Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bangkok 2012 (Baby's Birthday Bash)

Day 1

 baby is v concerned abt her big pimple on the nose
 we had v v bad experience with cab drivers for this trip. crazy ass drivers, jams.....we've decided to stick with walking and public transport from the 2nd day onwards. 

 our fav old hotel

 1st lunch sux. lousy food. made me so pissed off.
 baby n i found this italian fushion plc at the paragon. baby is trying to read the directory for our donut mission.

 coffee here is awesome.
 baby: u xiao ah u, eat sugar for what?
me: huh? this is not dessert meh????
 i tell u, the desserts here rocks!!! totally made me feel good again after the lousy lunch. this is the waffles w rum flamed bananas n pineapples and vanila ice cream.
 awesome cake-like waffles. full of buttermilk flavours. n we cant get enuff of the flamed fruits. tasted so so good!!!!
 me: eeyer, y they put baby's da bian n a glass?
baby: oei, pls la, this is BUTTER la u idiot.
 we went around for like 30 mins n finally found the donut shop we've always wanted to try.
 baby checking out the flavours
 bought ONE. v full le la. one enuff.
 i've made reservations for this restaurant 1 month before baby's bday. this is the best restaurant in bangkok. number 1.
 i muz tell u guys that we didnt take alot of pix in the restaurant cos the camera is running out of batt. i forgot to charge. my bad.
 a v blur pix of the bday girl.
 we were the only customers at the restaurant, so it was like i've booked the whole place.....hahaha.sweet. the restaurant is damn difficult to find though. NO cab wants to take us, so we walked from the mrt stn to the restaurant. walked for abt 40 mins. xiao max.
 amuse bouche. spicy crab salad w blini n balsamic vinegar. sweet n fresh. baby n i decided to op for the 4 course dinner. we each hav a appetiser, soup, main n dessert. i ordered 2 champagne n red wine. the wine is really good (merlot, 2007).
 hokkaido scallops n hamachi carpaccio. v fresh scallops n fish. abit too sour for me though.
 this freaking dish is to die for. angle's hair pasta w black truffles cream. my oh my oh my god!!!! i can go all the way to bangkok juz for this dish. this pasta is cooked juz rite, w the cream sauce nt too rich, holding the truffle fragrance perfectly.....TO-DIE-FOR.
 i ordered a duck consomme w foie gras, while baby had the pumpkin. they served us a white peach wine sobert to cleanse our palate b4 we were served our main course. i didnt take those pix cos cam low batt....this is my main course. rib eye steak medium rare w bone marrow n red wine reduction.....super robust flavors. w the red wine, the meat is SWEET. this meal really brought me to heaven.
 baby had the deep sea cod w grapfruit sauce, white bean mash w pasta sheets. v light n tasty fish. it is not oily n too rich. the fish is sweet n light. v suitable for women.
 baby ordered this creme brulee (w citrus surprise). my oh my. this is the best creme brulee i've tasted. v creamy (yet nt too rich) w fresh zingy citrus flavour. best of best. nt to mention the caramalised sugar on top. lovely. 
 chef's special dessert. wasabi ice cream w grapes soaked in sake. v jumpy dessert. acquired taste. but i like it.

 the chef gave baby a surprise by baking a chocolate molten cake for her. on the house. the service is great too! the staff r v friendly, not over-enthu.....made us v comfortable there. v good. they even helped us to call a cab n waited for us downstairs while we finished our desserts.
baby said this this the best choco molten cake she've tasted. well balanced, nt too rich, yet the warm chocolate juz oozes out, n really really really v v tasty. choco goodness.
baby is v happy with this mini bday celebration. happy bday my love!

Day 2

 baby n i went to platinum (where else???) for shopping. i muz say their food court really serve v nice food. we ordered braised duck pot. it came w the blood too!!! nice, but abit too salty. shd hav ordered rice w it.

 grilled pork balls. not bad.
after few hours of shopping, we went bk to hotel to rest. we took a cab back n that was the greatest mistake ever. the blur cab driver took a wrong turn at chit lom (i think), n he hav to make a big turn, which took us to LUMPINI. knn. a 20 min journey became a 60 mins nitemare for us. the traffic sux, n the taxi lost its the time we r NEAR our hotel, we r dying of anger. nt to mention that we hav to walk like 1 km back cos the traffic is so bad that the cab cant even stop near our hotel. sux max.

 after last yr's horrible experience of losing our way, spending almost 2 hrs to find this place, i learnt from my lesson. i printed the address of this restaurant in thai. found this place within 10 mins when we reach chinatown.

 baby kept accusing me of causing the giant pimple on her nose. tsk. irritating.
 if u look carefully, baby is sitting on a different chair from all of us.i told her its the 慈禧太后龍椅. look at her ya ya face.
 make me felt like 李蓮英.crap.
 瀨尿蝦. we tried this w garlic n pepper this time. still super big n juicy n yummy. the prawn flesh is like a pillow in your mouth. yes, whole mouth FULL of prawn. super nice.
 紅燒魚翅v v nice. the soup is excellent. but too hot la, i burnt my lip while eating.

 we decided to chiong max for this trip. so we ordered the famous roast sucking pig. my oh my oh my oh my.

 the skin is super thin n crispy, like a piece of paper w the fragrance of pork, abit oil, melt in ur mouth w the fabulous sauce, balanced by the light cucumber, nt to mention the crepe they've made themselves, eggy n warm. v v v v nice. nw i noe y bourdian came n raved abit this. super nice. worth all the $$$$$.
after u finish the skin, they will take back the meat n fry them w garlic, pepper n dark soya sauce. we da bao the meat back to hotel (cos we r really damn stuffed by then). the meeat is v tender n juicy, remaining skin became v crispy, n the flavors from the seasoning n the meat itself is superb. this dish is damn damn good!
 they provide us w v thick 鐵觀音after the pig dish. "washes" away the greasiness. i love chinese tea.
 the signature free dessert. sugar coated yam dessert. super nice! imagine solid 芋泥.crispy on the sugar coating, flaky n soft inside w the faint fragrance of lard (ahhhh!!!!!) n 蔥油.lovely lovely lovely.
 baby: what a lovely meal!!!!
 me: lim teh. lim ah lim ah!
 simply the best chinese restaurant in bangkok.
as if nt full enuff, baby bought some cherries back to hotel.

Day 3

its a friday, so baby n i went to the weekend mkt.......
NO. we didnt go to chatuchak. we went to the traditional mkt ACROSS chatuchak.

lots n lots of fresh fruits, veg, meat....v v exciting!
they hav a cooked food section too! this stall is selling all the CURRIES. yes, curry. green curry, red curry, dun wat curry....look at the pots. go count urself.
this is the mini tau sar pia stall. baby went nuts here. we bought all the flavors (meat, green bean, red bean and sesame). v fragrant n nice! n it is HOT!!! freshly made. v good. n yes, that is baby's hand on the right, whipping all her $$$ out to buy this.
they charcoal grill the bananas. erm, taste funky. thing potato w slight sweetness. dun like.
beautiful kueh (sorry, forgot its name)
i cant resist this stall. stood there n drool big time. look at the crispy spicy fried chix wings!!!! smells heavenly lor.
w end up buying the grilled chix from this stall. yummy yummy!
we were resting while baby bite into the "meat" flavored tau sar pia. look at her face. u noe how it taste like.

baby: the "meat" flavor pia dun hav meat one....
me: huh? then wtf is in there?
baby: wintermelon candy.
me: bollocks.
baby: really, u eat *pushed the remaining pia into my mouth*
me: omg, really wor.....
nope, the big slap of thing is not bread. look carefully. they r slabs of ROASTED MEAT.燒肉!!!! wah lau eh! so big pc, i so tempted to buy one slap n drown it down w 1 litre of chang beer. talking abt calories.
the plc is v clean, bright n dry. y so diff from our wet mkt? sigh.

the red sea of "pillows" r actually PRAWNS. grilled, peeled n packed. ready to eat. n yes, whole fish too. fried. n packed. dinner anyone?
i MUST blog abt this yo. i am nt a dessert person. im fact, i hate sweet stuff (u ppl shd noe). but this blew me away! the shop is tucked at a corner of MBK. the crepe like biscults (dats wat i called them la. actual name duno) r so delicious!!!!i can eat many of this yo.

ya la ya la. now EVERYTHING oso can pay by visa.
we wanted to try their food when we were here for desserts that day, so we went bk to paragon for lunch.
i ordered iced tea with milk. look properly. they used tea to make their ice cubes, so that the tea will nt b diluted n stays cold. superb.
baby's thai iced tea granita.
this is nostalgic for me yo. smells heavenly of bacon w chicken liver pate in the spicy tomato sauce with green papaya. lovely lovely flavors!!! reminds me of the sausage spaghetti i used to have in lip's cafe when C was working there *wink at C&M*
a garden of grilled veg w spicy pesto sauce. super nice!!!!
look at the colors! who say veg not nice to eat????
baby bery happy w the food

one of the reason i wanted to cm bk here was their wonderful desserts. yes. me. dessert.
this is the sea salt caramel double chocolate cake w cream. i can oni say it is worth all my calories for this. hands down. a great dessert. love it to bits. nt too sweet, but rich chocolate ganuche, moist choco cake layer, choco icing coat, mix w salty caramel n cream . n the crisy sea salt flakes they sprinkle on top of the cake elevate the sweetness into a complex level.Y.U.M.M.Y.

look at the layers of moist cake!

some of my stash from the mkt. sweet hay bee n spicy chilli for my dishes i cook when i come bk!
went chinatown for lunch. super cold restaurant. air con free one.
baby giving f*** face. y?
noisy A.Ts sitting beside us!!! they r really EVERYWHERE!!!!
baby: y everytime we kena???
me: u cant exterminate all of them. the population is way too big.

went bk for this dish. fried duck tongue. still v nice!
stir fried bittergourd leaves. nt bad.
this is a disappointing dish. goose feet noodles. v salty. the one at TJY is better.
we wanted promfet, but they say the promfet is nt fresh, so chg fish for us. nt bad though. sweet n fresh.
baby came all the way for this. her beauty booster. bird saliva.
i wanted ginko nuts, but the ran out of it, replaced w red dates. wtf.
baby n i took the mrt back after a bizzare encounter w the cab driver. v funny actually. ask me personally then i tell u. 
nikkhun. our company's ambassador.
this strip of paper is from the waiter from the chinese restaurant we went for dinner. he helped us to write down the name of the train station n allow us to pay oni 50 baht for it. v nice n helpful chinese guy.
Day 4

baby indulging herself w the little jelly dessert we bought from the mkt the day b4. nice.
went to the airport early to hav lunch at our fav restaurant at the corner of the airport.

baby: i dun wan to go hm
me: no money liao, muz go bk n earn
my ultra fav fried salt cured pork.
very xian n bored face
EXCITED!!!! (for fuck)

tired legs going hm......

who wants to meet for dinner?
after YX go give birth (to cute cute boy), MQ oso MIA. oei, gossip session leh. call me.
n M oso. kena fly kite by C then no news liao. call me.