Tuesday, July 21, 2009

旧情绵绵+ HK Trip

hey folks, i am back!!!
well, this trip really made me think alot. i've learn to treasure my time w my baby more.
anyway, here r the updates.
lots of photos.

旧情绵绵 (b4 HK Trip)

baby n i wanted to reminisce our old times together. so we went holland V n track back that nite (ahem) when sparks fly (9th Aug 2007).

baby waiting for her food

food come liao of cos muz eat. hahaha

we ordered a fish slice hor fun, kailan and "3 cup chix" (A cup, B cup and C cup. hahaha)

i was wondering what program was it that made everyone stare at the tv, laughing together...some variety show. the point is, being able to laugh together, w ppl u duno....actually, its a good feeling....serious.

we went to essential brews after dinner

baby ordered some berry drinks.....nt nice, as u can c from her expression

after baby's "encounter", i was skeptical abt my drink as well

we had a good tok w each other. managed to clear some doubts and misunderstandings.

we stayed until late in the nite b4 we went back.

well, i managed to gt smth off my chest, which i hv been keeping for like 1 yr plus......

thank u baby.
i was scheduled to go thailand for biz trip after that. so baby was thinking of giving me a good treat b4 i leave.

but alas, duno wat happen, baby was down w diarrhea that day......there goes my "good" meal.


we ended up in crystal jade for some light food (for her).

baby looking at me apologetically, sipping her congee at the same time

my beef hor fun n fried tou fu. yumz.

Cooking Frenzy

we were in a cooking frenzy again after i came bk from thailand, so, i whipped up smth on a weekend.

my trusted source of recipe

we've decided to bake a chicken. a new stunt for me.....

chicken in the baking process.....i used lemon, flavoured butter w oregano, some salt to season it

ta dah.....final product. i've added some potatoes in halfway baking the chix. the potatos absorbed the gravy n became super crispy. super yummy!!! me n baby actually ate up the whole chix!!!ok, almost all la.

baby fiddling w my remote control after the meal, wearing my "mc-shit" t shirt (it is officially hers liao)

HK Trip

Day 1

baby say better b safe than sorry

my ritual whenever i reach hk, was to visit there char can ting n hav a plate of curry pork chop rice. this drink is coke w salty lemon(we saw it on tv n decided to order it). quite refreshing.

baby's noodle came w a soup. white fungus chix soup. damn yummy!!! the fungus was cooked until "nua". u can really taste the collagen in the soup....sticky, gluey.....yum!!!

my curry pork chop ricw. nt nice. v v salty. sigh. std dropped.

baby's noodle was a disaster. no taste at all.

after the meal, we went shopping at peddler's street (near lan kwai fong). we were overwhelmed by the things they hav there. it was a lok kok building, w shops (distributors) selling all sorts of clothes n stuff. we concluded that the place is more for rich tai tais. mostly branded stuff. v ex.

we walked around LKF area, shopping, buying......n then, we heard smth.

my stomach growl.
hungry le la. hahahaha.

so we went to this famous 烧鹅restaurant to fill our stomachs.

who duno yung kee in hk??? oh pls.

the waitress was recommending this n that after she saw us lost with the menu. all we told her is "ok lor".......end up, ordered TOO MUCH.

baby was so excited when she saw the BIG goose leg.

BIG rite? it was excellent. juicy n tender, crispy skin, v flavourful meat. v v v good. no wonder its their famous dish. v v v good.

century egg w pickled ginger.it looks normal. but when u combine them together....omg.....it tasted heavenly!!! the sweetness n sourness from the gingern its aroma combined so well w the egg!!!v v v nice.

this wat-ever-oso-have-soup is their special wintermelon soup. as u can c, there r so many ingredients in it. wintermelon, chix, pork, crabmeat, mushroom...... v nice too.tasty.

we ordered the tou fu w prawn roe n lou han vegetarian dish.i can still rem the taste as i blog. v well executed dish. the natural sweetness of the tou fu goes well w the fragrant prawn roe, the mushrooms in the veg dish was so tasty....v good.

the black fungus oso adds a crispy texture to the veg dish

trust me, this toufu is good.

we were stuffed to the brim after the meal. ordered too much.....

eat too much liao, so muz go walk walk.

we went ladies mkt for more shopping after dinner.

after some walking n buying, we heard dat sound AGAIN!!!!

i am hungry (i am a pig).

so we head for our fav stall at ladies mkt for some REALLY SPICY curry fishball.

WK, this pix is dedicated to u....hahahahaha

we were damn greedy, ordered alot. end up crying on the streets cos the fishball is TOO spicy....omg.

we need smth to put out the fire in our mouths, so we went to a nearby xu liu shan n ordered dessert (pulot hitam w glutinous rice ball, cold).....erm, n XO carrot cake.....hee. yummy.

we went back to the hotel after we gorge ourselves silly.

n we saw at the hotel lobby that there will b typhoon the nxt day......we were like "wtf"???

Day 2

we started our day w a hearty bfast at the char can ting again.

i was like "wah lau eh, y order SO MUCH AGAIN???" i still got my noodles, which r NOT in the pix. can u imagine????

baby insisted to hav her "poh loh yau". they serve good old buns here. v fragrant skin, soft n warm bread w frozen butter in it.

we went to the peak after bfast.

yes, the peak.

we've nt been there during the day time, so we wanted to take a look up there during day time.

however, it started raining when we got there. then we realised, got typhoon.
damn it.
heck care, juz went

lucky we did. cos the wax museum actually moved MJ's figure outside for ur to take pix.


michael, u will b missed

baby, there's finally someone w face bigger than urs. b happy n stop complaining.

we mv out of the building, n nearly flew off.

the wind was blowing like 200km/min.


typhoon no 3.

wah lau.

baby had difficulty walking in the wind

ahem, me too.....ok, i am lying....i was juz acting in this pix. but the wind really bery big ok......

my hair is so messy, n i smile like my face is going to fly off any min.

look at the clouds......it started to rain at the nxt moment, then stop after 3 mins, then continue to rain after 2 mins....this went on for abt 2 hours.

we went to this restaurant at the top to hav our lunch. missed it during our last trip. so i insisted that we come here this time.

baby trying out the berry drink. v refreshing n cooling.

the restaurant theme was inspired by forrest gump. n they hav a fun way to attract the servers' attention.

when this sign is in display, the server will not disturb u. they wun stop by ur table n talk to u or wat so ever. they will juz carry on wat they r doing.

when this sign is in display, they will stop by ur tables to ask what u need, take ur orders, bill, etc.......fun rite?

cajun shrimp w toast. i tell u, this thing is damn yummy ok.super dupper tasty!!!!! the shrimp weree well seasoned, cooked to perfection w a slight crisp in them, acc by the toast w paramsan cheese on top.....super nice!!! we nearly ordered a 2nd serving for this.

the baby back ribs wree good too. soft n tender. the meat melts in ur mouth, n bbq sauce nt too overwhelming so u can really taste the natural sweeteness of the meat. NICE. my oni complain is the fries. hard n cold. no good.

after demolition

nobody in the MTR...try to play punk

i bought these at an italian store at the peak....my porcini, squid ink pasta n olive oil

me n baby b4 going to Aqua to celebrate her bday

the view is exactly the same as the previous yr

the manager is kind enuff to reserve the exact seat we had the yr b4.

i've ordered this present/flowers from a hong kong flower shop one week b4 the trip. the boss of the shop is kind enuff to liase w the manager of the restaurant, n the restaurant manager agreed to help me keep the flowers until we arrive, n present it to baby. look at baby w the teary eyes. she was so so surprised when the staff came n handed her the flowers.

complimentary bread

my order of rose wine

tapas w my wine

this is the foie gras w figs n almonds. super delicious!!!!the almonds goes well w the figs, giving it a crunchy mouthfeel, n the fragrance of almonds works perfectly w the creamy foie gras. fantastic dish.

the same lobster linguini we've had previously. still as yummy as last yr.

look at the clouds. the light show is cancelled bcos of the typhoon.sigh.

this is the tenderloin w foie gras, caramalised onions n spinach. this is one of the best beef i've ever had.the foie gras was damn creamy, beef juicy n tender like mad, n the onions, soft n SWEET. omg

look at the meat. its done medium rare.the dish is like a symphony of flavours. perfecto!

Tiramisu. nice.

baby w her "birthday cake"

me n baby after the meal

i've decided to order another lychee bellini after the meal, since it's raining outside.nice as well.
mr n miss foody w the flowers

we went temple street for supper n some shopping after we watched tv for like 1.5 hrs, at abt 11 plus.....
we ended up eating at a dai pai dong at temple street.

super salty fried noodles. bleh. we didnt finish it.

this was the last time we saw our chopsticks. we left our chopsticks on the table wout bringing them bk w us. stupid.

our fav lai liu har. v nice.

we wanted to hav dessert, but the shop is closed by the time we went. so, LL lor. went back n sleep.

Day 3

baby n i woke up early to catch the bfast in a v famous "milk" char cang teng as we need to catch the jet to macau at 2pm.

after the rainny n sunny weather for 2 days, it was damn sunny in that morning. baby was complaining how sunny it was.

the place is called the aust milk company. wat a name.

the queue qas SUPER long!!!! all the way out to the streets!!!!

the display fridge

i've ordered a macoroni set w scrambled eggs n toast w warm milk. but i didnt tk the pix of other stuff. y? cos the scene in the shop was CHAOTIC. my god. ppl r shouting at each other, taking orders, hastening u.....ur order will arrive within 2 mins, n ppl finish their bfast in like 8 mins, gobbling down all the food.....we were so bloody stress when we ate there.

i was standing outside waiting for my take away order. kena screwed by the waiter cos they spoke too fast, end up i got the wrong order. ma de.

we went bk to hotel to prepre for the macau trip.
ate the motion sickness drug, went to the habour, then off we went.
when we reach macau, everything was so foreign to us. v diff from hk. nt knowing where to go, we hopped on to a shuttle bus randomly n got to a casino.
we were damn hungry, so we went to hav some food b4 going INTO the casino itself.

y her face like this? cos we were surrounded by chain smokers inside this air-conditioned lok kok restaurant. worse than the smell we had in XXX ktv. sigh.

food tasted alright. there r alot of big restaurants around, but baby n i decided to save some money. so we had smth cheap. beef brisket noodles n roasted goose rice.

upon leaving the restaurant, we heard an auntie saying super loud "喂,借我一百万". baby n i stared at each other. n the auntie repeated again. my god. 1 million hk dollars is like 200k in sing.sigh. when can i have such money?????

we found the casino pretty small, n it was wout our jackpot machine, so baby n i decided to change a venue. since we r there, we chose to go all the way to taipa, n visit the biggest casino the had in macau.

i bet u've saw this in tv countless times. they design the hotel/casino/shopping arcade based on venice. there is an artificial lake INSIDE the shopping centre w gondolas. n the "blue sky" u saw in the pix is actually fake. we r indoor.

baby posing near the lake

there is a BIG Man U shop in the mall. but the shopping mall was really BIG. baby n i were lost in the mall for like an hour, trying to find the shop. the interactive directory didnt help much. but still, we found it.

the casino was SUPER BIG n posh. there were restaurants IN the casino, no smoking (thank god) in the casino. u can c ppl screaming when the bet is on. esp from the "high betting area". scary.

baby n i tried our luck at the jackpot machine.
no need to guess, we lost money la.
lost 60 bucks in 20 mins.
ma de.
baby n i were SO grouchy after that.
60 bucks leh........

erm, ok.
60 bucks.

eh eh eh, still money lor.

deco in the mall

hotel lobby

these are the external deco of the casino/hotel/shopping arcade. they even hav a river infront....wah lau....super grand. for a moment, i tot i was in italy......cool.....

after the losing streak, we went to the macau tower. it was late evening, so we didnt manage to go to the cafe (no reservation). we juz went to the viewing tower to c ppl jump down (bungy jump).

as u already noe, the flooring of the tower is transparent. u can c the ground from here.

eh, i act scared oni ok. for camera effects. hahahaha

we were dead tired after the viewing. wanted to get smth to eat, but no time (poor planning, spent too much time in casino). wanted to do the "tower walk", but too ex (lost money liao buay song), so we went back to hk. as baby always say, better b safe than sorry, so we wore mask on the jet.

the 1st thing we did when we reach hk (abt 9 plus) was to find my fav noodle shop in mongkok n eat my fav prawn roe noodles.

we've orderes some veg too (fiber). the noodles were so so so good that i ordered another plate. yes, i ate 2 plates of the same thing.

what is dinner wout dessert in hk? so baby n i went to xu liu shan again after dinner for our dessert.

she wanted smth for her skin, so we ordered the 木瓜炖雪蛤. the dessert is cold n refreshing, not too heavy, perfect for the hot weather. yum yum.

baby: when can i eat it huh?

me: can u wait for me to take pix?

baby: y everytime muz take pix one???

me: wah lau eh, eat la eat la!

baby: yeah!

we went bk to sort out our stuff, pack abit cos we will b leaving the nxt day.

baby n i bought the Man U t-shirt from macau. i think baby's t shirt i v nice.

Day 4

after bfast, baby n i started to pack our luggage.

baby starting to unwrap n take out the soft toys

i purposely asked the flower shop to change the roses to white n purple. those who know us will noe y...... :)

the box

we bought these t shirts in ladies mkt

we checked out, n went for abit shopping at LKF and times square.

but 1st, lunch.

my 滑蛋牛肉饭.beef was tender, egg was as suggested, smooth. good.


we cant find anything in times square. however, we bought alot of breads (hahaha). yummy.haha.

then we went to ladies mkt again to do last min shopping. baby bought her shoes at one of the stalls.

n we went xu liu shan to grab a cold drink (honeydew w lemon jelly) b4 we went bk to hotel at abt 4pm.

the driver picked us up at 5pm from the hotel.

sunset view in hk airport

due to the flu thingy, we muz fill up a health declaration form on the plane.

smth v v v funny happened.


u c ah, it was written v v clearly that it is the "date of arrival". my dear baby wrote the yr as "1984". WTF. she flashed the paper in front of me, n i burst out laughing immediately. hysterical. wat was she thinking man????

the reason for me to laugh so hard was this. read.

penalty for providing false information is 10k fine.

c la, i helped her save 10k.


super sotong.

ok, that rounded up my trip.

more posts to come.

dun ask me abt the youtube clip u saw recently. i am nt going to say anything abt that fatty idiot in the clip.

no, its nt me.


i wish.


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