Monday, May 30, 2011

MQ's Wedding + Macbeth + My Beijing Biz Trip

The long awaited post.
MQ's wedding.
although she still owes me our convo's pix (abt 4 yrs liao), i will still put up the pix here.

i seriously think that all couples look like their partners.
WK, when is your turn?????

YX insisted me to take this pix. w the head. good fish though. v fresh.

the oni clear pix i took. sat too far away, plus the ppl didnt gave me any plc to stand near the aisle during march in. Sorry MQ.

YX's hubby's beer w straw. beer definitely look better w red straw. hahaha. nonsense.

this uncle kept walking around, asking ppl hw's the food. initially, we tot he was some relative. sekali, we saw him shouting instructions to the waitresses, n barging into the kitchen. then we noe, he is the BOSS. wahahahaha.

baby n i went for macbeth at fort canning on 21st evening.

preparing the grill veg

baby helped with arranging the veg. look nice hor.

baby unwrapping the pizza w much anticipation

ta da!!!! thin crust w rockets, parmagianno and prociutto. yumz.

guess wat this is.

my baked chix. due to the fact that we didnt let it rest n cool down b4 wrapping, the crispy skin turned soggy. bleh. n due to the time restrain, i've actually over baked the chix (too high temp). the breast is dry. i am so pissed dat i did finish the chix. angry to max.

baby: dun angry la, the chix is ok leh, c, i am eating the breast

look at the crowd!!!!

the protiferols definitely save the day. creamy n rich. v nice.

it was a good shw (although i dun quite understand the thou thee thy thingy) but adrian pang was brilliant! we can c his tears flowing down his cheeks when he acted. v v good.

i went beijing for a conference early last week.

i can oni say.

i hate the ppl there.

super uncouth, spit around like nobody's shit, i can c kids pee-ing and poo-ing outside a shopping centre. wtf. no toilet meh?

i hav to keep away from the floor trap, in case i step on any body fluids or waste.

total disgust.

went to this restaurant for dinner instead after being turned down by xiao fei yang. (ppl may find this familar. its 大S's MIL's restaurant chain in china)

aparaghus w fresh mushroom. v v tasty.

辣子鸡. one of the better ones i've ever eaten. tender in the inside, crispy on the outside, the nut is well roasted, n u can really taste the sichuan peppercorns. nt bad nt bad.

their rice got corn one.

茶鸭. tender meat w crispy skin, w a hint ot tea aroma. good.

this super big "basin" of soup is w fish maw, melon n papaya. v v v v v nice!!!! full of collagen, n the papaya is damn sweet!!!! i nv noe papaya can really lift the soup like this. i drank so much until my stomach nearly burst.

this dessert SUCK. fruits nt sweet, no fragrance, yoghurt no taste. wtf.

went to walk at the food street. the 1st thing to greet us was the moving scorpions. yes, they were still alive n kicking (literally). worms, insects. my god. although i've eaten alot of insects in BK, this doesnt look appetising.

super many ppl, squeeze like mad. n the streets r wet, n smelly. 1st time i went to a food street in exited w zero appetite. stomach turned. total disgust.

the reason the plc is called wang fu jing, is this well, named by pu yi.

nope. we didnt get to eat the famous buns or peking duck. too full from qiao jiang nan.

we had a mongolian dinner (networking dinner lor) on the 2nd day. the performance freaks me out totally. shouting into the mike is nt welcoming to me at all.

this is the goat's organ soup. yes, organ. all innards, heart, kidney, liver, stomach......u noe wat, i had this in the MORNING. yes, bfast lor. i dun hav a choice. buffet bfast. mongolian buffet bfast.

i nearly died.

we "escpae" from the dinner after 1 hr. cant stand it. went to buy some books. n v "green". no plastic bag for ur books. oni strings. si beh jia lat.

mcd n starbucks r always reliable after a bad bad meal. my comfort in beijing.

i havent had hair this long for a long long time.

me n my colleague "escaped" from the networking lunch again. found a macau restaurant. look at the giant dumplings!!!! v v nice. finally some decent food.

finally, peking duck for dinner.

my fav duck tongue. nt bad.

ladies n gentlemen, the famous peking ducky. i tell u, it is nice, BUT.......SUPER OILY. v v v v v oily. i can't really take it.

they even use the bones to cook soup. erm, no taste. no point.

braised tofu w crab roe. erm, aquired taste. v "fresh". my colleague commented that it was quite fishy. but i think its ok. quite nice leh.

pan fried duck liver. tender n sweet. nt bad.

duck head. u suck the brian out. yes. i am nt kidding.

yes, i am trying to suck the duck brain out here too.

woke up at 4 am n had bfast in the chaotic airport. total madness.

they dun even look at ur passport when u shw them. kept toking on the phone. n we actually went to the domestic entrance until someone pulled us out. wtf.

no more BJ biz trip for me. i will die.