Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Canada Wedding

hi folks, after like 2 weeks, i've finally managed to load SOME pix for my wedding.
as some of u may noe, i went to HK and canada.
i will post the canada's pix 1st, followed by the ones we took in HK. time difference also made a big difference.hahaha.

Canada 11.10.2011

we reached toronto at abt 1 plus in the afternoon. everything was slow there. n the fedup thing for me is.....we need to pay for the luggage trolley.....2 canadian dollars lor!!!! n we kena suan by a group of ah nehs la.....sigh.....

we reach our B&B after travelling for abt 2 hrs.....
the streets r clean n quiet....and very COLD!!!!

baby n i went reccee the place n found this cake shop near our B&B. the cup cake n banana pie tasted GREAT!!!!

the B&B owners recommended us to this winery restaurant. they serve great n cheap food!!!

citrusy n crispy wine

these crab cakes r simply out of the world!!!! best crab cakes ever! crispy outside, filled w crabmeat inside. REAL stuff!!! sweet n fragrant. goes v well w the wine too!!!! great!

pork chop was tender n juicy. good food indeed!

the scene outside was great. thing is, it gets really dark after 6pm (limited street lights). baby n i went back to the B&B w some donuts n rest for the nite.

Canada 12.10.2011

baby studying the menu for our bfast. yes, the B&B owners cook daily bfast for us!!!! fresh n good!!! n its FREE. fantstic.

i tell u, this bread is out of the world. they r homemade by the owner. fresh homemade honey wheat bread. warm roasted w butter n strawberry jam..... i am nt a bread person, but i missed this the most after i came bk to singapore. they were really good.

fresh fruits. rasberries were awesome.

i ordered a 4 cheese omelette w fruit chutney n crispy bacon. wow. the omelette is soft u fluffy, cheese melted in the eggs....super super super tasty. n bacon is really crispy!!! did i mention that there r chives in the egg??? haaha.

baby's egg's ben. look at the yolk oozing out.

baby was so excited w the eggs. she loved the eggs.

this is the restaurant we will b going for our post wedding dinner.

baby n i went to the factory outlet after bfast. there r SO MANY stores!!!!

super spicy chix wings n pizza for lunch b4 we went back.

that's rite. i've brought clovie along.hahahah.

the balcony outside our room. rainy day.

our messy room

we've waited for M n C to reach b4 we went for a late dinner. heavy rain delayed the traveling time. they still look energetic, although i think they r fainting from fatigue any moment.

super luxurious appetiser of pate, ham, olives, etc.

super fresh n sweet oysters. what is canada trip wout eating oysters????
risotto w porcini n sage. oozy good risotto.

seared tuna.nice.

M insisted to have this jumbo candy floss made w maple syrup. look at the size of this monster. we cant finish it lor....4 of us.....

hide ur face la....order already dun wan to eat....kns.
the candy "molder" trying to shape it into a rose....nt a v good artist i think.....

Canada 13.10.2011

my seafood omelette w v hot n herb-y (is there such a word?) sausages. super yum! there ar even crab meat in the omelette!!!! how cool is that for bfast?

the pancake w maple syrup is simply awesome. FYI, the maple syrup here is the real stuff. nt extract. taste totally diff. add that in ur coffee too. it taste mag.

baby waiting at the hotel lounge for our wedding planner. we went to the city to take a look at the chapel, n oso go thru the rehersal.

we r literally stand on top of the falls for our wedding. the view is magnificant.

the chapel is at the 25th floor of this tower.

we went for dinner at the famous vineyard in NOTL after our engagement shoot.

this vineyard is famous for white wine n bubbled wine (dun wan to call it champange since we r nt in france....). the chef for this restaurant/vineyard is a celebrity chef in canada. yes, this is the most expensive meal we had in canada. keep on guessing.

this is the best oyster i've ever had in my life. it might nt b big n plump, but it is crispy n super super fresh n sweet!!!! the chef served it as amuse bouche w rasberry. my god, a match in heaven.

the foie gras pate w sea salt, served w grape jelly and ice wine jelly. nice. it is like foie gras ice cream. haha. aquired rich taste.

cant rem wat dish.....lobster smth....hahaha.

this berry sherbet is a palate cleanser.

veal. juicy n tender.

smth fish. hahaha.

chicken wrapped in some pastry thing.

ice wine souffle w white chocolate. nice. soft n fragrant.

this is actually a dessert dish. cinnamon donuts w cappuccino. the capuccino is actually melted coffee ice cream. v v nice.

as u can c, i dun really rem much abt the food there.

yes, it is expensive n chi chi. its nice. but nt fabulous.

i kinda think that it is super over rated. over priced too.

however, service is great. they've even helped us to arrange for transport back to our B&B after our meal.

Canada 14.10.2011

this is it.

the day we've been waiting for.

the day i've been waiting for my life.

our wedding day.

i was SUPER nervous that day. didnt eat much, even skipped lunch.

i acc the girls to the salon for their hair and makeup. this is my baby b4 her hair n makeup.

the salon owner doing makeup for baby. she is an italian. v v nice mama. friendly n funny.

baby after the hairdo n makeup

i kept myself busy when baby is having her makeup. hahaha.

(M from behind: oei, stop playing w my soft focus!!!!)

baby n C talking abt the bouquet of flowers

the "signing table" at the chapel

baby painted this herself. talented artist? (at least better than me, wrong benchmark)

our wedding cake

for our dear fruities whom r nt there w us

dou dou! to represent MQ, YX, WK n K

i was having jitters b4 the wedding. look at my plastic smile....bleh.

finally, with the song "beautiful love", we walked down the aisle n stood in front of the JP (walk too fast. song nv even finish playing the second verse)

baby was crying her eyes out when i was reading my vows.

u wan to noe y?

contents: i will nv give u my money. my money will always b mine n nv will b urs (how's dat, MQ?hahahaha)

JP: once u put the ring on her u cannot regret liao

me: really meh???? (shocked to max, until my flower also slanted)

JP: ya.

me: let me think abt it.....

*baby ready to hit my head hard w her bouquet*

baby poking me w a knife behind, making sure i really sign the contract.hahahaha

baby: u better smile

me: ......*forced smile*

baby: can u smile properly?

me: can u put away the knife behind me?

dou dou will b passed to WK for her wedding. friendship thingy ya.

baby: guai guai ah.....faster find a good boyfriend

M: i got many to choose from

*i love the "WTF" look on M's face. classic*

i will find one good man!!!

our young talented photographers. they will b getting married in May nxt yr.

baby n i wanted to take a self potriat n took a totally out of angle one. this happened in front of one of our photographers. she was so pissed n shot us a "how-dare-u-take-a-lousy-pix-in-front-of-a-photographer" look n told us "dats a horrible shot!" n she took this pix for us. really. good.hahahaha.

take a good look at the miserable boat near the falls. yes, we will b taking this boat the day after.

the "post card picturistique" views were endless at the falls n on our way back. every shot was like postcard. super beautiful.

we proceeded to charles' inn for our post wedding dinner n wedding photo shoot. the photographers told our server abt our wedding n she gave me n baby a glass of champagne each to congratulate us! so happy (bcos of free booze....hahaha)

i hav to mention this. it is a chi chi version of surf n turf. scallop w roast beef. best scallops ever. super tender n sweet!!!!! n the beef....omg, juicy, tender.....melt in ur mouth.....i am drooling as i write didnt like scallops, n yet, she tried to steal my scallops while i was talking to the others. unscrupulous thief....hmph.

the trout/salmon was really good too! nt over cooked. still moist n tender. nt bad.....

braised pork. v tender n flavorful.

we proceeded to this restaurant for desserts (our photographers raved abt the cheesecake)

i was trying to take a pix of the singer at the background. baby wanted to camwhore ya.

they r amazed at the rate my fren took pix. fyi, M took abt 700 pix by the end of 5 days in canada.

the much raved abt cheesecake....erm, nt bad la.....

by the time we went bk to our B&B n rest, we were really shack to max. nth this cup of tea can do....slp like logs.

Canada 15.10.2011

baby n i woke up at 5 plus in the morning, chat in bed, n decided to take a walk in the little backyard of the B&B at 7am. yes, this is 7am in toronto. bright hor....n it is super super super cold!

i told u she is an unscrupulous thief. (*baby wondering around*)

the owners were so funny during bfast. they asked me "so u've done it!!!" i gave a sad face n said yes. n the lady owner replied" well, too late for regret already....or do u????" hahahaha.

yes peps, we went for a icewine vineyard tour after a hearty bfast.

the theif trying to eat unrippen grapes.

trying to act class

i like this touristy shot. we went for wine tasting after taking loads of pix. bought a couple of bottles of wines....v v nice. the cab driver who sent us there waited for us all the way, sent us to our nxt destination (the falls), while he took our wines n went back to our B&B alone to pass our purchased wine to the B&B owners to place them outside our rooms! canadian ppl r so nice!

ladies n gentlemen, rem the pix i took w the boat near the falls? well, we went on it!!! here we go!

baby in the blue garbage bag.

v wet ah....soaking like hell.

baby w messy hair. we can still feel the "mist" even when we r standing v far away. the power of the niagara falls!

we walked behind the falls, felt the ground vibrate under our feet. n yes, soaked ourselves wet again.

banana garbage bag shot

there arent many good eateries at the falls. all commercialised stuff. end up we went to HRC to eat. bad choice. food is bleh.

baby: hi sir, wan to buy cho-ke-late or not?

me: wat flavour?

baby: giam chye flavour

me: ya, can c from ur face.

baby: so u still wan orrrr nooootttt?????

i think i really make a good rain deer.

this ferris wheel shot may look magnificant to u, but looks can deceive. baby was so looking forward to this ferris wheel ride. we purposely waited until 7pm to take this, bcos the lights at the falls will light up at 7pm, n we will c how mag it is on the ferris.

WRONG MOVE. the view sucked, the stupid dinosaur park beside the ferris is super noisy, n the ride made us giddy max. nearly puked out of the window....

i muz tell u guys this. due to the lousy ride, we were late for dinner. in NOTL, shops close at 6pm, restaurant take last orders at 8.30pm.

we reached this v good restaurant at 8pm. it was full. no tables.

we were rejected. suddenly, the boss put his hand on baby's shoulder, looked at her, n asked"oh, were u here last nite?"

we did dine here the day b4, so baby told him yes.

u noe what he did? he squeezed thru the crowd, navigate around, n got a table for us!!!! juz bcos of baby!!! n all thanks to her, we got dinner. yeay max. (he had been eyeing her for many days le. he even held her hand when she went to the plc to make reservations, called her darling.....hahaha. i was teasing her all the way for this trip. she got new boyfren. all thanks to this handsome guy, we hav a great dinner)

heart shaped onion on the mussles.

fabulous oysters again.

if u realise, pumkin soup almost everyday. halloween on the way la....

baby: oei, who wan to eat salad

me: dun wan

baby: who order one?

M: ........(sheepishly looked away)

baby: over order again la!!! (turned to C) u wan eat ma?

C: dun wan

duck confit. v good. crispy skin, tender n sweet meat.

me: wtf is this?
M: potato ah?

me: no leh.....cant tell.

baby: ang mo otah!

me: wtf is ang mo otah???

me: ang mo otah la. nua nua one.

only baby can give this kind of "38" answers. i officially named her the "super 8" woman. end up this is actually riccotta cheese w cauliflower puree (baby's boyfren told us).ang mo otah my a**.

Canada 16.10.2011

our last day at the B&B. the owners served us bfast w a sad face. *sob sob*

the thief in the act again

C: victoria gallery leh. got bra ma?

M: got meh got meh?

C: i think have have

M: i wan to buy. "C" cup one.

baby: wah lau eh, pls la, u think all victoria sells BRA ah????? si beh san ba......


the women from "super 8" club.

baby n i love love love this old town!!! quiant n quiet, artistic, it! we will definately come bk again.

the sky is so wide here. we cant really c from this pix, but we can really c a full arch rainbow on our way to the airport.sigh.....dun wan to go back leh....

giam chye super 8 face. bye bye canada. we will b back again!!!