Thursday, October 16, 2008

Updates on my freaking job

it has been a while since i last posted an entry.
apparently, it did cos some concern in my group of frens.
met up w some of them, felt better since.
i hav already tendered. but seems like i maynot b able to get out of here either. my VP refused to let me go. when he heard dat i would rather leave wout a job, he was (his words) astonished. he then gave me 3 choices. 1 - report directly to him, 2 - transfer dept, 3 -take up a new project, until i find a job, then i can leave.
ok. its really v kind of him to offer me those solutions, cos it will make life super difficult for him n my SM. they need to tok to HR, other staff, the CEO to get this going.
so, out of courtesy, i promised to give him a week's time to settle all these stuff. meanwhile, i've went thru an interview cum evaluation session yesterday for my transfer of dept.
dats it.
no more face to face tok liao.
i am sick n tired of all these.
u shd c the face of the cheena chicken yesterday.
she pulled my out from my cubicle, when outside, then asked me "so u nt interested to work in our team anymore?"
i wanted to f her off n tell her "not with u around".
but well, being "professional" (fuck la), i told her w the flatest face i can give "NO".
guess wat she did.
SHE SMILED LIKE A KID GETTING A NEW TOY. then she told me "ok, good, i will get a replacement" (trust me, i heard music in her voice). immediately after that, she stormed into the vp's room to tell him abt it.
i heard from my colleague dat she backstabbed me (again) last evening.
i mean, WHAT THE FUCK????
i told her i wan out already, wats her motive now?
i guess even when i am outta here, she will still continue her nonsense.
wat have i done man.
i seek redress.
where's the "karma" we've always toked abt, waited for?
not happenening.
how come?
it has been causing so much grieve (yes, i use this word) dat i am falling ill again.
where's the justice?

anyway, i wan to thank some of my pals for showing their concern for me during these days.
MQ, YX, WK. thanks for the "complaining session" we had. too tired dat day. will hav a proper party dinner when everything blows over.

WL, thank you for all the encouragement. makes me feel warm from my heart.

momo, thanks for listening (msn) and scolding the cheena chicken w me.

n of cos, my baby, whom has been w me thru all these ups n downs wout any complaints. thank you baby. i will make it up to u. i promise.


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