Friday, August 24, 2012

Updates B4 i go japan + Failed Souffle Mission

met M&C for dinner dat day.
went for cheap n good food.
happy. save alot $$$.
getting cheapskate recently. no choice. nd to save $$$.

 my v cheap n big steak. steak was ok. but the sauce.....hmmm....cant complain much though. v cheap steak already. i am happy with this. 

 baby's v flavorful pork chop. this is good.

we hav been playing w the camera effects recently. look at this pix n the next one.
 perhaps i shd play w the effects nxt time.
table too small too much food.
 i hav been thinking abt making souffle for a long long time. but dun hav the courage to. last week, its a do or die for me. cos i will b going to japan to visit my senseh for cooking lessons (he came to singapore few mths ago to teach me cook. i asked him abt souffle). i nd to show him the souffle (i made) pix, if nt, he wun teach me nxt time.....crap.

 1st attempt failed. oven nt hot enuff.
 2nd attempt failed. nt risen enuff.
 this was the 5th attempt. risen enuff, but inside nt v cooked yet. failed. we tried for at least 7 times b4 we got it rite. n yes, we ate 4 souffles. others were given to the sis who cant stop eating. eh, v v difficult to make souffle leh....if nt, y they sell so ex......

 i hav to tell u guys abt this. this is our new hunt. nth new to many really. its a korean restaurant which recently opened in NEX.they hav another one in raffles too. i love their spicy tofu soup. i must hav it almost every 2 weeks. my comfort food. other dishes were pretty good too. do give them a try!

 this is my bed at the beginning of the EPL season. go Man U go!

 went to hav our fav chong qing grilled fish for lunch over the weekend. this mapo tofu is zingy!
 nice fish. close to those i had in beijing.
 baby n i after a company event last nite.
this bloody "poster" is right behind my cubicle nw. my colleagues made them n went to support us last nite. v fun. i enjoyed the performance. thank u for the support.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Fruit of LOVE

i am given this to eat.
what love........

I simply love my awesome phone

we had been going around to eat (wats new), n trying out our new phone camera.
i think i can throw away my camera liao. the phone cam is awesome.

this is the new dessert from TCC. i muz say their excutive chef is awesome. ,ost of their food tasted good, value for money too.... had been our fav since many yrs ago.

 went to this awesome peranakan place at keppel club w boss n team for lunch. this burbur terigu is AWESOME. the gula melaka w the thick coconut milk n the sago......wah lau eh.....nice like mad.
 this soup is good too. v flavorful stock w minced pork n bamboo shoots. sweet n meaty. i can hav seconds for this.

 this dish is super super nice! the nonya chap chye is cooked to perfection....the veg is braised till it is filled w the goodness of the sauce.....sweetness of the veg + v fragrant sauce....go figure.
 my fav ngo hiang! but granny's ngo hiang is still the best. i miss granny. :(
 a random duno wat salad. sour one....dun like.
awesome babi pontek (spelling?). we requested for lean meat instead of fatty pork. n the server refused to chg for us. he told us fat meat make the dish taste better. u noe wat? he is right. super super nice. i like restaurants w big attitude. nv compromise taste for other stupid reasons. i like.

more updates ltr.
baby n i r dealing w a big big ripple in our company. may have a big big re-org (or retrench????) soon.
sigh. stressed.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Unlimited Feasting and Farewell

bosses not in today, so have time to blog abit.
pls do read my post on ndp ok?
anyway, baby n i went to vent our frustration recently by gorging ourselves silly.
v stressed up by the politics in the office.
total crap.

 corn chips w 2 dips. comfort food.

 the thief is in it yet again. stealling my sangria
 the grilled prawns r superb w the homemade tortillias. amazing
 pork stew. look like soup w barley, but super filling.

 i was beaten by this. grilled jalepeno peppers. ppl who noes me will noe dat i can tahan really really spicy stuff. but htis was the ultimate. i was left totally SPEECHLESS for 10 mins. baby was so scared that she nearly called an ambulance. this is SUPER spicy!!!! but v v v v shiok!

 super nice tortillias w veg, prawn n sour cream. yummy.
 pls ignore the bludging stomach. i am too shocked by the jalepeno.
 "3 milk". 1 layer of cream, 1 layer of oat+milk and soaked in milk. so so la.

 we wanted to hav a good meal, end up, it poured (the whole sky fell off) and we were soaking wet when we reached disgruntled. we ordered the kiwi martini to warm ourselves a little.
 the peach cocktail w ume foam. v light n sweet. pls ignore the shock face behind the glass.
 grilled watermelin w feta. super nice feta!!!
 hamachi ceviche w beetroot n grapefruit.
 the best crabcakes i've ever had was in canada. this is the number 2 so far. v good. we ordered another serving after this.
 crostini w sweet onions and anchovies. nice.
 this dish is AWESOME. prok neck cooked 2 ways. the pork was braised and then fried. OMG. it was crispy outside, tender inside. super fragrant w sweetness of the pork, melted in ur mouth as u chew the meat......OMG. brilliant dish.
 our fav fried lamb. still as good as ever.
 juz look at hw tender the pork is. nuff say.
 pulled pork slider. nt bad.
 it was still pouring outside when we finished our food. so i ordered another sweet wine.
 choco fondant w caramelised banana n vanila ice cream
aiyo, the fondant is filled w peanut butter!!!!! v v v rich dessert!

 these 2 wonderful girls r leaving us today. one going bk to her hometown, japan, one is juz sick of here. me too leh.....when my turn????

 if u realise, this was taken by the tall lady w super long arms. its good to hav long arms. can take pix like this.
 machiam graduation pix.

help!!!! call the SPCA!!!!