Tuesday, November 08, 2011

My Canada Wedding - Cont

here r some pix for my canada trip, courtesy from M.

baby: wah kao, so ex ah???

me: aiya, u think w go kopitiam meh.....

baby: i will ask my boyfren to give discount

me: rendevous b4 wedding???

my ambition is to be santa clause since young.....

abit too cosy w C. i hav to pull my ears for this....aiya, i oso got rendevous b4 wedding wat.....

this was taken using diff mode from M's camera....nt bad wor.... i thinking of buying that cam....hmmmm

i like this pix......winter sonata?

babt n M w the hair stylist....who happen to b italian as well.

we love the fruities!!!!

apparently i oso put a knife behind baby.

baby: eh, stop poking me w the knife ah

me: who ask u sign so slow

baby: eh, at least i SIGNED, where is urs?

me: opps, can i dun sign???

baby: u say LEH?????

dou dou is our baby....

i look like a lao ban (boss) in this pix. i like. look slim.hahahaha

the lao da n the char bor.....

the sui char bor trying to b sexy.....nt bad la.

wind is the very strong.....blow until me hair messy.

i LOVE this post card pix of us....looks so cool.

k la k la, lim la lim la.....

our new frens at canada. they r awesome.

baby: quick quick take photo!!!
M: okok, wait ah, nd to adjust mode....
me: WTF??? so cold liao still so hiao??? eat ice cream somemore???xiao.

baby: r u going to pay now?
me: fat hope. u ate the most.
baby: oh pls, u ordered all the food. i help u to FINISH them only hor.

no, i am nt pregnant. win is blowing n we r walking. angle problem.

M is trying to do s papparzzi shot for us. a "jay-patty-caught-overseas-look-alike" pix. i think nt bad though.

hehe. stay tunned for more pix!

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