Friday, April 09, 2010


suddenly tot of my poly days.
there was this day whereby we juz had our dinner at bugis, n R, GZ and i were sitting at the mrt stn, waiting for train to go hm.
then we sang this song at the platform.
from wat i rem, it was a pretty sad day for R, cos he juz broke off w his gf or smth like dat.
we love this song to the max. i learnt how to sing it n continue to traumatise everyone in the computer lab the very next day.
a v good song by sky wu.


付出多少 是不是就要拿回多少
在感情的世界裡 多少算多 多少算少

我對你好 是不是要你也對我好
在感情的天平上 什麼算好 什麼算不好

我們一路跟時間賽跑 我們一直和未來計較
跟往事的是是非非 對對錯錯 苦苦煎熬

哪一天我們才能清楚知道 我們曾在同一個地方停靠
將往事的是是非非 對對錯錯 拋在腦後 都拋在腦後


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