Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bribe the Atas Uncle

was chit chatting w my sis in the middle of the nite abt my parents' overseas trip to korea.

me: wah lau eh, u noe ah, mum told me one uncle told her korea nt fun, hokkaido more fun.
sis: hokkaido????
me: ya la!!! she think i v rich ah????
sis: hw come she changed her mind?
me: duno la, got one uncle told her hokkaido nicer. he even suggested her to go europe lor.
sis: wah!!! europe??? uncle v atas wor.....
me: stupid atas uncle *kept on cursing*
sis: bribe him la, ask him suggest ulu place
me: ya, i will stuff 50 bucks to him n ask him to say mala.......
sis: (suddenly cut my sentence) KUKUP!!!!
me: wahahahahahahahaha!!!!! y kukup????
sis: u duno ah, dat time when i was like pri 3, i went w her ma
me: then? fun meh?
sis: dats nt the point. the point is, when i was there, i kept asking "mummmeeeee, where is the TOILET"????
me: whahahahahahaha
sis: then i realised that the "toilet" was actually the hole on the floor la.
me: then?
sis: then i asked "MUMMMEEEEEE, THE SHIT N URINE GO WHERE????"
me: *laughing hysterically*
sis: then suddenly the sea went high tide....that when when i SAW THE FLOATING STUFF....i was like "WOOOOOOWWWWWWW"
me: stupid la. i muz blog this
sis: me too. eh, how to spell "kukup"?
me: k.u.k.u.p
sis: eh??? not
me: wah lan eh, u try to google KUKOOC la.
sis: hmmm, maybe got ppl spell wrong leh, u nv noe
me: *laugh so loud until my mum came into our room*

i am so going to bribe the atas uncle.
to ask my mum go kukooc.

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