Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Xmas Indulgence

wat a xmas week.
alot of booze n food. n bcos of the indulgence, baby n i went for tennis session yesterday. bad bad mistake. as a result, baby pulled her back muscle (which i did 2 weeks ago), n i hav tennis elbow now.
now, walking w limp. nd to rest. no more gym. sigh.

starting to booze even b4 xmas....too stress la. nd some good german beer.

deep freid camerbert cheese w berry sauce. super nice, but heavy.

trust me, having this is NOT my idea. baby suggested we order the pork knuckle. ya, we cant finish it. too heavy le lor.

baby tried her best to stir fry some broccoli in front of me. she super stress like nobody's biz n nearly burnt the garlic. so stress for wat?

I cooked some chix rice in return. nobody was at hm dat nite, so we had this dinner by ourselves.

baby stressing over the veg.

My Super Weird Xmas Celebration

yes, instead of turkey, i've actually ordered a roast pig for xmas. hw's dat for a celebration? hahaha.

sis helping herself w the food.

sis bought this wine. super fruity n sweet. nt bad. girls will like it.

baby n i tried to wrap some dumplings over the weekend. look at the jumbo size dumplings!!! like machiam want to explode like dat.

cooked some broth n throw in some noodles and woohoo! dumpling noodles for lunch.

yes yes, we went valentino last nite, despite baby pulling her back muscle.

backpain baby

chix cassarole. nice, but a tad too plain.

i jumped right into the linguine once they said it was available. we've tried this fantastic dish b4, so ya. nice max. deliciousness exploded into our mouths. we r like swimming in the sea....

look at how big n plump the black mussels r. they r coated w mullet roe......

i am sucking up all the goodness from the sweet n soft mussels, salty "sea-y" mullet roe.....

v full liao still wan profiterols.....
end w super nice cappuccino!!!! i love valentino!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Using Coupons for Food

i realised that the pix in my blog consists of 95% food, 5% ugly pix of mine.
this explains y i hav difficulties in losing my weight.hahaha.
super stressed by work now, although its like the holiday season already. politics n unreasonable requests are driving everybody nuts. not to mention the incompetencies of the VP and SMs.
n i heard from a bird that some incompetent moron is going to b promoted to manager, juz bcos she's here for "many yrs" (my ass is here longer than her).
wtf max. i will leave here ASAP. this is a shit place to work in.
to vent my anger, i indulged myself w food, more food, n super tasty food.

this is the yong tau hoo curry noodles at HL. i've made a special request for this. super super nice noodles (i Q for like 30 mins for this. no kidding). i always eat this when i hav a meeting at CSC. worth my calories.

baby n i went to ippudo at the robertson quay after a stupid company talk at merchant court.service was superb n there is no Q. but i sort of prefer the noodles at mandarin gallery.....

there is this discount coupon thingy trend online nowadays. ppl were searching for great deals for f&b n travel online. so which ones r worth ur money?

after some really really bad experience a few mths ago at HV, baby n i decided to give 2 plcs another chance.

we r at fullerton, enjoying the service n view while waiting for our food. baby was quite skeptical after our last unpleasent experience at HV (nt here, ask me personally n i will tell u abt it)

the foccacia was crispy on the outside, soft n fluffy in the inside....good flavors of herbs, wout overpowering the sweetness of the bread. yumz.

the outragous big plate of appetiser. xiao ah, so many things. baby n i were already full when we finish this. the server advised us on the "sequence" to eat the appetisers to fully enjoy the flavors. good service la.

blue swimmer crab salad. sweet n fresh crab meat w crunchy tomato n cucumber. crispy croutons to make the dish complex. v good starter.

param ham w rock melon. nt bad la. wat can go wrong man.

fried calamari n pranws. abit soft. taste ok.

pan fried foie gras w berry reduction. again, wat can go wrong w the soft n gooey foie gras? haha.

beef meatballs w blue cheese. baby nearly died when she had a bite on this. super heavy n rich. even i found it too heavy for me....
i ordered this peach smoothie to go w the brunch. v v v nice n refreshing.

this lobster linguine is supposed to b another appetiser. yes, nt main course hor. i love love the way the cook the lobster. soft n juicy, w the sweetness of lobster going well w the linguine. good!

by this time, baby n i were totally stuffed. my rich wagyu beef cheeks doesnt do me any good as i gorged myself silly w the melt-in-your-mouth beef cheeks. so good. n the halibut baby ordered is a tat too dry for me. can b better.

to think that we still ate dessert after the main course. we were walking like pregnant women when we leave the place. verdict? food is good, service excellent, ambience perfect. its worth the money we've paid for this brunch deal. good.

yes yes, we even have time for phantom of the opera after the brunch. its the special screening at GV. nt many ppl noe it. i cant resist phantom la.

after last yr's pleasent experience, we've decided to spend our fortune on this yr's white truffle season.

they told us that there r NO white truffles available AFTER we sat down.WTF??? the stock were stuck at the custom. k lor, win liao. i am so disappointed.
we've decided to continue our dinner there cos the food was really good (we rem). turn out to b good tough. although we r still disappointed that there r no white truffles. we were delighted when the server told us that the truffles will b available ONE WEEK after that. we vowed to come back.

n we really did. baby n i went back one week ltr juz to feast on the white truffles. we were apparently too distress that time. the server actually remember us n addressed me by my name when he saw me. manager came n asked me whether the food was ok, blah blah blah, server bid me goodbye (he said" bye wayne, hope to c u again!") when we paiseh. na beh.

v nice amuse bouche. roast beef w duno wat sauce. v nice.

yes yes yes!!!! eggs w blue swimmer crab and WHITE TRUFFLES shavings. they weigh n shave the truffles in front of u, so u wun b short changed. its 10 bucks per gram. n this, is my ultimate love dish. eggs r always good fren w white truffles. n the blue swimmer crab....omg, sweet n fresh. nt to mention the beauty of white truffles. the fragrance will remain in ur system for a few hours. simply love it.
this is superb. its juz linguine n truffles. the linguine is al dente, w the rich sauce n the truffles. i will pay any amt for this. super delicious.

nobody will imagine having white truffles in their dessert. verdict? it was fabulous!!!! the dark choco ice cream tasted like heaven w white truffles. n the creme brulee was oozing goodness. we were in heaven after these. btw, this is suppose to b my bday treat from baby. thank u my love. after 8 grams of white truffles.....hahhaha. go figure hw much this meal is.....

i tried to cook some fish w red pepper sauce when baby was in taiwan.....okok, after all the pix of nice food, mine looks like sh**. i noe i noe.

the 2nd coupon used will b a brunch at sentosa.

if u noticed, i didnt even comment abt the food. its mediocre. so so oni. nt really worth ur time (n entrance fee) travelling to sentosa n hav this.....if u ask me, i wun buy again.

conclusion, fullerton's brunch is better. worth ur $$$.