Monday, March 09, 2015

BKK Trip 2015 - Recharge and reload

wanted to plan an escape trip to bkk during the cny period, but as u shd noe, the air tix r really atrociously expensive. no choice, we hav to postpone our trip to march.
we met up w close frens for cny makan b4 we went to bkk.

 the bffs planning a surprise for the bday girl
desserts r essential during a discussion
i hav no idea abt the craze for polariods. anybody?
finally got to meet up w the crazy mum's club. dats the thing abt dinner + kids.
super difficult to arrange.
n to think dat we didnt even hav the chance to take a group photo. wth. 
baby C: *frown* go away.....
baby K: come come, let auntie kiss kiss
baby C: *frown more, push harder* GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!
 i enjoy my own time by playing w ang pao.....
baby C: y got another smelly uncle here???? *frown again*
p.s: there was no chance for me to react to his rejection. he bursted into tears after this pix.
 as u can c, gor gor was v lost during the adult's lo hei. lets think of smth for the kids nxt time. maybe soak their hands in chocolate sauce or smth.
 waited patiently for zai zai in the afternoon. by the time they arrived, we finished our lunch n was looking at the desserts already. hahaha.
 freid oysters were jumbo.
 our son playing w the sticker (yup, his fav) book we bought for him
 baby patiently teaching Giz how to draw
 "who is taking my pix?"
 the mum stuck the sticker onto his face. the silly boy smiled sheepishly after dat. so cute hor. n he'd finally called me n baby "kai papa" and "kai mama"! so happy :)
final product. master piece.
finally, the obligatory group pix.
my son always CLOSED his eyes. sigh.

BKK, Day 1 (5 March, Thurs)
 we've decided to take the airport rail instead of the notorious cabs fr the airport.

 it was fast n easy! saved $$$ too!
 after unloading our luggage, we chiong to platinum for shopping. b4 contributing to their economy, we hav to contribute to our stomach 1st. went to hav wanton mee at the famous shop. i've decided to try their braised pork knuckle rice too. yum yum!
 serving SO small liao still met a thief who stole my food.
 the legendary wtm. still good. al dente noodles w artery clogging amt of pork lard. like i say, this is wat u get. the serving size was pathetic. i can finish this noodle in 2 mouthfuls.
hav to buy a crepe to fill up our relatively empty stomach despite after having noodles n rice.
baby grabbing her sugar fix, refused to share.
 yup, this was the face after shopping. we've decided to walk to siam paragon the hav some desserts (alamak, again)

 me: i feel so glycated
baby: dun like this la, the desserts here is the very the nice one......
 peek-a-boo-but-sign-too-small-to -cover-huge-face

 this was the best banoffee i've had to date. enuff say.
 thick n sweet shibuya toast. too much bread for me. n to think thst tis is the BABY size. serious man.
"come come, i feed u"
 saw this at the supermkt n bought to try. v smart of them to pack it like this. consumers can buy it at their convenience.
 "i'm eating worms......."
 crunchy w good flavors, like peanut. i like the "fresh" ones though. this was too dry for me.
we wanted to hav dinner at TJY at chinatown, but it was yuan xiao dat day, n their shop was fully booked till late. so we settled for another place for dinner. wats thailand wout chang beer?

 the veg was spicer than the fish lor wtf

 food was nt bad for the price. half of wat we would hav spent in TJY. fine by me.
my hair was messy after the tuk tuk ride. kena photobomb by baby

since it was  元宵, we bought some 汤圆from this sweet stall to eat in our room. verdict? too sweet for me. faint.
BKK, Day 2, 6 March (Fri)
 who would hav know dat so many food shops were closed on fri in the OTK mkt????? our fav stalls were all closed. sigh.

 ate this fried pad thai instead. ok lor. wat to do.

 this is like the mini light version of kway chap, but its clear soup, n w roasted pork. i am not complaining.
 pi pa season!!! this fruit tasted awesome! like a hybrid between mango n apricot. nice!
loot to bring home
 the must-da-pao roasted pork fr OTK. look at the layers. tender n juicy w crispy skin (which i ate b4 taking the pix....)
 baby was daring me to add some seasoning into the food. fat hope.
 lunch was at this v recommended shop. their sontam was......VERY SOUR!!!! pH 2?
 i went for their chix wings.....n it was so so so good!!!!! juicy n tender, well marinated, w the crispy fried garlic on top......super tasty!!!!
 pork soup was supposed to b spicy, end up, sour too.

 baby had the illusion to b the owner of this restaurant
 sawadee ka
 the world's greatest crepe cake. thia tea flavored. work of genius. a must hav when u r in bkk.
we stuffed ourselves silly bcos we were going "overseas". on the boat to asiatique.
 there happened to b a photoshoot for the mr global 2015 contestant. all the female species were oogling and breathing in the testosterone filled air.

 baby wanted to join in the oogling

 urs truly was so baked by the weather. air-ing my armpit.


 "lets go n take the ferris?"
 "how abt.....NO?"
 no  more ferris ride after the disasterous ferris ride at canada.
 after baking ourselves silly, we had to find good food to replenish.
 this was the famous wtm stall at soi 38

 we ordered both the dry n the soup version. verdict? we've regretted not to order MORE. tastiest wtm in bkk. hands down. BEST. got crab meat some more.....

supper back in the room. thai bbq thai prawns w thai beer. this is life.

 BKK, Day 3, 7 March (Sat)

 f face. yes, cos we need to wake up v early for this porridge stall (super ulu!!!)
 hidden in a dark alley
 no make up so no pix????
 we were blown away by this bowl of gem. hav u eaten porridge w a tinge of charcoal fragrance? this was the case here. they used charcoal to cook the porridge!!!! this bowl of goodness was filled w complex flavors dat hit ur tastebuds each time u put the porridge into ur mouth. symphony of flavors. hit u like waves of pleasure.
 verdict? i regretted.....I SHOULD HAVE ORDERED MORE.......(as u can c, the serving was petite. i guess this was the case for all food servings here. dats y all thai ppl r so slim!) GIVE ME MORE!!!!
 the lady sells coffee outside the stall. this is really good thai coffee!!!! wat a bfast!!!! totally worth the wake-up-early effort!!!!

 went for early lunch b4 shopping at siam

 the chix wings here were still as good
 this spaghetti w thai anchovies r awesome. n no, they r nt spicy. v nice.
 baby finally found her love
 i duno wat this dish was called, but it is like thick beehoon bundled together, served w crab curry. the curry was FABULOUS!!!! super tasty and v spicy!!!!!! i love this dish!!!!!! the curry was v fragrant w spicies and flavorful w the crab meat. i've even drank the curry after i finished everything. super delish!
"i shop until v tired i wan to sit"
"yeah, sit down liao"
"sit ma sit, need to order dessert meh?"
 we went bk to 38 for wtm after intense shopping. the small servings made us unsatisfied besides the fact dat i've eaten 2 bowls of noodles this time. we went to da bao cakes. restaurant too crowded. end up, we got 50% discount on the cakes!!!
 bought thai tea n milo dino crepe cake
 look at the milo-y goodness. super tasty cakes!!!!!
BKK, Day 4, 8 March (Sun)
last day in bkk, of cos muz chiong.......
 for porridge AGAIN!!!!! do note dat 3 bowls were ordered this time. the auntie smiled at me when i went to order 3 bowls for 2 pax. needless to say, i finished 2.
 went mbk to do a last min shopping spree. chance upon this shop dat sells mama noodles. i love it!!!! this will b another staple for me nxt time i come to bkk.
 their giant kangkong tasted good too!
 we went for massage 2 days ago n baby got all the bruises from it. erm, y ah??? did it happen to u too???
 got this hp case fr asiatique. laser carved on wood. look nice, but it broke b4 i can even put in my hp. tok abt durability.....bleh.
 bye bye bkk. we will b back real  soon!!!!

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