Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dinner w my family

went for dinner w my family on tues (cos mum is "off" that day)
brought them to my dad's fav chinese restaurant at suntec. it was sort of a belated father's day celebration. so, yah.
here r some of the pix we took in the restaurant.

dad looking at the menu. hmm.....wat to eat neh????

dad waiting for the food.

bro n sis waiting to feast on the food. look at the contrast in expression between them. one v excited one v restless

this is the "buddha jump over the wall". everyone will hav 1. look at the sharkfin n abalone. super yummy!!!!

yes, i noe, i've ordered ALOT of food. buffet mah, muz EAT!!!!

sis enjoying her soup. i told u, it is yummy.

mum "promoting" her peking duck. she will make a good spokesperson.

my sis is pretty satisfied after the meal.

mum & dad.

our 1st family portriat

one more!!!!

there's a story abt this pix.

v funny.
we were taking a bus hm from tpy. mum n dad sat infront of us la.
mum was pretty tired, so she's resting her head on my dad's shoulder.
i quickly took my cam to take pix.
but mum was quick enuff to "withdraw" her head.
so the pix is like half half.
the funniest thing is, when i took the pix, there was a flash.
my dad turned n asked my mum
"di diang hip xiong?????" (teochew - who's taking photo???)

my sis n i were giggling behind them.
abviously, my dad doesnt noe abt us taking this pix of them la.
so funny.
i love my family.

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