Thursday, December 18, 2014

D&D 2014 - 幽灵人间之鬼魅成群(却无聊透顶)

wat can i say?
i shd hav followed my instinct by boycotting it this yr.
end up, for some weird political reasons, we went ahead to attend the most boring ever D&D. ever.

warning: the following photos range from scary to disgusting to their very best. parental guidance is advised.

 thank u VVC for driving to singapore juz to help out in our nonsense arrangement.
 somehow i dun quite really get the thrill of men cross dressing
 lobo ppl hanging around to laugh at others
 i cant believe they actually drove to the hotel in this outfit. the other drivers on the road muz b wondering whether the 7th mth had officially ended.
 ok, this look decent actually. good makeup skills.
 meanwhile, we juz hangout at the hotel lobby lobo-ing, taking pix.
 xiao char bor say she is v chio dat day (b4 she obligingly commented dat other ppl look good as well)
 until nw, i still duno who the zorro was. v secretive lor. dress until like this, who the hell noe who u r ah?
 we snatched this from another department. it look like an apron for me, baby look as if she is going to a hairdressing salon doing her hair
 poker guards vs ghost queen
drama baby vs mad hatter boss
 the program sux big time. we dun really noe wat was going on on stage, n the emcee sux big time. rude, unprofessional n unengaging. we ended up walking around to look for drinking kakis.
hw am i suppose to finish my food when this queen was sitting right beside me for the nite? i cant stop laughing when i saw his/her makeup peel into the food (ya, u can c the paint in  his/her wine n food)
 he was v tu lan. need a straw to drink. cant even eat. n yes, dat was my finger
 mad hatter was having a good time w the over-age rabbit
 soup too hot, muz fan, if nt will melt the straw. i laughed my ass off when i saw his tu lan face. so funny la.

 like i say, i dun understand the whole thrill behind cross dressing men. wassup w the snow white behind?????
 uncle alice v happy to win a luggage. he is thinking of interviewing for air stewardess.
 awesome mad hatter won the best dressed award. the stupid emcee kept thinking that she was a man. gender blind. idiot.
 we were so bored dat we kept taking selfies n play w instagram. tsk. super lousy events company.
time nt wasted though. i got e 20th prize for lucky draw. sony mp3 waterproof headphone. nt bad.

the bloody event ended at 12 midnite. no cab (cos lousy location), no mrt, no human beings (all drunk pigs n ghosts, as u can c).
we hav to walk a good 20 mins b4 we hop onto a cab (finally).
we r going to boycott the event (if we r STILL here) nxt yr if the emcee is nt JDM.
we missed him. :(

p.s: in case u didnt realize, we've dressed up as characters of alice in wonderland.

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