Tuesday, September 09, 2008


my fren's bro in-law passed away on monday.
leaving behind his wife and a six yr old son.
he juz collapsed in the hse suddenly, n was gone juz like that.
brain stem rupture.
no signs, no ways to prevent it.
they hav been together for 15 yrs, married for 7 yrs. thru all ups n downs, they've grew stronger for each other, n the bond between them r strong.
he had given her 15 yrs of happiness.
n he will b in her heart forever.
the little boy had to hide his tears from his mum, cos he knew that his mum will b more upset than him. he wanted to b brave for her.
i began to realise that life cannot b predicted at all.
wats the use of planning for the future when u dun even noe wats in for u?
of cos, this oso makes life interesting.
life is always unfair.
this i always noe.
but to accept this......
well, it was pretty emotional for me, since i knew all of them.
To my dear fren: 你要加油,好好照顾姐姐和外甥。
To Keane: u r a strong sensible boy. take good care of ur mummy for ur daddy, grow up healthly and become someone whom ur daddy n mummy will b proud of. i am sure u will.
To Eric: u will always b in the hearts of those whom love u, esp M n Keane.一路好走。
To all: please tell ur loved ones that u love them, cos u duno when they will leave u. love u guys.

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