Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Art of Being Sexy

ok, now.
i was telling baby that the trend (fashion) for ladies this season will be the long awaited "boyfriend shirt".
of cos, u dun any-o-how steal ur boyfriend's shirt n wear to the streets la. muz hav class.
ok, i am hearing some of u say "how to b classy when u wear an OVERSIZED shirt?"
eh, hello, wake up la.
who say cannot.

u bet.
u noe ah, there is this thing abt boyfriend shirt that men can't resist.
a tv station in TW did a survey asking popular artists (male of cos) to comment on ladies wearing boyfriend shirt.
all response were identical.
super attractive too!!!!
ladies, u do nt need to b naked (or almost naked, or lao bua liap) to b sexy.
no no.
being sexy is an art.
its all about attitute.
not boobs.

this lady below is the one who made me tot women wearing boyfriend shirt are sexy. rem the show 每天爱你八小时? if u hav nt watched it, go rent. she wore tony leung's shirt in one of the scene.
i am sure ALL men will find this lady sexy.

ok, i feel ppl staring at the screen saying "WTF???"
ya, i noe, she acted in "artistic" films b4.
yes, i noe u gals (n some guys) will associate her w those shows.
but hey, she is really gorgous!
i think she had mastered the great art of being sexy.
tsk, dun give me the dirty look la.

wah lau, so attractive. makes me wan to grab her man. no need to b naked one.

OMG. isn't she SEXY?????
damn attractive!!!!!
look at her FLAWLESS back. the line. the legendary "back line" which is a muz have for attractive back. dun u agree?

no vaness (spelling?? who cares anyway?). everything is NOT ok.
screw u.
screw u for dumping this gorgous lady.
screw u.

kill me w that look.
kill me.

PS: i am not a pervert ok. juz wan to share some tots on the diff definations of being sexy. u can dun agree w me though.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Am I wasting my time?

the situation here is pretty bad.
so much political games played. n now, it is nt between the dept oni. it involves our big big head office at japan.
apparently, big boss wans to do EVERYTHING. this antangonised others who wanted to protect their own territories.
so, collabrations evolved. n from the situation, we will b doomed dead pretty soon.
bruudy hell.
our "retired" boss said that watever we r doing are all redundant. the HQ will nv bother to approve our project.
ok, winner.
esp MY project.
so, wat am i doing here man????
wasting my time?
u bet.
i need a new job. fast.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


妈妈最近逼得我好紧。我真的好累!” 她崩溃地哭了。“我真的不知道该怎么办。好想死。”
“我们分手吧。这样,妈妈就不会逼你了。” 他难过地说。看着她为了他们的感情而被折磨,他是心痛的。“就这样吧。” 他轻轻地放开她的手,转身想走,却被她从身后紧紧地抱着。
“不要!” 她哭得厉害:“我不要和你分开!” 他转过身,用双手轻抚她的脸。眼泪塞满了眼眶,他已经看不清楚她的脸。



交叉路口 自己生活
某个角落 就你和我
带我走 到遥远的以后
带走我 一个人自转的寂寞
带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫
我不怕 带我走
保持缄默 不皱眉头
彼此温柔 从此以后
带我走 到遥远的以后
带走我 一个人自转的寂寞
带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫
我不怕 带我走
带我走 到遥远的以后
带走我 一个人自转的寂寞
带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫
我不怕 带我走
带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My HP RIP liao

ya ya.
my hp died yesterday.
due to my stupidity.
i broke the LCD screen.
my bro told me "the one up there wans u to change phone la. face it"
well, true.
might as well.
since i dun really like the phone either.
bought a cheap sony ericsson to dong 1st.
then wait for contract to finish, then buy new phone.
btw, anyone of u buys LG phone? good ma?
tell me k?

Monday, March 16, 2009
















Monday, March 09, 2009

Stop acting. U make me sick.

yes you.
u noe who u r.

stop behaving like a victim.
enuff is enuff.
fuck off my life.

of cos, w ur great acting skills, u will definitely go v far.
at least, some dumbass will fall for it.
n it took me such a long time to realise that u r such a fake b****.
stop acting.

i am going to tell u again.
stop pestering me, my frens, n my family.
in case u dun realise, u r extremely selfish by doing things ur way wout thinking of the consequences.
stop acting like u r a saint, u forgive ppl woh hav a foul mouth, tok bad abt u, blah blah blah.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

My Taiwan Trip Update

yes yes.
finally loaded a few miserable pix.
if u rem, i kao beh abt the faulty memory card for my taiwan trip.
no, there were no magic.
the card is still spoilt.
i simply bought a new one at taiwan n took a few pix for the rest of our trips.
a few oni la. nt much.

This is the famous "ah zhong mee sua" at xi men ding.
super nice.

i gobbled down a bowl in 7 mins. super hot ok. but its nice to eat a bowl of mee sua (standing outside the shop) w loads of chilli n vinegar w cold wind blowing on ur face. SHIOK!

we went to danshui after dat to continue our food hunt.

i am showing off the prize we've won by playing the stall games. i had alot of pix on my winnings, which is in the OLD SPOILT card. too bad.
yes i noe, its v v v cold dat day, but i still insist to eat ice cream. haha. end up i hav to finish abt 3/4 of it. orh bee good.

i bought the knitted hat for baby. i tot it was quite nice.
we proceeded to my fav lu wei stall in danshui. n these r wat i ordered.

yes, i noe, it looked gross to some of u, but trust me, this is one of the best dish i've ever had in taiwan!!! uber delicious!!!! the 糯米肠,猪皮,猪头肉was fantastic!!!! v v v yummy. i will definitely go bk there to hav some more this yr.
it was still early at danshui, n we were still hungry (n i dun like to eat 阿给), so we went to shilin for somemore food n shopping.
we found this shop that sells 麻辣臭豆腐+鸭血. there was a long queue outside the shop when we saw it.
nevertheless, we decide to queue.
it is worth the wait man.

we added tang hoon to our order. it taste SUPERB!!!! smelly, v v spicy. n the tang hoon absorbed the gravy, making it v flavorful n still v Q. v v v nice.
we had this for many days after that. simply irresistable.
after a hot n spicy dish, we've decided to eat smth cold for dessert.
i realised that i can find any place i wanted to go as long as i am w baby.
we went to jay chou's restaurant few days ago (yes, in the old memory card). i tell u, it was so so difficult to find. we walk until our legs hurt so much.
i wanted to give up. but baby say we shd continue to find.
n well, we found it in the end. had a great italian meal.
n this time, i wanted to find the famous ice shop in shilin that sells flaky milk ice (always featured on tv). i cant find it a few yrs ago when i came taiwan.
n yes, baby is v the smart. she managed to walk into the correct lane, n we found it.
we ordered a chocolate flaky milk ice. the ice flaks melts almost immediately when it touches ur tongue. it was soft n nt v sweet. the mouthfeel is damn weird, but i kind of like it. v compact n soft. yum.

we went back to the hotel to rest (n to avoid the count down crowd). this cutie is (yes, the previous one) one of our winnings from the game stall. cute hor. but too bad, i broke it when i was cleaning up for CNY dat day. bleah.

baby n i wanted to try out at the small small stalls run by the artists along the danshui river. look at this. mone was a splitting image, while i think baby look like 佘诗曼in this pix. her eyes where got so big one??? i gave this pix a name. “我和佘诗曼漫步在淡水". hahaha.
yes. we cant stop eating. so baby n i bought some food back from shilin so we can countdown in our room n watch the shows on tv. comfortable.

the duno wat carrot cake. taste like sweet soon kueh to me. nt nice one. ok, i was the one who wanted to try this. my bad.

told u we cant resist the tang hoon. we da bao from the shop some spicy tang hoon. yum.

the famous "three brother" dao huey. soft n tender. nice.
we bought one big 鸡排as well. but i reckon u've already seen it b4, so no need pix la.
b4 i noe it, i was gobbling down all the food, while baby fell asleep on my lap. she did wake up for like 5 secs to wish me happy new yr b4 she sleeps again. sigh. miss piggy.
i forgot wat time i slept dat day. woke up n crave for smth hot. the hotel do provide bfast. but it was damn lousy. nt much choice. so i went downstairs n bought this for bfast.
鱿鱼羹 is a thick soup filled w cuttlefish balls (handmade), mushrooms, bambooshoots.....the whole bowl is filled w ingredients, n it is damn tasty. w abit of chilli (wat else??), it really warms up ur stomach, make u feel energetic for the day. v v v v nice!!! i bought this w a packet of fried beehoon. it was simple bee hoon, w oni beansprouts n abit of bah chor. but i tell u, it was one of the tastier bee hoon i've tasted in my life. v yummy.

after bfast, we went back to xi men ding to take the train to 三峡老街.

this the view of si men ding near our hotel. its super cold lor.
we reached the place at early noon.

it was a weekend, so it was like super duper crowded.

yes yes, ice cream again in the cold weather. baby was like "huh? again? i v cold leh" hahaha.
this was strawberry yoghurt w the 牛角面包as the cone for the ice cream. innovative.
taste? normal lor.

this stall sells sausages made from black pigs. v v tender, moist n juicy. v tasty. but there was a long queue, so i oni bought 1.

baby was staring at this medicore bowl of 甜不辣it took them like 20 mins to serve this bowl to us. the shop was FILLED TO BRIM w MIC ppl. sickening. the one sitting behind baby was a bitch. keep pushing us. n pls take note of the scarf on baby's hand. that was mine. it will disappear after 1 hr. it was last seen in this pix.
baby was so guilty that she lost my scarf (she bought it for me in taiwan when we were on biz trip ealier that time). so she promised me to get me a new one ltr that day.
wahahahaha. i got new scarf. yeah.

this was the view on the cab on our way to the mrt stn. there were no bus, no cab, no nothing when we were leaving the place. damn. we were lucky that this uncle was abt to go bk taipei. so we took his cab to the nearest mrt stn. wtf. those wout car pls dun go to the plc. v diff to find transport.
we rested for awhile at the hotel (n keep our 牛角面包. it was super nice, so we bought 10 pcs EACH. hahahaha) n proceed to our dinner.
i've always wanted to dine in kiki. cant find it on my last trip here.
baby n i found the plc (of cos, baby is my lucky star) a few days ago, n we gorged ourselves w the fabulous food there. it was so nice that we wanted to come again after 2 days.
this time, i made a reservation, so we do not need to wait for seats.

this restaurant is a modern sichuan restaurant opend by lan xin mei, matilda tao n shu qi.
the deco is european, but the dishes were authentic sichuan.

baby n i try some shots b4 our dishes arrive. she insisted to take out her glasses for this pix. i tot this pix looks good. hahaha.

we bough these watches on our way back to the hotel (the advantage of staying near xi men ding). cheap cheap.
our first dish. 蒜泥白肉. simple thinly sliced pork served w garlic sauce. super yummy. we polished up more than half of this within 5 mins. it was this good.

辣子鸡丁.baby was afraid that it will b too hot, so we asked them to reduce the spiciness of this dish. but well, it was good. crispy chix w fried garlic, hotness from the chilli.....shiok!

our non-spicy dish. egg drop soup. v tasty. light n frgrant. n u wun feel like drinking tons of water after eating here. nt that much msg was used here. v good.

ok. i noe this scares u. but trust me, its nt spicy at all. apparently, we were quite freaked out by our previous experience here, so we asked them to reduce the spiciness of this dish as well. this is the 水煮鱼 cooked with spicy bean sauce. ok la. maybe nxt time we shd try the full blast chilli. i think it shd b eaten super hot.

we were damn full after the meal. bloated.
we went to 五分埔 after the meal (quite near). baby bought me a nice scarf!!! hee.

she wanted to take this pix for a long time, but dun dare cos there r always alot of ppl around. luckily, there wasnt many ppl around dat day. ponyo ponyo.
we woke up quite early dat day, so we loitered around xi men ding to c whether we can get anymore stuff.

this stupid shop cheated me. ok, its a 夹娃娃机 shop.ask baby, n u will noe i am so expert at this. the owner of a shop we went previously was sweating beside me as i picked up 4 toys continuously.
however, this shop was a fraud. pui. the "kiap" was v loose lor. how to kiap. ma de.

baby havent really wake up. nv drink coffee, so blur blur.

ok, i noe the uncle is staring at me. but i hav to take this pix. this is the super famous shop im xi men ding selling 卤味. duck, chix, organs......v v v v v v v v nice!!!! baby n i were having alot of duck's tongue from this shop when we there. damn tasty. i bought some back to singapore (yes, they hav special travel pack), n my sis n mum loved it.

this was on one of the pillar near our hotel. i can oni ask pierce brosnan to buck up on his singing, or else he will b scrutinised everywhere. sigh. poor man.

we went to the airport at abt noon. baby was showing me how much stuff we bought from taiwan.

i am v the shack already. nt enuff sleep. still wan to take photo duno for wat.

we reached spore at 1916hrs. hee. home sweet home.

分赃. we sorted out our stuff n went bk.
we enjoyed every min of this trip.
it was fantastic to spend this quality time w baby.
we will go bk to the min su again. this time, i will bring extra memory card, juz in case.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Biz Trip

In 9 hrs time, i will be in bangkok.
no, not holiday.
last min biz trip.
suck to core.
will come bk on wed.
meanwhile, dun sms me or call me, unless u wan to chat w me using international rate.
c u guys soon.