Monday, January 24, 2011

Post Op Recovery

hi folks.
it has been 4 days since the operation. and i am recovering well.
standing up n walking is definitely a v painful chore. that includes getting out of bed too.
v painful.
I tried nt to use the morphine they gave.
n i've made it.
physio went well too.
i will b ok.

baby has been taking care of me since the op.
poor baby.
she hav to stay in the hospital for 12 hrs everyday, massage my legs, wet my lips(no food or water, oni drip), help me to the toilet, hold me when i learn to walk......
n eat my food.
thank u baby.
i promise i will b well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


had nt been doing much lately.

baby n i went HV few weeks ago to try out the spicy noodles i've been wanting to try out.

look at the JUMBO plate!!!!. this is one serving oni. super big plate. taste? so so la. too sweet for me....but its sure v spicy!!!!

dunplings w mei chye filling....erm, nt much taste for this.....

random kailan
not worth the money if u ask me.
n the wtf thing is, 2am is NOT opened.AGAIN!!!! we've been missing this dessert shop for countless times. i so wanted to tryout the choc tart!!!!bleh. super angry.
to make up for my disppointment, baby n i decided to go bk to disgruntled chef for dinner a week ltr.

their new drink w white peached n thyme.nt bad nt bad. i like the mild peach taste w the herb flavour. nt bad!

this has become our fav dish from DC. lamb w cumin. acquired taste. but man, we still can rem the taste even after so long. i think its super tasty. go try it urself.

baby's spinach salad w mirin dressing

their famous curry mussles. taste? look at the nxt pix.

look at her expression. u noe y? cos its SUPER SALTY!!!!my god. i think they've added a ton of salt for this. wtf.nt signature dish if u ask me.

their fabulous pork. super crispy skin, tender meat that melts in ur mouth....drool.....

beef tartare. i love the spiciness from the horse radish (i think). rice n flavourful it.

we've ordered fig chips for dessert. guess what the white lump on the right is. no?
its cheese!!!! oh my god. its super nice!!!!! initially i tot it was vanila ice cream. so i took a big mouthful of it n got a shock of my life. the waitress came to me n ask me to relax, dun b so shocked by the cheese.....hahaha. u can imagine hw big my response was.
anyway, the figs went so well w the cheese. v good.
this, my friends, is the panna cotta w straberries drizzled w balsamic vinegar reduction. OMG. its the best panna cotta i've eaten. soft n creamy (w real vanila), n the balsmic vinegar work wonders w the strawberries......brilliant dessert!
basically, i am v happy w the meal. money well spent.

baby n i went for Hebe's concert last weekend at resort world
seats were more comfy than that of sands. shhh. we r nt suppose to take any pix in the theatre.


we went vivo for dinner after that. too ex to eat in the hotels.

my fav noodles from kim gary's.

mexican choco w peppers from max brenner. spicy but nice. the black pepper went surprisingly well w the choc drink.

i tell u, i've found the best waffle in singapore. hahaha.
this waffle is crispy from outside, soft inside......n the choco sauce, brilliantly enhances the eggy flavour of the waffle....n of cos we do noe, that bananas r good frens of chocolates.....what more do i need to say????

baby n i met up on sunday at nex to hav lunch at pu tien. this veg is full of wok hei. nt bad.

we were there to try their 煎包, but alas! the waitress told us that it is oni available in vivo. WTF!!!!!!i was so so disappointed that i let out a cry instantly. we reluctantly ordered the closest alternative for it. fried buns. nt my fav. the pork is nice n silky though.

my fav fried xin hua bee hoon. love this dish to bits. add some of thier chilli, n i can finish the whole big plate by myself.

baby wrestling w the buns.
thats all for the update folks.
i guess i wun b eating out much for the nxt 2 weeks.
i will b going for an operation on thurs.
this means that i wun b able to walk for many days.
dun ask me wat happen to me.
juz pray for me. ok?