Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Random rantings

freaking xian this week.
no mood to work wat-so-ever.
suddenly, crave for jap food and my spicy hotpot.

met MQ and YX few weeks ago for some catch up session.
yes yes, i noe, i owe u gals an answer for ktv.
pok gai le la. wait for my pay to come out 1st can ma?
damn restless recently.
i guess i need some good fun.

did some reflection in HK. n rite now, i am dying to get out of here.
ya, i noe, bonus coming.
dilemma now.
shd i look for job now, or shd i wait?
YX n MQ noes the best. cos we've discuss this b4.
to me, when the chance come, grab.
although i LOVE money (who doesnt), i feel that i will forgo the bonus if i can find the rite job.
however, i am juz looking around, c wat i can gt from the mkt now.
no hurry, although my stupid boss's limited IQ is driving me nuts again.
still can tahan i suppose.
u will c me kao beh-ing if i cant take it anymore.

btw, WK, if u r reading this, pls kindly tell us when r u free to meet up ok? enuff of the nite shift liao la. sack ur boss.
as for the ktv, sorry pals, need to wait. need to save up some cash rite now.

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