Monday, February 18, 2008


my bro was telling me this stupid incident yesterday.
i laughed my lungs out man.

disclaimer: i hav to stress that we hav no intention to look down on anybody from any countries. it juz happened to b so. no racism. for the benefit of the "victim", i will do necessary "censorship" on my part.

my bro was walking near the foodcourt (TTSH) when this man called out to him.

Man: 请问一下,这个XXX 怎么去啊?
Bro: 不清楚。
Man: 有没有搞错啊?新加坡人连这个地方都不会去?(according to my bro, he was pretty rude when he made the comment)
Bro: .......(angry)
Man: Chey
my bro got really fed up. he went up to the man n asked him.
Bro: 请问你是哪里人?
Man: 广X (*did i say anything???? hehehe)
Bro: 您知道在中X有一间老曾记买粥的,很出名的,您去过吗?(apparently, he tot of dat name on the spot. he wanted to find a name w v cheena feel. n he tot of "old chang kee". of cos, they dun sell porridge la)
Man: 什么?没去过。
Bro: 你他X的,中X人没去过老曾记?你去吃屎吧!!!!

n my bro walked away, leaving the man shocked n stunned.
i so wanted to noe hw the man will feel if he found out that old chang kee actually sells curry pok in spore rather than porridge.hahahahahahaha.

the best part is, after my bro told me n my sis abt it, my sis asked him, "old chang kee really sells porridge in Ch** ah?"

*roll eyes*

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