Thursday, February 23, 2012

"P" for Pasta

bro n sis gathered to c smth really strange

lookie. these yolks are from 2 individual eggs. double yolk for both eggs. what can b more bizzare than this yo?

i had my pasta making class last nite. v v exciting n happy. handmade pasta. by me!!!

yes folks, i made this. long long pasta for my ravioli. super thin n long. hehe.v fun.

no, this is nt mee pok.

my cooking partner squeezing the ricotta n spinach filling to the pasta sheet.

tsk, no, this is NOT wanton. tsk.

my v fierce but funny instructor. love her to bits.

this is great! i love love the gnocchi!!!! i will definately do it at home one of these days. anyone wants to chip in for my pasta making machine?hahahaha.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Salad is SUPPOSED to be sexy

ok. i havent tell this to many ppl yet.
i am currently attending culinary classes every week for italian cooking.
i love it. so fun!!!!
this is the 1st step to fulfil my dream of traveling to italy n learn hw to cook there.

chef's jacket

my caeser salad w poached egg. i think nt bad la.

prawn salad w pesto sauce. yumz too!

ok, even god cant save this. this is supposed to b a warm salad. my teacher was telling us, salad is supposed to b sexy, n nt trashy as in u throw everything on the plate n eat it.

unfortunately, i burnt most of my veg (too high heat from the bloody induction cooker la), so all my veg for this warm salad looks dull n colorless. my teacher claimed that she can help save the look. blah. after attempting for 10 mins, she gave up. hahahaha. even she cant save my cta-food-look-alike salad.

wat a disaster.

Mom's Cooking + My V day

my family get v excited whenever my mum goes on a cooking spree.
cos we noe she is the best cook ever.

sis trying to sneek around n steal some food


me do what? shake leg watch tv la.hahaha.

ppl who noes me well noes that i wun eat chilli crab outside. cos my mum cook the BEST chilli crab ever. outside stuff pales in comparison. really. look at the juicy n spicy crab. yummy!

got a new hair color for cny. look, its blue now.

became purple 3 days ltr. wtf.

baby trying to act though. i think look like ma ma san. hahahahaha.

ikoi is always my comfort food supply.

baby n i went to this cafe at chinatown for some waffles after our gym session (ok, unload n load, no diff)

baby's fav kinabalu. super nice.

look at the LRRH. best cake ever.

met the fruities for loh hei dinner.

i cant help but want to load this 38 pix. so funny.

S:eeyer, look at this pix of the fat woman, i think i more pretty.

C: heenooh.....

N: really so ugly meh.......

baby n i went for cooking class on v day.

baby trying to calm her nerves b4 class started

no dear, this is a mixer, not a monster.

duno y muz add oil to the chicken????

the very cute couple who partner with us for the cooking. so shy la they.

baby making "rock-like" truffles.

baby's tiramisu (b4 choco disaster)


hehehe. i pushed her when she was adding cocoa powder to her tiramisu. became muddy. hahaha


baby v happy w her achievement! (n finally can eat la)

it was super fun to cook together. a v special v day indeed.