Thursday, June 05, 2014

The problem with so called "friends"

there's this murmuring n whispering abt secret meetings between diff groups of frens.
ya, like oh-actually-u-r-free-but-u-dun-wan-to-meet-us-but-u-meet-other-ppl-tantrums-bullcrap-ass-shit-childish-nonsense.
these ppl shd really F off .
i mean, i've already given u enuff face by nt telling u straight up onto ur ass faces that I DO NOT WANT TO MEET YOU.
as if not meeting u ppl is my fault, my mistake.
i choose who i want to meet. period.
i simply cant c the importance of spending my time w u ppl.
i rather sleep at home.
u all wan to meet for chi chi atas high tea, tok abt ur bullshit high end life, go ahead. i am not interested.
i am simply nt tainting my life with bull ass ppl.
go F urselves.
i need to get it out of my chest. it has been going on for a long time. i simply dun understand y i was given a sour face when i met one of my ex classmates earlier on.
as if i owed her money.
frens u called them?
wat kind?
ok, enuff ranting, let me tok abt the ppl whom r worth my time.
those true frens.

 went to visit zai zai after his big fall that landed him in hospital. my poor son.
 the kai ma was trying to 投其所好. use. sonny is engrossed in his game.
 this new gyoza shop is located at orchard. simple n good food.

 they even hav instructions for u to follow for eating their noodles.
 the gyoza is good!!!
 surprisingly, the garlic fried rice we had dat day was AWESOME. i nearly ordered a 2nd bowl!!!!
 we will b back for more!!!
 went to P.S cafe for desserts. saw all tables around us ordered the truffle fries (what else?). it was a humongous pile. as much as we wanted to eat that, our brain says no (sad).

 bfast at cedele r always a good way to start ur day!

 went to strawberry's hse for fruities gathering. her hse is in tampines. yes, i can travel all the way down to meet u. if i wanted to. her whiney son is simply adorable. he noes how to pose for the camera, better than we do. i think he looks damn chok in this pix. chok-zai.
 look at the spread! a cosy gathering like this at home is better than superficial meetings. 
 pongz prepared this for us. its the heart that counts (ok, taste is good la)
 prepare food le still muz wash up leh.....practice to b a good wife?
 coconut baked these cupcakes for us. c, my frens r with hearts.
 superstar baby starting to get ALL the attention.
 " who is the most handsome baby?"
 " let me c the photo u took juz now.....alamak, my hair is messy!"
 baby n i went for brunch after our gym session
 her fav restaurant. v happy.

 bellini for her
 prosecco for me
 param ham w mozzarella. ham was sweet. yumz.
 baby's smoked salmon w bagel. super super super yummy! best smoked salmon i've tasted.
 porchetta w baked potatoes and rocket salad. mama mia!!!!!!
this tasted SO DELICIOUS!!!! the pork crackling was super crispy, the meat was juicy, tender, melt in ur mouth, the potatoes were baked w anchovies (LOVE!!!), n the pesto sauce is awesome (anchovies!!!) i am still drooling as i typed the words now......super yum. 
 famous pastries. well executed. but we were stuffed to the brim at this time
 n this woman still finished most of her share. steady.
 have to end the meal w coffee of cos. this is italian, mind u.
 this is a new restaurant near our work place. v crowded during lunch. it was rainning dat day, n baby n i decided to pay them a visit. after much discussion, we've decided to order this 部队锅. noodles, luncheon meat, sausages, kimchi, rice cake, etc....wah seh. super tasty! i am nt sure abt the authenticity (since i've never went to korea), but this is the best tasting one i've tasted in singapore. at least, to my preference la.

 baby struggling to finish the food

 i am overjoyed!!!! i've stayed away from instant noodles (u all shd noe already) for MANY MONTHS. n now, eating the noodles is like drinking water in desert. ok, too drama. but smth like this. :)
 finally got to meet C&M after M's trip to china. can c that she've enjoyed herself! (w the selfies n the bear......hahahhahaha)
 coffee beans from yunnan. thank u!


 food was good, but too much fried stuff!!! had a sore throat after that! but i think it is suitable for MQ and YX. hahahahha. how abt meeting up after YX give birth????
*wink to MQ* the fried chix is nice leh.....hahahaha

speaking of MQ and YX, met them last week for a simple dinner, n dessert. we had a good time toking. i hav to say my fren is damn strong ya. n we've found out that YX is actually quite smart (but still VERY SLOW). maybe its bcos of the baby. hahahaha. smart boy kicked n moved abt when i touched YX's tummy. good boy!
we missed WK though. lets meet up when u r feeling better, ok?
 as a result of "oily" and high calorie lifestyle, health took a toll. kena 针灸by my boss at workplace.
cant mova an inch, still need to read papers n work. (look at my messy desk!)

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