Wednesday, May 02, 2012

My Taiwan Trip 2012

Hey folks! sorry for the disappearance.
have been flying to places for biz trips n my personal trip too.
*warning - shit load of pix*

Before flying to TW, baby and i indulged ourselves with the super-licious cupcakes from 12 cupcakes. as u can c, i hav already eaten 1 b4 i even took pix. super super soft, fluffy creamy cupcakes!!!
Day 1
Baby is having a cough. being ethical.

we ordered some food at the taoyuan high speed rail station. mos burger. but their chinese sauce for the nuggets smelled damn funky. 

on the train finally

after searching high n low for the stupid hostel, we finally found this niao bu la shi plc. this hostel is v near fengjia nite mkt. dats y we've chosen this plc. of cos, we went to fengjia nite mkt rite after we've settled down. 

this is the legendary bear palm bun. to me so so. nth special, n it takes up my stomach space.

baby trying to pose in front of the stall wout wanting to buy their buns. cheapskate.hahaha

we settled for this 關東煮instead.we wanted to try the popular one but it is always flooded w ppl. we didnt get to eat it for our 2 days in taichung. freak.

super good tasting 滷味.no cheap though.

how can i resist the charcoal grilled oysters??? sweet n juicy. good.

this sweet young girl is the chio-est i saw in taichung. damn pretty. baby was looking at clothes n i was busying taking pix.hehe.

q-ing for super smelly beancurd. we found this randomly at the end of a street. corner.but its worth all the waiting. this is the best smelly beancurd i've ever eaten. ever.

we bought this back to the hostel. even its cold, its really really tasty!!! crispy, fragrant. beancurd soft n sweet. best chilli sauce ever. nice!
Day 2
we were waiting for our bfast(provided by hostel in a cafe downstairs). shops still close at 10 plus.actually, we nv saw them open b4.....

baby enjoying her coffee. v nice bfast. n cheap too.

i wanted to find some food at the local mkt, so i coax baby to check it out w me. big mistake. the place is full of filth n motorbikes. no kidding, the whole street is filled to brim w motor bikes. baby n i were all giddy (CO poisioning) after 20 mins. pukey n all. we've decided to give up n search for our next destination. sorry. my bad.

this is the "cake museum" in taichung. v ang mo style. pretty.

the famous jap cookie company is round the corner too! of cos me n baby bought the cookies hm.

me: c'mon, lets kiss
statue: erm...i shy
me: oh, c'mon dun fake
statue: i AM fake

the interior of the cafe

we ordered two different afternoon tea sets. they each come w a tart, cake and cookies, tea/coffee. super super moist cake!!!! n the cookies were so so flavorful, buttery. n the chocolate moouse tart. omg, best bitter choco taste ever. goes well w the iced tea we had.

lovely lovely choco moouse tart.

we ate a lousy lunch near the hostel due to a heavy rain. cold n hungry. end up, sigh. their bamboo shoots really cmi la.

went to Q for the super nice beancurd. i went back twice, n the auntie ask" eh, u came juz nw rite?" i was like, hehe, ya. then the other auntie beside her told her" he came yesterday liao". eh....hw come they reconise me. damn it. cant go borrow from ah long.
this is the vegetarian mee sua they sell w the beancurd. super nice n sour n spicy too!

this moon cracker is a killer. we Q in the rain juz to buy it. ya, supper. but crispy n nice.

Day 3 

awesome fried chix sandwich for bfast. hw good can that be?

we packed up n made our way to the train station to get to taipei.

wah lau eh this railway bento is awesome la. the lor chix drumstick is damn tasty! n the braised veg. yum yum.

ritual of taipei trip. 1st stop is always the mee sua at ximending.

super yummy w bonito stock. soft n chewy intestine....add garlic n chilli n vinegar.....omg....i am drooling here.

bikini girls at XMD!!!! i hav to squeeze past all the animals b4 i can take this pix.....

behold ladies n gentlemen, the famous shid nite mkt!!!! woohoo!!! i am so excited!!! finally i can go n bio my sweet young thing!!! lots n lots of pretty girls, young, kidz. i simply love it!!!

the plc is flooded w tons of ppl

this 滷味is famous in shida. u choose ur stuff outside (like yong tau hoo) then they will cook ur stuff in theirs special stew sauce, add garlic, chilli.....wah la! apparently, this plate is nt ours. v chaotic out there, so i just grab watever they gave me. v v v v v nice!!!! super big plate n spicy!!! i hav been missing this since is came bk to singapore. damn it. i wan!!!!!

too spicy for baby

as u can c, this plc is another super crowded plc. the legendary crepe shop in shida. u muz have seen it in the diff variety shws.....look at our Q number n the actual Q, xiao one.

i went to buy the 鹽水雞(another famous shop) while waiting for the crepes. super nice n tender chix marinated w their sauce, chilli, pepper....yummy max.

baby still waiting

and finally!!!! baby bought the banana honey crepe. ok, i muz say, i am v v skeptical b4 i came, swearing that i wun b stupid to waste my stomach space for such useless t stuff....but i was totally sold to this!!!damn it! the crepe i super crisy n fragrant, w the honey n banana....omg. damn it! its really good!

my baby is super brave. for ppl who dun really noe, she had a phobia for dogs. n this is so far the closest she can get to a dog. still too far though. i wanted her to touch it.haha.
kick ass NYPD t-shirt models
Day 4

of cos of cos, we went for our all time fav 魷魚羹&炒米粉 at XMD for bfast. warms our stomach early in the morning. still my fav food in TW. v v nice.

well well. we were wondering y on earth were there Qs early in the morning at 9 plus? Show Lou's autograph session. damn the fans blocked my way. i hav to de-tour for my bfast. i revenged by shouting jay chou in the crowd.

baby brought me to this place for lunch after we done our ahopping at zhongxiao fuxing. they serve v good shanghainese cuisine.

baby "strolling" at the small dish counter. they display the food outside, u order, they send to ur table. cool.

龍井蝦仁. prawn is sweet n crispy, w tinge of tea fragrance. v light dish. v nice!

oh c'mon. who can  resist 東坡肉? this is nt v greasy, i muz say, light. melts in ur mouth fats, tender meat, sweet braised sauce....rice rice!!!!

this is the famous soup, 淹篤鮮. soup using chinese ham, pork, beancurd skin.....super super super super nice!!! v v v v sweet (meaty sweetness), light, fresh, silky, smooth to n i finished the whole big bowl of soup. go figure.

a random sweet fish we ordered for side dish.

i MUST MUST MUST clarify this. those who are around my age shd noe what this is. glue rite? the "gum" we used for art n craft. no meh???? i kept insisting, until i realised that they used this container for a jap brand mositurising pdt. NOT GUM MEH?????


wanted to buy this violent rabbit but it is oni for display....

baby: y u take pix nv look at camera one
girl: i AM looking
baby: really meh????

baby bought this hand made earring at 紅樓

how can we miss our fav restaurant when we r in taipei?

v spicy n fragrant 蒼蠅頭

老皮嫩肉。silky tofu w Q skin, melt in ur mouth w fabulous sauce.

成都小炒. i love love this dish.u can taste the wok hei, celery sweet, pork well fried, 麻辣麻辣. goes so well w rice.

bitter gourd spare ribs soup. i tell u, u wun feel thirsty after drinking this. no msg de hor.

look at how much left over chilli we hav. u can gauge the spiciness of the food here. 
Day 5
i was damn upset by the fact that our tv was spoilt b4 we went out for the day. u noe ah, they hav like 100 channels to watch taiwanses variety shws. n now it was spoilt, i was wondering sadly whether the tv was ok or nt.

baby: sure can la. b positive! most prob is the signal prob.(earthquake a day b4)
me: sure ma?
baby: ya, u on the tv now.

have leh!!! really have leh!!!! (so happy) haha.

we went to look for this v v famous 旦仔面shop for lunch. ordered this for side dish. sweet sweet clams.nt bad.

baby was damn pissed off by the people-from-our-boss-ah-gong-country. tok super loud n noisy after alcohol.

baby: yeah, those SOBs finally left!

ok, this is a super weird veg. look at the texture....abit like plastic. but surprisingly nice! its 山囌.

the famous 擔仔面. think a mild flavor hokkien prawn noodle. light soup la. nt bad

the full of gelatin drunkard chicken

bought these books from chengpin bookstore

baby overjoyed to finally get a taste of the ultimate fav 麻辣鴨血臭豆腐at士林.

awesome awesome duck's blood, pig intestines w meat balls, smelly beancurd. the stew sauce is fantastic....n the vermicelli....omg....Q until like mad, then spicy.....super super super nice!!!! n smelly. our clothes stink for 2 days after that. hahaha.

a happy woman trying to eat w 2 pairs of chopsticks.

i wanted to check out the new shilin nite mkt. clean n bright. super good exhaust. but no feel. n full of ATs. irritating.

this fried milk is damn cool. they actually deep fried the milk curds. funky la.

i will NEVER resist this. my chix butt!!!!!

cottony fluffy milky ice with maple n black sugar syrup and pearls!!!!

bbq chic backside i like.


took the train to ruifang for our stay at 緩慢

our so-so lunch at ruifang. its a small old old town, all old uncles n aunties. so dun expect too much here la.

the v nice cabbie took us to the side of the mountain n took this pix for us.

the famous 陰陽海. look at the 2 colors of the sea.

baby: oh c'mon. y u so slow??????

me: *panting* vait for me leh.....

hello excuse me, the freaking steps r so steep n super long la!

welcome drink (iced sour plum) at the reception/waiting area

baby busy shopping already

waiting n reading

we took our usual room. this time, we chose the lily as our main fragrance for our stay.

afternoon tea at the eating area. biscults, cookies, red bean soup, coffee, tea.....銅鑼燒 n traditional hakka cakes.....all FREE. slowly sip tea, eat dessert, look at the mountain view.....hw shiok????

view from our room

oei oei! me using toilet ah......Q up pls!

they provide map to the mountains, in case u r lost.

the v nice lily soap for us.

our room identity. there r no room numbers. u hav to pick ur room identity b4 u check in. we chose this.

we went to the roof top to enjoy the windy afternoon.

baby: hi, i very hot

baby: i want to jump in to swim (but cant swim)

me: no!!!!!

me: omg, where did she go????

me: i can't find her!!!!

me: YEAH!!! i can go 泡妞! i am free!!!

baby: eh f***, i am still here. @#$#%$#%#$
me: eh?????

me: opps!!! u r STILL here?
baby: F***

me: sigh, disappointed
baby: WTF

i oso wan to swim la

baby: hi, y r u so upset? let me console u....
bear: leave me alone u xiao char bor

baby looking at the dvds

baby making tea (flora tea provided)

very hungree b4 dinner, eat smth first.

usual 1st course of dinner, cherry tomatoes in vinegar.

trio of the sea.

sweet chewy squid w roe


"golden ball" made from prawn paste. look at hw dense the thing is. full of pranwy sweetness.n the "plastic" can also b eaten!!!

super nice pumkin soup w black fungus. super nice!!!

duck breast w kamquat sauce. a bit too sweet for me. but the duck was perfectly dine. juicy n flavorful

the "black" rice balls. 金瓜石 used to b a mining ground, n full of workers. they usually bring their own food to work. n when they eat their rice, their black fingers (charcoal) will stain the rice balls. so this inspires the chef to make this dish.

the veg cooking uncle is at it again. cos the wife need to eat lots of veg, so i decided to chg job.

a good plate of veg help to go a long way.

baby giving acknowledgement. yeah.

baby: big fat deal, i oso noe hw to cook. what u wan?

v nice mountain chix soup.

dessert is yam/sweet potato/purple rice dumplings and white fungus w sugar sauce n peanut coating.

the ultra full face

the hse keeper gave us this lotion to massage our feet!!!!

baby steal a banana from the counter for her late nite supper. hahaha.

Day 7

a cup of tea b4 bfast?

the 九宮格bfast.

sweet potato porridge is awesome. all the dishes here r free flow. ask for another portion if u wan.

this winter melon soup is simply divine. n when u add the seaweed sauce into the soup, it became even better!!!!

this is their special steam egg w pumkin n carrot sauce. this is the best steamed egg i've ever eaten for my life. i love love love love it!!!! wanted to ask for refill, but was too full after 2 bowls of porridge.

秋刀魚. can even eat the bones.

salmon floss.super nice w porridge.

melt in ur mouth minced pork.

our 2nd fav dish. sweet clams. super tasty!!!

me: eh, i finished my porridge?

me: bo liao wor

me: bery nice leh.....

baby: go refill!

baby: i got enuff liao.....

baby kena mozzie bite AGAIN

mozzie patch better?

even the toilet at recep oso bery class

it has been raining for many days, n we r delighted that this time, we went jiu fen on a sunny day. had been here for at least 6 times n always rain. look at the look on baby's face n u noe how sunny it was dat day.

we always always go bk to this auntie's shop to buy our 太陽餅. cos they r one of the tastiest, n oso, she is v jovial n cheeky n cute. super friendly too. u can put ur stuff at her shop n come bk n get it from her b4 u leave. both she n her hubby dun wan us to carry so much stuff when we walk around. so nice hor.

alot of cool cool cats at jiufen. this look v poetry hor....the cat actually stared at me AFTER this pix.....hahahha.

this bloody cafe is INSIDE the cave lor. who dare to go in dude.

of cos muz eat the 芋圓here.
this baby bery cute hor. kept staring at us when we were at the shop
my face kena mozzie bite la. swollen. good skin though.hahahahaha

ice drip coffee

this uncle kept singing to the japanese tourists at the train station. yes, jap song folks. the jap ppl applauded him, whixh made him proud n sang NON STOP!!!! hahaha. encourage la. xiao one.

we went for steamboat after we went bk to taipei.
the revenge of the duck's blood. i was scalded by the blood curd the last time i came. it has been like 2 yrs, n now, the scar still there, i will eat up all the duck bllod here to revenge.
eat la eat.

i wanted to make a dash for the door wout paying. hahaha.
this is our fav smelly beancurd stall in taipei. in a corner of shilin. the young son of the uncle is super cool n handsome. (the one in mask) i wanted to take a pix of him, but he wore the mask immediately. 被發現。
their beancurd is damn fragrant n crispy. v nice w chilli. baby love their cold noodles. featured on many tv shws too. 
baby's fav 地瓜球. beside阿X面綫

Day 8
baby n i went to 烏來to泡the溫泉 there. our fav spot at 北投is under renovation (2yrs, wtf)
the hot spring here consist of a hot n a cold pool. u can soak urself alternately between these 2 pools. supposed to b good for ur circulation. *warning* the cold pool is freaking cold at 5 degrees. after u r comfy in the hot one, n u go to the cold one, u will shrink like a shrimp inside the cold pool. dun say i nv warn u. baby REFUSED to get into the cold pool. tsk.
 u can soak urself n induldge in the beautiful scenery outside. serene.

baby n i decided to walk to the old street to seek out some food.
me: wow!! the bridge looks exciting!!! lets cross to the other side!!!!
baby: *meek* erm, dun wan scared
me: no need scared la. i wun jump in the bridge of.....lets GO!!!! (try to pull her over)
baby: NO!!!! (very fierce) I'LL BITE U AH!!!!!
very high meh???
erm, ok, quite high.

baby: ok la, i go liao
me: sure bo? dun bluff la

baby: heh, i pose for pix oni la
me: i knew it, u lying woman u.

baby: c, they ask us nt to climb to the bridge
me: they ask us not to climb OVER the bridge, dumbass.

another obligatory shot of the bridge, courtesy of baby.

hey folks, this is not a pix of duck. this is an uncle SWIMMING in the lake. power.

this is their tomato. super sweet. i asked baby, how come the tomato got nipple one????

we Q very long for this wild boar sausage. they bqq it after u ordered them, so no pre cooking. v v juicy n nice.

this uncle was DANCING when he was BBQ-ing the pork.

too many choices of the food items on the menu. baby having a headache to decide wat to order.


泰亞族的炒山貓. super funky veg. we gave up eating halfway. super sticky. think ladies' finger.

baby: i hear smth....

me: muz b music.....flute?????

alamak. bamboo rice la.

the mountain chix. wah lau eh, y their chix so sweet n tender??? super super juicy oso. i cant stop eating it!!!

erm, how to eat ah????

aiya, eat like that la.

alamak! y u eat the bamboo oso???

me is abit drunk after the rice wine....*hicc*

baby n i decided to walk all the way up to the waterfall. but ah....walk n walk, hw come like NO SIGN of the still v postive.

walk bery bery far....still problem. train?????feel stupid.

ok, muz buy tix to go DOWN. dun so stupid liao. fyi, we walked for like 30 mins. uphill.

i decided to reward myself by buying a "lover's fruit" ice cream. mistake. sour one.

finally reach. all sweaty n tired. no wonder face black.

ahhh....the train....i told u liao, i will take THE train.

we went to my sweet love師大夜市for dinner. i simply love it here!!! baby i looking at.....

當歸豬腳湯加細粉。還好啦,豬腳還蠻Q的。味道嘛,so so lor.


yes yes, we r obsessed by the crepes.

baby playing peek-a-boo w the gigantic crepe

we've decided to try out the savoury version. hawaiian, sound safe rite? big mistake. NEVER, EVER, EVER order savoury ones. unless u like ur crepe w tons of corn n thousand island sauce.

they wanted to abolish the nite mkt bcos they r too noisy for the residents here. i was like" hello???" u all duno its like this when u mv here??? r u kidding me? this is simply one of the best nite mkt n u wan to ruin it??? oh c'mon.

i wanted to eat this again....but baby got other ideas.....

ta dah....look at her happy face.....ya la ya la, we mad la i noe. but this tasted so much better than the savoury one.the ice cream is yum w the crepe.

i slipped away while baby was waiting for her crepes. went to buy some chix backside n fried veg....w alot of chilli....shiok!!!!!

erm, too much heaty food...muz buy bitter gourd juice to cool down.

Day 9

baby n i wanted to go shopping at fuxing, end up being lured by the opening of uniqlo downstairs. damn it!!! we spent 2hrs there n buy until the basket overflow la!!!

u can get one bag when u spend 2000 NTD. i got 5 bags in my hand. go figure.

look at item number 13. yup, this is the legendary n most expensive beef noodles in the world. i insisted to come n take a look

as u can c, the things r not cheap here. one man actually came in n walked out immediately after he saw the price. n we were the oni customer there during lunch time. i wonder hw many bowls of 10k noodle they sell to sustain the business.

of cos i wun spend like so much on a bowl of noodles!!! we ordered the cheapest one. still, at 380 NTD, it is v ex already. damn it. this is my greatest mistake in taiwan. the price tag certainly dun justify the taste. damn it!!! we didnt even finish the bowl of noodles. they r ex pensive bcos they used good cuts of beef for the meat. i muz admit that they use really good quality of beef. however, it takes more than good cuts of meat for a good bowl of beef noodles. fail big time. baby n i even had diarrhea after we ate the noodles. nt food poisoning though. juz bcos dat the soup is too too too oily. suck big time. waste money n time. my bad.

look how much we bought from one shop. sigh.

baby is trying her luck at the game stall at danshui. lousy la. haha

muz buy the fish cracker from this shop. they have the best fish crackers here.

starbucks got 5 storeys!!! yeah.

of cos i went to ah shin's shop (again) to buy smth. then we found this shop BESIDE oso selling apperals. eh? got jay chou's photo wor. we went in n c, n a big WTF came out of my mouth. the shop is opened by "the sea wave brothers" (go figure). clothes look like shit... (ok, subjective, but really suck). still dare to open there? crap.

yooo hoo..this is my fav 蔥抓餅w九層塔. we always buy from this auntie. think roti prata w egg, chilli powder, sweet sauce and basil. yummy.

Day 10

super windy dat day.

baby n i went ti kiki again for lunch. lookie my new stay real cap.....

this cute boy kept starring at us during his meal.

the spicy clam w basil. yum
 the super uber hot n spicy 麻婆豆腐。痲到暴!i cant feel my tongue after i ate this.shiok!

baby wanted to try this.五更腸旺. duck's blood with pig's intestine.slightly spicy n sweet. nt bad nt bad.

my result for the clams.

trying v hard to feel my tongue after the tofu. baby gave up liao.

can one!

dadah! finish!!!!

still struggling


want to give up liao!!!
 fu** la, i finished it. ya ya papaya

baby wants to work here.

we went to 中正紀念堂after lunch.

this pix is super funny.wassup w the guy behind baby???

guards were changing shift when we were there.

its near closing time when we were there. we rushed thru the stuff. i expect to find some*ahem* lo**, but wel... disappointed.

someone die die oso wan to b in the pix.

n we r back to XMD again!

baby n i wanted to try the white corn.bbq. big mistake. the corn was over cooked in the liquid....v tough la.

this freaking crazy Q is outside uniqlo. yes, they r Q-ing to get in. heng limpeh went that day....xiao one.

this bbq place is v famous in taiwan. baby n i hiam hiam got the last table, the last seating.....super crowded. wun b able to get a seat wout reservations.

omg. hw can dun eat the beef tongue!!!! so nice!!!!
 this pork is great!!!! super flavorful, crispy yet melts in ur mouth....drool....

we took the wagyu beef set as well.

super yummy beef tongue
 more wagyu ribeye!!!

baby giving some love to the pork.

yummy bbq pork!!!

my cheek oso taste good.....

y is this place popular? besides good food, the ppl here (customers n servers) r damn fun!!!! they chat w each other, joke w each other, toast like mad, make fun of each other....this table of ladies from hong kong r having their fun beside us trying to make fun of a male server (handsome one). apparently, one of the lady wanted to kiss the male server n he really freaked out. when me n baby laughed, he stared at us n scolded us for nt helping funny.

me: lim ah lim ah!!!
baby: lim ur head. cook the meat leh....
me: but but....
baby: u dun do ur job, i wun pay.

me: but madam....i cant cook well....

baby: *嫌棄的臉* maybe i shd sack u

me: madam....pls dun sack my, gimme one more chance....求求你

me: c'mon man, let me shw u my真本領!

me: OMG!!! (squeaking) its on FIRE!!!!!

me: i tink drink beer better la....

me: come la, lim la lim la
baby: ok la ok la, lim la lim la

eh??? wait wait....this is NOT beer wat!!!!

she stole my beer.

i am nervous.

y leh?

hehe....i wanted to tk pix with this cute girl. ok, cute is nt the word. the pix dun justify her pleasant personality. she was the one who took our reservations. she is fun loving, sporty, super nice character, nt bad looking oso. i like i like.... i kept looking for her to take pix w her....this pisses baby off abit.

nt cheap yo.

pass limpeh the bill. 

me is very happy that i took pix w cute girl!!!

so nervous just now!
so happy!!! shiok.

me: so shy....
baby: eh, hello, enuff liao hor...u treat me like i die liao is it. u better wake up ur idea.

"no, i am NOT the one who pointed the finger" *ahem*

Day 11

look at our luggage..... overweight by 10kg....muahahahaha
go hm sure xian one....we will b back!!!! we love taiwan!!!

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