Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Taiwan 2014 - Part 1

we finally got away from this filthy workplace.
wat a hard earned holiday.

Day 1 - 11 Apr
新加坡 to 台南

 we went to this farm in tainan (on top of the bloody mountains) after a 1 hr ride from 嘉义 train stn. room is spacious w the fragrance of wood.

 we walked around the mountains and found some strangly named plants and trees

 ppl hang their wishes on a tree. this parent wants the kids to b guai guai.

 i am the queen of the world!

selfie selfie.

 it was time for dinner n someone is really excited
 our view from the restaurant
 the ppl believe in 就地取材.so everything we eat here is from the farm/mountains. this tea was brewed from the bark of a tree (dun rem wat tree)
 we were the oni guest dat day (cos its a friday), so we got all their attention that nite!
 veg from the mountains, and the pot of chicken soup is boiled with bua long long. yes, bua long long the soup is SOURISH. quite nice though. we nearly finished the whole pot. no kidding.
 curcumin rice w veg.
 steamed eggs w seaweed.
 veg sushi

 this卤猪腿肉is FANTASTIC!!!!! the savory goodness of the gravy is well balanced by the sweetness of the pickled veg. n the slightly fatty meat melts in ur mouth.....wah seh......
 the sauce goes well w the handmade noodles.
 sweet potato, spring onions (yes, 青葱)and smoked longan (yes,龙眼)deep fried in tempura batter. the spring onion n longan is super crispy n sweet! nice.
 even the fruits here are sweet.

 baby kept telling me dat our room "number" is "TOE"......
 but its actually 301   -__-""
the story doesnt end here.
ppl who noe me well noes my nemesis. yes, lizards. i hate them w all my gut n gall bladder (ok, maybe nt). we were half asleep when we heard this SUPER LOUD "tiak tiak tiak tiak" sound made by the lizard (yes, it sounds as if it was BESIDE you)
when we on the lights, we saw one big, gigantic lizard in the room, at that top left corner u c in the pic. it run w the speed of 200km/min when we on the lights. AND IT DISAPPEARED.
now, who dare to slp after that??????
we on the lights n tv until day break.
n who is slping?

Day 2 - 12 Apr

 after the "adventure" w my nemesis the previous nite, we deserve to hav a good bfast. fish floss, pickled winter melon n bittergourd. i love it.
 baby: no scared no scared, we r ok.....
 i was juz being dazzled by the sunlight.

 veg. anyhow fry oso nice. damn it.
 地瓜粥。i love bfast porridge!
 a gu lao pin ball machine

morale of this chess piece =  看得到,吃不着。

 this cafe by the mountains opens at 9am. we were too early.
 there were baby pigs around (ahem, i believe we ate their counter part last nite......)

 see saw cannot saw cos the person at the other end is TOO heavy.....hehehe.

 a v fierce goose
 my best fren, porsche
 pack leader, 百合(ya, dun ask me y. the owner likes this name)
 they even have their own coffee beans here.

 this is the place the roast/dry/smoke their logan fruits. v nice.

 cafe finally opened after our walk in the woods, after 10am.
 finally got coffee
 alishan coffee w smoked longan fruit. wow. this drink is good! nv noe longan goes so well w coffee!!!! v nice.
 i had my 东山咖啡 w the handmade meringue. yes, w longan. super nice. i almost ordered a second piece.

 our "house". told u its 301.
this cab we took downhill had the car plate number of baby's bday.
the motel we've booked was nt ready for check in yet, so we left our luggage at the recep n went to this 安平老街 for a walk.


 this is the legendary 蜜饯shop here. how legendary? look below.

 a girl in a pickled giam giam shop.
 we have to Q for abt 20 mins under the hot scorching sun to PAY. %$$#$^%$^
 ok ok, u win.

baby bought some of her fav 车轮饼.
we were overwhelmed by the "villa"given to us by the motel. seriously. a two-storey "room"w gigantic bath tub downstairs, big flat  screen tv w a king sized bed, seriously???? we went out n checked many times to make sure that we didnt got into the wrong room.
upstairs. bed + tv + washroom + bar area
the view of the bath/jacuzzi from upstairs

yes, jacuzzi.

told u it is gigantic
of cos muz enjoy the bath!!!!

hw does that feel? bath + food and drinks!!!! haaha.

baby gave me permission to induldge in my ultimate fav mala instant noodles. this is really yummy. my 1st official instant noodles after 6 mths!!!!
the reason for choosing this motel is the fact that it is 1 street away from the legendary 花园夜市. here we come!!!

i think the one in taichung tasted better? this is the start of my "sweet" nite market nitemare. 
many many stalls!!!
crowd started to form at around 5pm.
this 鸡蛋糕 is good. sweet cake outside, savory creamy egg inside. good.

1st trend of nitemkts in TW. stuffed chix wings.
hw can i miss it? they stuff the wings w rice, then deep fried it, followed by grilling it. of cos its tasty. :)
singapore laksa? their version is white. yes, white. w beef n other meats. i rolled my eyes till the back of my head when i saw this. n this mega "stall" is so crowded w ppl. cant believe this.

we went to try out smth else.
鳝鱼意面。taste like a dessert to me. bloody hell, its so sweet. nw i finally understand wat they meant by sweetness in tainan's cuisine. super sweet. nt to my taste.
even the bloody 排骨酥is sweet. CAN'T BELIEVE IT. eek.
the oni comfort i had was this卤味. i've tried this b4 when i came for my biz trip. their gravy is super fragrant, n they cook their food on the spot. diff from other卤味 in TW. verdict? still v good! 

trend 2: they like to "flame" the steak n sell them at a cheap price. quite good actually.

Day 3 - 13 Apr
台南 to 台中

the motel provided bfast in bed as well. they will leave the food in front of the foyer, then call u to pick it up. no human contact at all. for privacy. hw cool was that!!!!
i simply love the porridge bfast in TW. :)
baby had the sliders.
bfast on bed! simply enjoyable. we will come back n stay here again nxt time. awesome service, environment and cheap!
we took e train fron tainan to taichung after bfast.
bought this mochi from the train stn.

a whole strawberry wrapped inside w red beans.
u ppl shd noe i dun like sweet stuff. this explains the look i had in this pix.
had my coffee fix at the stn b4 we move on. it sux. bleh.
brought baby to lukang, the plc i am so familiar w.
super crowded.

it was such a coincidence dat we met the妈祖回宫proceeding. there were fireworks, fire crackers all over the little town. as a city kid, we didnt really experience this b4. quite scary actually. nevertheless, it was great great fun.
super crowded w followers.
we went into an eatery to hide from the overwhelming crowd n scorching sun.
fried rice!!!! come TW MUST eat fried rice. :)
i like the oyster omelette in lukang. less sweet than other places. n alot of oysters.
lukang special, 虾侯酥. especially nice w the fried basil n pepper/salt condiment.

sweet n light clam soup. :) didnt really took pix of the old street cos i need my hands to cover my ears from the bombing of fire crackers. hahahaha.

checked into this hotel near fengjia nitemkt. 
got this famous 咸蛋糕from lukang. a must-buy. yumz.
v busy lor. eat la, wassap la.
fengjia nitemkt has alwasy been my fav nitemkt in TW. alot to c, alot to eat, alot to shop. one of the must-eat is their地瓜球. v tasty. u can taste the sweet potato in the ball (sounds wrong). best in TW. look at the Q.
" can we Q, PLEASE????????"
worth every cent n time u spent. really.
5pm, n the corwd starts forming.
must-buy #2, stay real merchandise. i hav so many stuff from stay real, that i can wear them wout repeating the designs for a straight 3 weeks. go figure.
we always say "when there is a Q, there is quality". v true in TW too. this is the best 臭豆腐 i've ever eaten in TW. a must-eat too!
super long Q, as usual
v stinky, but still muz Q!!!!
ok lor. Q ma Q.
n finally, its my turn!!!!
nice aunties
the bittergourd juice is oso a must-buy in nitemkt.
used to adore this prawn pancake. nt anymore. std dropped. nt as tasty as b4.
炭烤鸡排. didnt i told u abt waiting?
waited for 15 mins!
my fav chix feet stall. super nice.
we still failed to have the关东煮. TOO MANY PPL.
prawn pancake
awesome stinky toufu!!!!! yummy!!!!! i finished one whole box (6 pcs) all by myself!!!! this is hw good this is. 
keep eating
n eating!!! the grilled prawns r my ultimate fav too!
best way to end the meal. muz jio ah kiam to join me. beer time bro! (WK will kill me).

Day 4 - 14 Apr
台中 to 台北

this is the famous/popular bfast stall for the uni students in fengjia. they serve awesome蛋饼 in that area. n auntie is sooooooooooooo friendly n nice :)

i tell u, the 蛋饼is so moist n fragrant. no wonder its so popular. :)
got this铁板面from another stall. super yummy w their homemade 肉燥酱. simple = tasty.
carrot cake is so so oni.
end the meal w milk! power bfast!
packed our bags after bfast n went to the train stn to porceed to taipei!
this排骨便当is oso a must-eat in TW. v tasty.
face black black. y?
cos cannot sit w baby. apparently, the train was so full, we cant get seats. look at the murderous look on the woman beside baby. she was well asleep when we board the train. baby had to wake her up to get to her seat. ahhhhh.......
reach taipei!!!!! bought train tix for our nxt trip.
finally reach hotel. damn tired.
bery happy hor. y ah?
we spent most of our time n $$$$ in this shop. hahaha.
now, this Q is full of ATs. n they CUT Q. irritating. Q for wat?
a std 1st meal in taipei for us.
w loads of chilli, garlic n vinegar.


ok, enuff of the mandarin illustration. haha. we went carrefour (yes) after lunch. my personal fav activity in every country. muz go their supermkt.
baby: u cannot buy!

they were rite abt shida nitemkt. it had shrinked to so small an area, all those buzz n fun were no longer there. wat a shame!
cannot miss this. a must-eat in shida.

i control already ah. tried nt to order too much. but still BIG plate. baby n i shared this. imagine the students here ate ONE plate PER PAX. crazy! hw can they b so slim still????????
juz wat they meant by "incubation centre"? incubate the students?

baby: ya la ya la, i wan to eat the crepes la.
me: nvm, i understand (w my delicate heart)
baby: 我要自己吃。
me: not sharing???? :(
and the grilled chix is good!
erm, besides eating, we went to watsons n bought ALOT of facial pdts. no kidding. look at the long receipt. mad one.

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