Monday, February 23, 2015

New year = New beginnings

i definitely believe so.
new yr = new beginning
for some of us, is to get a new job. hw i wish.
well, it bodes well for baby's (ex)boss.
hopefully our turn will come soon.
 she was one of the better bosses around. baby loved her so.

 i missed suan-ing her. life isnt the same wout her in the office. sad.
 the 2 who missed her the most.
 this weird woman chose this chi chi atas restaurant for her farewell lunch. i can oni say dat in the future, i will AVOID all the places she chose for makan. sux.

 the welcome drink. turned out to b the best tasting "dish" dat day.
 appetizer. dun even ask. i didnt even bother to take pix of the remaining dishes. its this bad.
 super long speech. as usual. haha
BL: i tell u all ah.....
baby: wah biang, can u juz stop it........

 we finally made our way down to this WTM shop for their famous WTM!!!! this chilli is sure spicy!!!!
 noodles so so la. i wun purposely make my way down to eat it.
 in order to satisfy my cravings for pizza, we went to my fav pizza plc for pizza

food is still good, but they've chg the head chef (handsome guy GONE), n the svs staff were different too. the homely feel was gone. we wun go back again. upset.

 i think she's cute in these pix. hehehe.
 we took half day to hav lunch here. the bread was still really good! had 2 servings of this. 

food was still good. but we felt that the passion n the vibe was gone w Sebastian and Sabrina. i can oni conclude that the word for our dining experience dat week was "disappointment". we wun b back again. 
 was v excited abt this exhibition. end up it was so intense dat we had muscle aches and headaches after the exhibition. loaded w information.

 this was definitely my preferred version of mona lisa. who cares abt wat others say. preference is subjective. she's beautiful.
 we saw this triple arch rainbow outside the museum after e exhibition. but the camera cant catch it. wat a waste. sometimes u juz hav to look up n u will c the beauty that others dont. :)
great words fr the man himself. which class do u belong to?
 strolled to this place for dinner

 baby anticipating
 super fresh n sweet oysters to start the meal perfectly.
 they r famous for their sake cocktail. this was really good!
 angel's hair w uni n sakura ebi. wonderful creamy uni w sweet ebi. light n clean dish. v good.
 deep fried squid (yum!!!) w sou vide egg n spicy chirozo. wat can go wrong???? fantastic!!!!
 this was my ultimate fav dish of the day. duck dumplings. the pan fried crispy dumplings exploded when we took our 1st bite. juicy meat fillings, buttery fragrance fr the skin, well seasoned duck meat......i simply love this. v good.
 lychee sake-tini. lovely lovely lovely. i love the balance of taste, natural sweetness of this drink, wout the overpowering of lychee flavor (nt like some other drinks outside). nice.
 grilled beef tongue. the rich robust flavors of the tender beef tongue were balanced w the tangy dressing of the fresh veg. wat can i say. delicious!
 a brilliant dessert to end the meal. rich chocolate "bar" w mascapone foam (w lime zest). i wished i had another stomach to try more dishes. i love the food there. will b back for more!!!
 baby's fav jap bakery. they serve good lunch set meals as well. my tonkatsu sandwich set. we will go back for more if we hav the time to wait. ya, we have to wait for like a good 30 mins b4 our sandwiches r ready. tasty though. so ya, we will b back la.
 cny home cooking. my fav porridge on the 1st day of cny. family tradition.
 made carbonara w egg yolk, pecorino cheese n prosciutto, drizzled w garlic infused olive oil. NO CREAM PLEASE. authentic italian carbonara is WITHOUT CREAM. screw e ppl who wanted cream sauce. i will stick to MY version. yes, i am a food snob.
mum finally caught her breath after cooking for the whole morning for the relatives. 
 my bro juz looked so awkward w my baby nephew sitting on his lap. lousy leh.

 escaped out to kki for cakes!!! K's new creation was definitely a stroke of genius. 
 finally had this kaisendon fr teppei. loads of fishy goodness in a bowl
 too fishy for baby. demanded to have desserts to "balance" her taste buds.
 super good desserts fr G!!!!!
 watched this shw at esplanade. wat can i say? understood the concept, but execution was horrible. plot (was here even a plot?????) was scattered. buay liao gai.
2 confused ppl. many audiences didnt come back after interval. heard alot of "comments" like too cheem, dun understand......caught ppl snacking n sleeping half way.....wah lau, quite bad la. nt that we dun hav 文化,只是故事太松散,带不出主角的鲜明,演员表现很好,但角色分配太凌乱,根本不知道谁是谁。故事人自顾自地说着自己的故事,preaching. my humble opinion la. maybe someone understands. definitely not us. haha.

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