Monday, February 02, 2009


i wanted to blog abt my taiwan trip.
but well, as wat MQ always said, xin you yu li bu zu (crap la, where is my graduation pix man!!!)
too lazy.
n it takes alot of time to upload the pix.
oso, i think there's smth wrong w the sys.
i cant upload the pix onto the blog. keep showing me error msg.
i will try again.

anyway, i am still looking for a job.
ya, life hav been better since i've gotten out of dat animal's grasp.
but well, i still feel myself wasting my time here.
benefits r good. yes i noe.
bonus nt bad. yes i noe.
but still, i am dying to get out of here.
my project is sure to fail. i can foresee the results.
seriously, i am juz clearing sh** for ppl.
damn it.
pls let me find smth new.

as i was typing, dat animal "hissed" her way past me.
puke. sickening.

i had a new thinking recently.
women, can't b trusted.
they change like weather. unpredictable, unreasonable, unstoppable.

went to watch the drama by sylvia chang at esplanade over the weekend.
boy, she was damn bloody good.
suddenly felt like watching xin dong again.

crappy post.

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