Thursday, May 07, 2009


was toking nonsense w my sis dat nite.
i was telling her abt the little heart (color out of the line one, obviously done by a kid) that was in one of my manager's cubicle.
our conversation.

sis: aiya, small kid sure color out one ma.....
me: ya la, obviously rite. i nt kid i oso color out.....
sis: come to think of it, i think i have done that too.......
me: eh??? really? so boliao ah?
sis: (starts giggling) ya ya, got v funny story.
me: who u gave the heart to?
sis: i act out the scene for u.

my sis was in kindergarden that time. she was happily coloring a heart (color 出头one la), when my dad approaches her......

dad: 哇,你做给mummy的啊?(smiling happily)
sis: 不是......(with a flirty, cocky tone n face)
dad: 做给我的啊?(smiling MORE)
sis: 不是......(still w the flirty, cocky face w a high pitch)
dad: ............(totally speechless n walked away sadly, w my sis still engross in coloring.....)

i laughed like hell when i heard dat.
my dad muz b real sad man.
my sis say she was so 大逆不道. i totally agreed.
so i asked her, who the heart was for.
she told me it was for the class monitor. she gave it to him IN FRONT of everybody.
then i asked the response.
she forgot liao.
i asked for the name.
she forgot liao.
she met him on the streets a few yrs after that, n she totally forgotten him, whereas ppl still chase up n call out to her (of cos la, i will oso rem if a xiao gin nah give me a color出头的heart).


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