Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A post b4 CNY

long time no post man.
anyway, it has been a busy time for all of us, preparing for the long awaited long weekend.
frankly speaking, i've always hated CNY. crowded, bored(no tv programme + long time no c relatives....sucked), etc.....
suddenly this yr, i'm free from work on CNY. for so many yrs, i hav to work during cny, n now, free.
abit lost though (fan jian rite?).
suddenly miss sfi.
duno how others r doing rite now.
fat cartoon, how r u? still busy w thw stupid cny preparation?

anyway, it has been an emotional roller coaster for me recently. need to deal w alot of stupid stuff.
but i guess all these shall pass n i await for a better tmr (wah seh, si be chim).
having sore throat (again) n runny nose. sigh. juz b4 cny. damn it.

anyway, i need some good fun.
rem to jio me out ok?


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