Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thank you ppl

i have been drinking so much recently.
got wasted last nite.
woke up w a splitting headahce this morning.
and a bump on my head this morning. so painful.
someone told me that i knocked my head against the table last nite. well, i dun quite remember.
from now onwards, i'm going to stay away from alcohol for a moment.
liver cant take it liao. old le.

anyway, lotsa things happened recently.
S & M gave birth to their baby boy.
my lucky baby is out in this world.
he's so so so so CUTE!!!!!
look so much like WH, w S's big eyes
a pretty boy.
n yes, i bought the mattress. n i CARRIED it myself to the hospital.
say i'm strong.

i'm beginning to get in terms w the things i'm facing currently.
beginning to accept what's going on.
anyway, i will b super busy for the next few weeks.
lots of deadline to be met, lots of work to do.
so if u cant get hold of me, i'm sorry. its all work work work now.

i want to thank a few ppl whom hav been showing tremendous support over the weeks.
fatcartoon, thanks for sending me the email. thanks for asking. i appreciate your kindness.
MQ,YX & K. thanks for standing by me. i felt better after that dinner w u gals dat day. love u gals.
i love my fruity gang. they r the best. standing behind me everytime. love them.
and C. thank u for all those enlightening words. i will be strong.
n all those ppl whom showed that they care, in a way or another.
thank u ppl.
i'm blessed to hav u ppl in my life.
thank u.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I've been thinking

yes folks, i've been using my brain.
work is as busy, so is my personal life.
suddenly, i juz wan peace.

while the whole world blames me for my decision, i fell flat.
i'm crushed.
dats y i need time to recover.
dun think i'm having a good time here.
i noe i deserved it.
but yet, where is the support?
i c nothing from ppl around me.
go ahead.
hate me.
scold me.
curse me.

u noe what?
the more u do dat, the more rebellious i get.
i hate everyone now.
i'm so so tired.
spare me all those thinking.
i dun wan to think anymore.
what makes u think that i am wrong????
for your information, THIS IS MY LIFE.
i do what i wan.
i wan to screw up u oso like dat.

if u wan to screw me again, or lecture me, fuck off.
i hate u.

i need support.

Sunday, October 21, 2007



