Wednesday, April 02, 2008


thanks for all the concern (and scoldings) from u guys.
MQ, YX, WL, C.....
i'm ok rite nw.
no more pain now. oni slight discomfort when i turn around on the bed.

anyway, aatn to MQ, when u wan ur belated bday dinner ah???? wats WK's schedule?
n hor, where the hell is the graduation pix???? it has been like MONTHS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yoyo!...its LP birthday dinner still ask me to check WK schedule?its your job hor. lol.Anyway YX and me is the most free mah...its you and WK busy.oh ya the pix i "xin you yu, li bu zu"...hahahha...okok will send soon. In the meantime, let me know when everyone can make it. take care and see you soon!=)