Monday, March 31, 2008


just as i finished my last post, i felt the pain on my right ab worsen.
v painful.
went to c the co doc downstairs.
no better.
n it turned for the worse at 12 noon.
went bk to the co doc, n she referred me to A&E.
suspected appendicitis.
i went to TTSH, waited for 3 hrs (yes, 3 freaking long hrs. if i had acute appen, i will b dead by then), n they decide to admit me.

i was put on drip, NBM (aka no food, no drinks) for 24 hrs.
every 2 hrs they will come n take my bld pressure, temp n heart rate.
went for x ray n CT scan.
i tot i was going to die there.
stared at the ceiling, stare, stare, stare.
did nothing for 24 hrs.
can u imagine dat.
pure agony.
although i sort of made frens w the 2 aunties n their families in the same ward, time still passed by slowly.
crawling speed of 1 mm/hr.
did alot of thinking when i was alone.
i dun wan to waste my life.
nt any more.
who noes when this will happen again(CHOY!!!!).
or, who noes when i'm going to end my life.
its pretty scary when i recalled wat had happened over the past few days.

anyway, i'm discharged on fri evening.
clear of appendicitis.
it was smth else.
nv c it coming.
damn it.
still painful now.
on antibiotics.
better off than staying in the lousy hospital, doing nothing.
its like waiting for ur judgement to b passed.
meat on the chopping board.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Long time no blog

hav not blogged for a long long time.
kinda busy recently. esp after i came bk from china.
its a great experience, though i really gt a hard time working w that "KFC" (a new nickname for my cheena boss).
i love shanghai! it was fantastic.
thinking of working there. not bad at all.
it was nt dat bad after all. with all the naggings fr the chinese govt, the place is clean n tidy now.
v nice.
i will definitely go bk there again. hopefully will hav more fun.

i cant stand the kfc though.
she treats me like a dog there.
she dun even call me by name.
snapped her fingers n asked me to do things i dun understand.
for example, SERVE the chinese officials.
ok, i dun mind doing all these things, since all the ppl there r super big shots n i am the oni low ranking rookie there.
but, can ask nicely ma?
snap fingers? then shoo me away?
wtf is this man.
even the VP of the other dept cant take it. kept speaking up for me.
lucky. or else, i think i wun enjoy as much.
i hate her.
i dread going to work everyday.
i mean, i want to work hard n perform. i wan to strive n build my career.
but, i dun think i will achieve much under this boss.
she merely treats the 3 of us like secretary, treats me like her PA.
she even asked me to help her send emails in her room when she SLEEPS.
n it was like 9pm at nite.
well done rite?
i need to endure for another 6 mths, get the bonus, then c how.
i need a break.

Friday, March 14, 2008


i'm pretty affected rite now.
it has been a week (almost) since i came bk fr china. but i really hav no time to blog.
super busy w work.

this morning i gt a heart breaking news.
one of my good fren had to terminate her pregnancy (her 2nd time) cos her baby is nt doing well.
v v v v sad for her.
n us as well.
she had been trying so hard. tot gt it this time.
this is nt the ending we wanted to c.
we had been so excited abt the baby.
v upset rite now.
no mood to work.

Monday, March 03, 2008

In china tomorrow

ok folks, i will b in china tmr.
heard dat there's a sandstorm over there.
n its -1 degrees over there.
i think i'm going to die there.

anyway, i wan to wish MQ happy bday 1st. i noe, ur bday on the 6th, but i will b i n shanghai dat day, so no time to call lor.
will meet u gals after i come bk.
meanwhile, take care guys!