i kinds regret nt to buy this. bery cute hor....

the spectacular fireworks. i think the more spectacular part are the HP lights from the audience. look like stars.

we went for a fiesty dinner near our hotel. started w the 口水雞. my saliva r secreting as i typed this. super tasty, but SUPER spicy!!!!!my god.

this is a killer dish.麻辣豬耳. baby stopped eating this after 2 pcs. wah lau eh. i got all giddy from the spiciness of the pig's ear. altough it is painful, i am kinda of hooked to this kind of spiciness. suggested to baby to get this dish the nxt day n she nearly killed me.hahaha.

a big big plateful of chives. sweet n funky. ya, funky.

no amt of smoothie of ice cold drink can cool down the heat we have in our stomach. n mouth. i got a fairly swollen lip after the meal.

Hong Kong (20/10/11)

they served the best ever scrambled eggs i've eaten.BEST. creamy, sweet, yet savoury. duno hw they do it man. i can eat this everyday. my family oso raved abt this scrambled eggs when they came bk to singapore from HK.

milk pudding is delish!!!!

my fav milk milk again. big baby.

i ran out of socks by then, lan lan hav to wear baby's socks. look at the HIDEOUS color combi. makes my feet look like rotten candy

subway is EVERYWHERE. even at the big buddha temple. sigh.....

many steps? 200 over? sup sup water la. non-chalant AGAIN

sure can!

still can!

knn, old liao old liao. *huff n puff*

we had a cleansing vegetarian meal at the temple b4 we went to the factory outlet.

baby kena culture shock when we went to temple street for the v good claypot rice. the auntie was SCREAMING on top of her lungs when she "talk" to customers. ear plugs pls.

our fav sea cockroaches. i think the one in thailand's chinatown tasted better. :P

this is super nice. the chix r sweet n tender, the "burnt" rice is crispy n fragrant.nice nice.

this eel is super super super "muddy" taste. my bad to order.

Hong Kong (21/10/11)

we were supposed to go guangzhou that morning, but baby was having serious food poisoning, unstoppable LS that day. so we dedcided nt to go, despite the fact that we've a;ready bpught the train tix.....better than running to the toilets in ch***. u noe wat i mean.

went to tang chao instead for lunch

poor baby w stomache.

super super nice scallop fried rice w asparaghus. yumz! look at the crisy scallops scatter on top. hehehe. my fav.

v nice siew mai. the balance between pork n prawns is juz nice, w the lean meat n fatty portion well balanced too. v v good.

my dessert, mango pomelo sago w beancurd, came in style. it was drowned in a sea of SMOKE. na beh, chut simi pattern.

baby's hot dessert, beancurd in red bean soup.

went shopping n bought these 2 t-shirt from ah shin's stay real shop in HK!!! yeah!

wanted to shw the flexibility of my facial muscles b4 dinner. baby was so entertained.

wah lau eh, this restaurant is surrounded by cameras.

the super famous goose leg from Yong Kee (LKF)

juz showing my oily lips after a bite on the goose.

super nice fish maw soup

there r reasons y the goose meat is best here. super tender, sweet meat w uber crispy skin. i love love love the goose leg here. worth every cent.

stir fried bitter gourd to reduce the oily-ness of the goose.

n look wat we've found after dinner in ladies mkt!

Hong Kong (22/10/11)

light bfast of porridge n cheong fun. i think my mum's porridge is the best.

went to find this Man U shop in TST. super small la. got a small keychain cos nth to buy actually.

went to my fav dim sum place at the habour for lunch.

crispy suckling pig

this soup is SUPER delicious!!! i insisted to finish the whole pot although i am super full after the meal.

look at the monkey head mushroom from the soup. the soup oozes mushroomy goodness n sweet flavor of chix. the collagen from the soup makes my lips stuck together after drinking.

pastry w duck meat inside. they r even shaped like a duck! so cute.

these r the best chix feet i've eaten. the chix feet r nt deep fried (nt like those in singapore). they r braised in the lor zap for enuff time for the flavours to get into the chix feet, but still maintaining the Q-ness n meaty-ness of the feet. the sauce is super super nice, n the chix feet is wonderfully chewy n FULL of collagen. sticky lips again.

tang chao's siew mai is better. too much prawn for this.

we went bk to the famous claypot rice place for dinner.WTF.they missed our order of oyster omelette which looked so so delish. i tried to remind the auntie abt our orders. u noe wat she told me? she shouted, in canto of cos, "aiya, u can wait u wait lor, if u cant wait u cancel. i cant help u. i v busy!!!" HUH???? r u fu**ing kidding me????

we gt pissed off, n we juz make do we this delicious beef claypot rice w raw egg. yummy max. when we were abt to finish our rice, the omelette miraculously came to us. baby told the server w a straight face that we DID NOT order it.hahaha. revenge of the sith. dun mess w women folks.

so in the end, i didnt gt to eat my omelette. upset.

Hong Kong (23/10/11)

look at the freaking Q for the aust milk co. na beh. i wanted to hav my creamy scramble eggs b4 i leave n this happens. the Q stretch thru 5 shops.

i think she is going to kill for food anytime.

in the end, we gave up n went to a nearby shop for chix wing noodles instead.

nv noe my wife is a building owner.

peek-a-boo. nth to c though.

went to this seafood restaurant for lunch after check out. look at the custard bun.yumz.

autum = hairy crab season. i hav been bugging baby to try this w me. so we ordered 2.hehe. look at the roe n natural oil oozing out of the crab!!! super craby goodness ah. v v sweet n creamy roe, Q n sweet crab meat. gimme more!!!!

baby: YEAH!!! here i come!!! (v enthu for the 1st 5 mins)

baby: erm, can u eat this leg for me pls..... (after 20 mins)

baby: i give up liao....(after 35 mins, she finally finished the small crab w my help in the legs...crab legs i mean.)

baby: gimme cam, i take photo of u

me: take wat take.....

me: eh? i think i look at wrong menu....shd b here for desserts.

this stupid bitch took off her shoes n shook her legs big time while eating w her beau. then she tok w a stupid slang. total turn off. hello girl, the table i not covered w table cloth ya....tsk.

total lousy millie feullie. lao hong pastry. v bad.

this is our HAND CARRY luggage. my luggage is overweight by abt 20 over kg. hw's dat.

i was damn pissed by the service of the staff in the HK airport mcd. rude. nt to mention that she's got a face of a fucked up bitch.knn. i pay for my food ok......

HK near future? no thanks.

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