Monday, April 18, 2011

Genghis Khan Exhibition + Valentino (AGAIN!!!)

went to the genghis khan exhibition w company at the MBS. v cool. love the exhibition.
i super love the sword. look so mighty.

i love this design. tattoo maybe?

the mongolians r good at bows, arrows n riding.

golden advice from the khan.

this is interesting. it is called the whistling arrow.

looks scary to me.

baby kept asking me wat this is, n i told her it is a vase. WRONG. this is a vessel for WATER. a giant pot la. wtf.







a golden cup. water taste better in gold? hmmm.....

went thai express for dinner at the MS after the exhibition.

beef noodles. good broth.

this is too sweet for me. hmm.....

met the fruities over the weekend for korean food.

laugh like hell man.

i juz love to hang out w them.

they r all so fun to b w. n real. (except for one).

kimchi pancake. yumz.

i love this samgyetang. nt too overpowering, w sweetness from the chix n the ginseng. yumz yumz.

kimchi fried rice. so so la.

super spicy nian gao.

ended the gathering w an elephanccino n lots of rubbish tok abt the $$$ n election thing.

baby n i realised that we've worked too hard for the past few mths.

we've decided to reward ourselves.

ok, an excuse for feasting.


good reason ma.

going to valentino always makes us super excited n happy.

our appetizer. beef capparcio.

super thin sliced of raw beef w olive oil, lemon, parmaggiano n rocket. brilliant. it made me really hungry AFTER eating it. drool.

on of the special for the day. braised quail. tender, w the sweetness from the mixed veg julienne stuffed inside the quail. good.

i tell u, this is the BEST pasta/linguini i've eaten for my past 31 years. simply brilliant. clams n mussels from mediterranean, cooked perfectly w linguini reduced w white wine, topped w the roes of the flying fish. the dish is full of flavours from the sea. i can taste the sea when i ate this. sweetness from the sea food, pasta cooked al dente.....omg. hw can a pasta taste this good???? this is my fav dish in valentino. period. best in the world.

the tiny quail wing.

my nutella pie w chocolate gelato

baby's assorted dessert.

the cannoli is stuffed w riccotta, candied fruits, choco chips. baby love this.

we r v v happy w the meal!

food therapy always works for us.

i am still having withdrawal syndrom from the wonderful pasta dish.

give me valentino anytime!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

My Food Blog?????

MQ recently commented that my blog is becoming a food blog. yeah meh? well, i dun dare to call myself a food blogger, simply bcos i am nt as committed n pro as they were. i juz like to eat. ALOT. watching closely on my food intake though. cant afford to put on any weight before my wedding. grrrhhhhh...... still, me n baby went into deeper indulgence since we r super stressed. bad habit.
nope, i am NOT trying to act poise. baby insisted to take this pix cos of the design on my t-shirt. i tried to STRETCH my neck to look SLIMMER.

the yummiest waffle ever. w nuts n super chocolatey ice cream!!!! super nice!!!! v glad to load my calories like this. makes me v v happy. look at how big the waffle is......
went to baby's hse (her bro nt in) to cook dinner early march.

i can oni say, i will learn my lesson.

1) i will NEVER ever scrimp on steaks anymore. i promised myself to SPEND on steaks. NOT MORE GAIM-NESS.

2) i will NEVER cook my steak to death in the future. super depressed.

3) a 2-in-1 microwave cum oven is NEVER an oven.

4) NEVER add too much lemon into ur salad dressing.

5) NEVER finish a bottle of red wine ALONE. i was pretty toasted after the bottle of wine. bleh-ness.
my warm asparaghus salad. not bad. the salad dressing w nustard, olive oil, garlice n too much lemon. wtf.
try to act cool

finished this alone. not bad this wine. quite fruity (uh huh, i dun really noe much abt wine, so, sorry la)

baked potatoes w herbs. this was the best dish that nite. i nailed it using the stupid microwave cum oven. v nice fragrant wout over cooking the potatoes. muz choose the rite ones.

over cooked steak. nt worth mentioning.

our dessert. nope, i didnt make this since there is NO oven in the hse. we bought this. i will make this soon.

baby n i went RW for lunch last fri.

hehe. yeah. fri.


the restaurant is nice enuff to accomodate to our request of making the flatbread into 2 different flavours instead of one. excellent customer service. this is the rosemary w black olives bread + garlic w cheese bread. i LOVE the garlic one. can eat the whole of this alone if u ask me. super nice.
the bread comes w a tube of dressing (which they will change everyday), butter and olive oil.

baby's salad. yummy w the grapefruit n cheese. light yet tasty.

my beef carpaccio. the thinly sliced beef is packed w flavours. v nice.

my main course. braised veal ribs. super tender n soft that the meat melts in your mouth. the mashed potato is super smooth n creamy n sweet. it accentuates the beef's flavour when eaten together. what a brilliant creation!

baby's barramundi. super crispy skin, w juicy flesh. if u can c, her masehd potato is differnt from mine. its mixed w herbs n asparaghus. goes v well w the fish. n the tomato salsa is super nice too.

look at how tender the meat is!!!!

our dessert. chocolate cappaccino w vanila ice cream. hey folks, look closely to the ice cream. c what? BLACK PEPPER. yes. there r black pepper in the vanila ice cream. super creamy ice cream w peppery kick. v v v v v v innovative creation. n it taste weirdly superb. v clean n fresh taste. v nice. i like.

look at the lava of chocolate. who the hell can resist this????

coffee n tea after meal. burp.

on our way out.

baby went TPY for her appointment on sat. i went to meet her at the hawker center ( the famous hk delight stall) for lunch.

i think the std of the food is quite inconsistent. i will think twice before q-ing up for their food nxt time.

baby treated me to a feast that day.

my ultimate comfort food.

ya, i was pretty stressed up recently cos of the frequent flying n stuff. need some good food.

ok, an excuse to pig out again i supposed.

went miramar for jap buffet.

super nice salmon skin handroll. the skin was so so so crispy that it feels like eating cracker (a v ex one).

super fresh sashimi (if u're happy n u noe u clap ur hands.....*wink wink at baby*)

ta dah.....i came for this. my ji chi bang. had 10 pcs of these. i simply cant resist chix wings la.

fresh n sweet fish soup served in a pot. too bad there is oni one serving for this.

baby kissing w shishamo.


yeah. i ordered chix wings AGAIN. WAHAHAHAHAHHA.

shochu w grape. nice.


now, i truly agree w MQ.

this is getting out of hand.

too much food?

u tell me.
