Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh, My Love

just watched hebe's concert over the weekend.
she's awesome. i am so so in love w her.
speaking abt this, i tink i hav to update my 我的最愛排行榜.
here goes.


i am always in love w her. i watched almost all her shows, be it movies or serial.
her acting is awesome. n she is smart. yeap, i hate bimbos.
she is witty n at the same time, v serious in her job.
me like me like.
fav character? 黃容from《射瞗英雄傳》


my god.
isnt this pix sexy? 認真的女人最美.
adore her max max.
talented, aloof, childish yet mature (eh???) therefore sophisticated and complicated, philosiphical yet simple.
a complex personailty whom seek to b simple.
sounds weird to u, but i love.
a woman w a mind of her own. living in her own world. indulge in the world of music, the world she created for herself n herself oni.
how i wish i can f*** care others n live the way i want.

2nd love.......
she look gorgeous eh?
aloof n cool to ppl, but actually, cheeky n naughty, lack of self confidence.
capable of bigger things.
u ppl watch out for her. she will b the nxt diva.
no nd to tell u hw great she is in her singing.
totally outstanding.
the weirder she gets, the more i like her.
u realise one thing? i like weird ppl w f*** care attitude, but serious in the things they like, focus on the job they love.
like i say, 認真的女人最美.
she everything i look for. nt too perfect, so still feel like human.
imperfection is perfect. to me.
give me 田馥甄. anytime. i will b so glad to take all of her.


hello excuse me.
do u think i will survive wout putting this woman in this position?
u muz b mad to think otherwise.

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