Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CNY feasting + Vday 2014

 baby won ibet during the cny period. ah well. heng heng hor.
 i hav been nagging to baby to eat here since last yr.....we've finally made it!

 the corn was VERY NICE. i am not a corn person. in fact, i hate corn. but i think this is one of the nicest corn i've eaten period.
 fish taco was damn damn damn tasty! the flavours were so well balanced, v firm n meaty fish, the spices.....wah seh.... i am drooling as i typed the words.
 pork quesadilla w mango salsa. awesome awesome awesome! v light n fruity, w the pork n cheese filling inside. amazing.

 how can we miss our fav waffle shop when we were in that area?

 yummy yum yum
story of the owners!

 went to this shop impromtu for dinner

 they serve good fish head steamboat over here! who's interested???? lets come together!
saw F having dinner w her boss that nite. came n tok to us.....hmmmm.....
 here's the Q for our fav sushi plc

 oyster oyster....yumz
 as usual, my fav chirashi
 baby's new love. unagi handroll

 the salmon head hotpot. look at the EYE. shiok-ness.
duno y she is STILL HUNGRY????

 this is my family's new fav hunt out at AMK. the thai wanton noodles r v v good. v similar to the real thai version. love it to bits. n the serving is big (ok, we ordered the 5 bucks one....so, ya)

 we were in total shock when we c most of the shops in SRG closed/moved. lucky for us, our fav burger cafe is still there. good char siew pork sandwich,
 pasta's nice too!

 baby's boss wan me to take this pix to show hw SMALL the abalone was. erm, really small.

 random cutie in the office
 5th loh hei on v day.
 everyone damn eager.
 huat ah!!!!!
 look at me n baby. all lose out to the aggrassive lot. xiao.
 gave up. sit down n rest.
 end up i got 3 jumbo ho si (symbolises good luck. so i will hav 3 in a row?)
bro found this container of hot wheels. my ah ma gave it to him when he was a little boy.....v nostalgic. i miss miss miss my ah ma. :(

 now, this is nt the healthiest diet, but we hav to Q like 20 mins for this awesome meat platter. wah lau eh, best char siew n ribs i've had from a roast meat stall. the sio bak was good too! damn nice. at hong lim.
 new cafe at csc. serve good coffee
 went to this rooftop garden at people's park to learn more abt urban farming. v interesting. i may buy some basil to plant at home.
 too early for our reservations at JI, so we went to hav dessert b4 our meal (weird sequence i noe)

 kena placed infront of the kitchen!
v hot xia.

 ordered steak. v good. juicy n right done-ness.

 baby was not v pleased w the vongole. i will cook some for her this weekend. pacify her abit.

dessert was good! surprisingly. hahaha. they really need to work on their QC man. i will hav 2nd tots to come bk here for meals. sorry jamie. i still love u so.
but i love my money more.

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