Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Last Friday

yaya, i noe, i havent been updating my blog since donkey yrs ago.
cant blame me la. i am always too tired when i reach hm.
anyway, i met up w few of the babes last friday to celebrate (belated) yx's bday
was thinking of doing mei mei's bday as well, but she gt pretty traumatised by an unfortunate incident the day b4, so i asked her to rest at hm.
anyway, these r the pics we took that day. pretty cool.

MQ n YX. this cake was given to us FOC, cos i told the manager that "its my fren's bday today...." hahahaha. smart rite.

YX chose an italian restaurant, although MQ kept asking her to choose hotstones. i ordered a plate of linguine (spelling?) w pesto sauce, basil n pine nuts. i can oni say i dun quite like it.

MQ w her BIG FAT "babi". hahahaha....its nt pork for ur info, its a spring chix w some rosemary potatoes. we kept making fun of the dish cos it had "babi" in its name.

Me n YX. yes, i look sleepy. i'm pretty tired after my work n piano class.

went to a club in clarke quay. n no, i am nt pole dancing. stop laughing.

personally, i quite like this pix. but the stupid MQ, told us to retake cos the straw covered her face. crap.

i tell u, we took like 100 shots to get this pix right. (ok, nt so many, but many times) its good that i can still smile. nt bad la

MQ n i were fighting over the mudpie. this is an NG shot anyway. nt fierce enuff.

our dear WK came at like 2 plus in the morning. we waited like mad for her.

well, that sums up our day.
all too shack to tok much though.
maybe nxt time.

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