Monday, April 20, 2009

Photo updates

seems like long time no post photo liao.
ok, here they r. randomly.

Ah Pui Kia's Full Month
My colleague invited us to her son's full month celebration. baby n i went to show our faces.

look at him. isnt he ADORABLE. he kept staring at me that day when i carried him. look at his hair. DB's hairdo.

pui kia's sis is a celebrity (little star). reconise her? she's the xiao yueninag in little nonya.v blabber-y active gal.

A lousy excuse for good food
i wanted to try out this restaurant at capital building, so i told baby that i will b giving her a real treat to good food, n oso to celebrate our monthly anni. but alas, the restaurant CHANGED their menu. wtf.
i was certainly disappointed, but since we r there n we had no choice, we had our dinner there.

this is my red pepper soup. too sweet for me. dun really like it.

baby's crab linguine w pine nuts. the nuts added extra flavour n crunchiness to the pasta. nt bad, but nt super nice.

my seabass w mustard crust. the fish was too dry, and the side dishes hav no taste. bleh.

the oni thing that is nice for our dinner is this red date pudding (complimentry). the mouthfeel was special. spongy yet smooth. not bad. n the caramel sauce was flavourful wout being too sweet. good.

I guess e best thing about this restaurant is they have a huge selection of wine. this is the SB 2007. californian wine w fruity note. i can taste the apricot in the wine. v crisp n dry. v good.
i guess i will juz drop by for dessert n wine nxt time. after dinner from somewhere else.

V Day
many of u were asking me how i spent my vday. well, i stayed at home. serious, no kidding.
yes baby, i noe. no fast food for vday, ok? (actually, this t shirt is mine. hahaha)
baby n i did some shopping the day b4, n we've decided to cook a vday lunch for ourselves.

baked escargots w garlic n herbs. v nice. will do it again.

celery sticks w guacamole and sour cream dip. healthy alternative.

pan fried pork chop + spaghetti w anchovies. not that i wan to show off, but this tasted SUPERB!!!! i nv noe i can cook so well. hahaha. the spag was aldente, perfectly flavoured w anchovies, thyme n lemon juice. n the pork is well marinated n tender. PERFECTO.

baby n i made this together. or version of baked alaska. baby made the meringue (ahem, i teach her one), n we covered the ice cream n sponge cake w it, baked in oven. our dolca.

baby is proud of her creation. of cos, it was SWEET. hahaha.

Ding Tai Feng
i will nv eat noodles again in ding tai feng. my lastest fav dish of ding tai feng is the fried rice.

baby posing for me

yeah. my fav fried rice w pork chop. the pork was soft n tender, the rice damn Q n full of "wok hei". v nice w the chilli they provided. yum.

i tried out their "hong you chao shou". nt bad.
as we r at paragon, baby n i decided to pay this shop a visit. boy, we were so right. hahaha.

we bought the macaroons. OMG. they were the best i've ever tasted in singapore. super nice. we got the rose, lavender, chocolate, pistachio, passion fruit. my personal fav is lavender n rose. baby liked the passion fruit.

she gobbled this one down bcos it is purple. duh.
we finished watching a fairy tale story in my room while we finish up the whole box of goodies.

BBQ @ East Coast
weather was cool n windy, so baby n i went to east coast for bbq.

i am proud to pitch the tent.

no baby, it wun fly away la........

"i better sit inside to prevent it from flying away"

i hav to do some "cosmetic surgery" to it b4 i brought it out. hahaha. alot of lobangz.....

of cos its me to start the fire. u expect a lady to do it ma???

baby was trying to kick my ass. but she burnt her feet in the process. ok, she didnt, i made it up.

bbq mushroom n asparaghus. yum.

baby can't wait to eat them

my version of drunkard prawns. those who tried it loved it.

baby's fav cod fish.

mr crabby b4 sauna.

mr crabby after sauna. look at the eyes. so fierce.

v v v yummy chix wing. mum marinated it for us. thanks mum!

we had more food, but we were too busy eating, so nv take pix.....hahaha....

Holland V
we went holland v last last weekend for some good food.

these yummy goodies r from provence. brazilian cheese bun (super Q), cream puff (w red beans under the cream), milk bun (super milky custard) and i forgot what liao. v v v v nice bakeries. i will go bk n buy again.

baby's cod fish. v light n tasty. the pesto sauce w anchovies n cappers goes well w the fish.
my yummy steak. wah, the mushroom tasted heavenly!!! the steak is cooked medium rare, soft, tender, juicy....full of flavour. n the fried onions goes well w the steak, making the steak sweeter.....drooling.....
baby took this pix. she said it is nicer then the previous one i took. got nicer meh? pls la. same ma....mine n icer lor, cos gt close up....hmph.
long time no drink red wine. the wine here is dry. n nt dat ex...nt bad for house wine.
baby had a set meal. this is her dessert, carrot, not the chye tao kueh la. dun b so ignorant ok? (hee hee)
me n baby
Visiting the twins
went to c my little darlings over the weekend. nat was sleeping, so i lyed my hands on giz. so cute la. her learning power is superb. J was telling me that she imitates ppl, so i tried to say "ya" countless times infront of her. after like 2 mins, she was saying it back to me!!! wah seh!!! super baby???
i changed my plan by singing "wooooooooo". by the time i leave the house, she was pouting her lips n saying "woooooooooooooo". tian cai.
when i tried to carry her for a pix, she was crying non stop, so i abandoned the idea.
nat was awake n finished his milk, so i layed my hands on him.

AIYO, SO CUTE!!!!! look at his lips!!!! v kissable hor. look so tasty. haha. he was nt really willing at 1st, then i told him "u r a handsome boy", n he SMILED. hahaha. his dimples r adorable.

i planned to kidnap him, but was caught in the act. too bad.
ok, that's all for now folks. more updates later.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Art of Acting

women r natural born actress.
i came to realise that recently.
they act infront of their colleagues, frens, family, loved ones.
act innocent, act stupid, act dumb, act to hav orgasm (when ur love making technique sucks).
all abt acting.
they hav the natural skill in them. born with it.

i wasnt this skeptical until i became a victim myself.
i can oni say, i am stupid. n i pay for my stupidity.

had dinner w YX and MQ last nite, n we reinforced this theory.
women r schemming n vicious.
nt that men r perfect. we hav our bad points too.
the common ones r ham sap, egoistic n dumb (blinded to women's "schemming-ness", if there is a word like this).

YX was telling us, a man can drink, gamble, kill, etc. but women will still forgive / endure. but if another woman come into the picture, the family will break up immediately.
suddenly our YX grow up liao. probably due to her pre-marital stress (n going to the gym too often, IQ oso grew....ok, no link.hahaha).
true la.
it is applicable for both men n women.
betrayal is always unforgivable.

but i really wonder how diff ppl react to betrayal.
close one eye? LL accept? divorce / breakup immediately? castrate ur hubby / ur wife's lover?
r u that cool about it? r u dat decisive?
i wish it is that simple.

digress too much.
back to e topic.
women, natural born actresses.
act victim. best.
volcanic/stupid ppl like me will suffer.
we will believe them at 1st. then when they show their true colors in front of us, we flared up. n they continue to act victim in front of others.
"he cheated on me, still dare to raise his voice.....booooooohooooooooooo!!!!"
fuck la. for all u noe she's a bitch, dats y he go find someone better.
i believe in justice / karma (although i still HAVENT see any).

ok. not all women r like this. hav to b fair.
but i am sure most of them act, for diff purposes.
to protect ownself, fine. but pls, dun stab other ppl.
i will make sure u get double of wat u give. dun force me. i can do it if i wan.
i will do anything to protect everything i hav now.
n u have no part in it.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Middle Finger Incident

had lunch at the coffeeshop nearby today. lazy to walk.
when we were going bk to office, this stupid sissy (no offence to other ppl. but he deserved it) tried to "sashay" his way THROUGH the 4 of us in a zig zag manner, twisting his butt as he walked. as he walked by us, he made a v v v loud "TSK" sound.
hello, excuse moi madam, but i tink ur mum did teach u how to say excuse me right????
fucking no manners. ccb.
anyway, this action prompted me to say "wah lau, u rushing for time meh? duno how to say excues me ah?" baby joined in the suan him as well. he appeared to b non chalant, walking (n twisting his butt) faster. after like 3 seconds, he turned around as he was walking, and.........


i wanted to laugh.
cos after he pointed the miserable finger, HE RAN.
yes, he ran.
i walked in front n told him "if u hav the guts u point the finger IN FRONT OF ME LA!!!"
wat a whimp!!!!
i was damn pissed initially, but after like 10 seconds, i began to find it funny.
wah lau eh.
R U A MAN???
he was acting deaf initially, then he walked faster, try to keep a "safe" distance, b4 he pointed the finger at us.
scared we bash him up is it????
damn funny la
then the way he ran, best. machiam dancing. tango.
perhaps he is trying to find his balance cos he has lost his balls to help him balance his body.
or does he have them in the 1st place?
dun think so.

pathetic ball-less-thin-finger-which-reflects-his-actual-willie-size-creature.
he shd learn how to walk.
but 1st, find the balls first. it is impt for balancing.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009






1975年2月28日 ~ 2009年4月6日