Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm going. YES!

yes ppl.
for those whom r worried abt me, good news.
i've got a new job which pays me better n w better benefits.
starting 1st Oct.

i juz handed my letter to that YDL's gf.
she kept pushing the letter back to me, saying "你忍心吗?"
i wanted to laugh out loud into her face.
but i juz smiled n push back the letter to her.
go to hell.
u give me 1 million dollars i oso wun stay.

after i tendered my resignation, he went mad.
he asked for all the staff (excluding me), confirmed them immediately, increased their pay by 200 bucks.
well, at least, that's what he promised.
HR sure go mad man.
any-o-how increase ppl's pay. ok lor, c hw u justify.
he scared ppl tender ah.

well, too late.
he def nv c it coming.
dats y he's so gan jiong.
my colleagues were thanking me for the extra windfall.
we shall c who hav the last laugh.

anyway, ppl, I AM LEAVING!!!!!!
lets celebrate.

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