Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Newbie scare

I have this new colleague.
ok, nt really new. few mths old. lets call her spider.
y this name? cos she is really like one. jumpy, evil, impatient, schemming, low EQ.
ok, the last one is nt a good description for spiders.
anyway, she is getting on everybody's nerves.
i bet she had the feeling of being outcatsed by us. dats y she has been going "outside" and toking to others from another team.
smart ass rite? juz came in only, dare to confront my team members n lecture them.
yes, she claimed that she had ALOT of experience (4 yrs doing herbs n spices, nth to do w wat we r doing nw.....)
i mean, come on la. this is a new job scope n everything, shdnt u b learning the ropes?
no lor. instead, she kept going around everyday, poking her nose into wat others r doing, complaining abt hw slow we r working, claiming that we r more stupid (ok, she didnt use the exact word, but she meant smth like dat)......
the best part is, she kept walking around n tell ppl that she is v bored n had nth to do. loudly. more than 1 time a day.
i mean, seriously.
i will kill her one day. if this continues.
she even commented that i am rotting my brains away here.
ya, she said that. "ur brains rusty liao"
another good example of a smartass from a prestigious local university (u noe which one i am toking abt). full of themselves while they r all airheads.
kudos to the education system.
no wonder ppl from overseas (c***a) looked down on us.
oh sorry. looked down on THEM.

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