Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Many things happen

it has been a while since i've updated my happenings here.
many things happened recently which made me realised an important thing.
i face to face the emotion asap.
it's overwhelming (spelling???)
meanwhile, we shall c what happen after tmr.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


hey folks, here's the video for our "huat motar throwing stunt"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My graduation

WK told me dat it has been a long time since i post pix on my blog.
it has been a roller coaster ride for me recently.
anyway, here r my pix for my graduation.

gowning. too busy to look at the cam.
after gowning. hair still look v nice.
Harry Potter w aura behind my head.

a v weird group photo. look at the motar. enuff say.
me n my parents
me n my lil sis n bamboo bro.
me n family
i love my darling. hahaha

ok, we were damn exhausted after like 200 photos.hahaha

after everything. we were damn tired. oh, n the hair. flat n messy. kns.

our group photo.

more photos to come.

plus one video clip of us throwing the motar.

ps MQ, YX, WK: hey darlings, where's the photos??????



Friday, November 09, 2007

A Mei's Concert

went to A Mei's concert last nite.
was is me or wat????
i nearly fell asleep during the dance segment.
i'm sure she put in all her effort to perform....but.....
i analysed it w my fren n sis. we all tot that it was the music arrangement.
got problem.
it juz wun connect.

but, i cried from 8.30 pm to 9pm.
the slow song segment.
v touched.
ji de, zhen shi, wo yao kuai le.....
A Mei tried her best.
i give her full marks for that.

its the music arrangement. i'm sure.
A Mei still rocks!!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Cowboy fallen

jay's new album sucked.
too commercialised(spelling??). do for the sake of doing.
so disappointed.
he is the last man standing. w regards to the top 3 (david tao, lee hom n him).
david tao fell out of favor donkey yrs ago after his "ghost" album.
lee hom fell flat on this new one. dunno what the hell he wans.
jay screwed himself up on this one.
where r all the good music?????
regardless of the disappointment, i've decided to give him another chance.
hope he can pull me bk on his nxt album.
or else, it will b sayonara jay.

on another note, tanya's new album is GOOD.
very tanya, v nice.
i love it.
3.5 stars out of 5.
for jay?
1 star.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I will be fine

I've removed the last post.
sorry to cos any negative feelings.
i wun say this kind of things anymore.
yes, i'm still v v v v down.
give me some time to sort it out.
i will stand up again.

thank u for the concern. WL, i will nt hate u la. thanks for the long email. i muz hav scare u. thanks buddy! pls come out for dinner when u r free. we hav been procasinating for TOO long.

thank u all for understanding.
i will pick myself up.