Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My graduation

WK told me dat it has been a long time since i post pix on my blog.
it has been a roller coaster ride for me recently.
anyway, here r my pix for my graduation.

gowning. too busy to look at the cam.
after gowning. hair still look v nice.
Harry Potter w aura behind my head.

a v weird group photo. look at the motar. enuff say.
me n my parents
me n my lil sis n bamboo bro.
me n family
i love my darling. hahaha

ok, we were damn exhausted after like 200 photos.hahaha

after everything. we were damn tired. oh, n the hair. flat n messy. kns.

our group photo.

more photos to come.

plus one video clip of us throwing the motar.

ps MQ, YX, WK: hey darlings, where's the photos??????

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