Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Heng or Suay?

i'm suffering from 2nd degree burn from high pressure steam.
happened last nite.
i was alone in the lab at 9 plus, n it happened. steam fr boiler jet out, burnt off one big pcs of skin on my right arm, scalded my feet. n i had a swollen knee cap due to a fall after dat as well.
MC 3 days, but still nd to work.
yes, i am working now.
v kut luct rite?

n my ass hurts fr the injection they gave me.

pain or nt?
u bet.
i still nd to complete my samples, mop the floor after dat.
then i took a cab n went to the hospital alone.
swee bor??
i am strong.

BUT PAIN. n i am walking w a limp now.
hope it dun leave any scars behind.

but i do think that i am quite heng.
1) it didnt burn my FACE (i managed to block n crawl away b4 it hits my face, despite the pain of getting scalded)
2) i did nt fall the wrong way. my spine will hit the table if i fall backwards, i will hit the hot water bath if i fall to my left.
3) i managed to crawl away from the remaining high pressure steam b4 it burns deeper into my skin

how's dat?
heng or suay?
i think quite heng.

1 comment:

Ur baby's xiaomei said...

i would think it's heng..like wat u said, worse could happen! take care =)