Thursday, March 18, 2010


had been super busy lately.
work until 8pm, then hav to walk all the way out to take a bus to mrt stn.
super stressed too.
boss told me that day, if my results sucks, he will die.
pls lor, he is japanese leh. wun die one la.
i will.
if i dun have results.

so much of the retrenchments and infidelity summed up the events for my past few mths.
no, not jack neo.
i cant b bothered w him.
seem like my ex-staff oso hav his fair share of infidelity.
nt that i am surprised. i juz pity his wife.
poor woman.

so much to do, missed out MQ's bday.
sorry pal, i will make it up to u in apr, ok?
need to settle all the work stuff 1st.
n my parents' trip to HK.
in charged of all the logistics, but nt invited to go w them.

i will catch up w u guys when i hav a second to breathe, ok?

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